I downloaded the latest version yesterday and had a close look on it today
...indeed Plasmafire and Crossfire 1.8 offer very similar graphical changes
a few things i have noticed on your mod:
1. some effect changes based on textures look pretty good on some effects but based on the texture it does not look good on other effects using the same texture... in several cased the textures of those effects look a bit weird and streched
2. i noticed that you very often use extreme big textures for stuff that gets not rendered in a size that requires such giant textures (it doesnt make much sence to use a 1024x1024 texture on an object which is as big as a fingernail on the screen)
3. you seem to use tga very often... -> why? dds have the 25% of the size of a tga and show the same detail grade if they are compiled correctly
4. sometimes i experience texture errors based on the fact that you dont use mips but only a mip0 (but no other mip)
you could reduce the size of your mod to maybe 150mb ... maybe even less without quality loss
if i would be you i would completly rework those textures and do some error checks (just an advice)
that at least would be user friendly since not everyone has the best i-net connection to download your mod (and it seems your server is also not the fastest)