Loose Target Brackets

  • is there a way of getting rid of the target brackets on the ships?

    i know you can hack the EXE File
    but 1. i don't know how exactly,
    2. it's not a 1.1 Version anymore,

    is there any alternative?

  • Hex-surgery is a best solution of this problem.

    Take a look on address 0x1C9804 in Freelancer.exe (F5 -> Offset: 1C9804 in Hexplorer). Then turn on "Simple data types" panel ("View" menu), and you must see "float = 1.25" there. This is a distance, at which brackets around non-targeted ships will appear. (Some sort of multiplier, 1.25 = approx. 3km). Double-click at "float = 1.25" and change it to 0, then save the file. I did the same thing and it works perfect.