A small hint for mining

  • yeah, I finally mined some gold in dublin for the first time successfully. I found it easier to spray randomly rather than actually trying to target rocks. Question re: the map, where is shows mining areas. Sometimes it shows a ´darker´ area, and sometimes a ´brighter´ area. Which is denser? MINOR MINING SPOILER: In dublin, it looks like the center of one gold field is bright. But in the Von Rohr belt in Omega-whatever (radioactive diamond field) the brighter color is the outside ring. huh? ER Edited by - Easy Rhino on 16-03-2003 10:33:36

  • I tried some mining and I think the "rock rate" is too low (perhaps it differs in different areas, only tried it in Dublin). At times I had to wait around 30 seconds between rocks... I suggest an increase in the generation rate of the targettable rocks (to balance it you´d probably need to lower the chance of getting minerals, but then again mining seems to be the least profitable career in the game)

  • in the southeast BMM mining field in dublin, I was able to fairly quickly fill up the 40 capacity in my light fighter once I was in the &quot;core&quot; area and really got good at breaking rocks. Course, if you really wanna make a big profit, then you need to haul the gold somewhere far away. So mining is kind of like being a normal merchant. But you break rocks to increase your return on investment <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ER

  • Buh, rocks? You people mine rocks? How barbaric. Are you aware of those little ships which fly around, that can also be mined? The procedure is the same: Shoot them, they blow up, and you pick up the loot which falls out. They also move and shoot back. That makes it more fun. Trust me on this one. I´ve been mining ever since Elite. Just me, the open spaces of Riedquat, and my trusty 30MW mining laser. Great place for mining.

  • Using a turret is the best thing when mining... Hit H to switch to turret view then SPACE so you´re in mouse-look mode... Sit in one spot and swivel around shooting rocks. The &quot;rock rate&quot; doesn´t really apply then, since there´s always swarms of them on other sides of your ship. Downside: getting dizzy spinning your turret in a single direction for too long. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • so can ALL rocks get mined or just the ones that make your crosshairs light up. I was in the ice fields (I forget the system) and I tried shooting the big rocks and nothing. I saw a little star shaped one fly by my screen and it made my crosshairs light up....I shot it and got something.

  • I just wanted to make sure I wasn´t doing something right. Like the other day I thought I´d try my hand at priating......I stopped at a trade lane and shot at it, but the ships continued to go through. Later I found out from someone that you´re supposed to be within 300 meters of the trade lane.

  • well it would be terrible if u did something RIGHT eh?? lol anyway, yea, i fired a starkiller at one of the bigger ice chunks and nothing, so... imagine if u could tho... badlands here we come!!!! Did somebody say my name? -Gamma Wing It´s the dreaded G-Man[[![[![[![[! -Moose

  • The best way to mine is to have a freighter and a couple of friends in fighters to help you. The cargo capacity of the freighter lets you haul in enough to make a run really worth it, and your friends can help you mine when they aren´t fighting off all the people who hate you. Whenever I try mining on my own, I spend 90% of my time fighting off pirates and never pick up enough stuff to pay for my sheild batteries and nanobots.

    Life is much too important a thing ever to talk seriously about it. -- Oscar Wilde

  • well yes you must be within range to damage trade lanes... im in my anubis and I disable a tradelane... fight of the pirates... the police.. the civilians and destroy the cargo frieghters with my guns... then i hit tractor.. get all the junk i don´t want and end up gettin a tractor failure so i can´t get the stuf tht i do want! Phoenix out PS: is combat damage a factor in tractor failures??? <img src=´http://members.shaw.ca/electricbrain2/phoenix.jpg ´> From this celestial bough all but one did fall into the pitiless fires of reach. A soldier’s ignominy to have dreamt while his brothers bled. But oh, for the rest of us his shame was our salvation.

  • Combat damage? Nono wrong idea, &quot;Tractor Failures&quot; only occur when your ship can´t hold any more of the type of things floating around you. - If your shield battery phalanx is all full, then you won´t be able to tractor in any more shield batteries. - If your cargo hold is full, then you won´t be able to tractor in any more commodities. Then, and only then you hear that &quot;tractor failure&quot; sound. Your tractor emitter cannot take any damage, it will always work perfectly. The only thing that you can _always_ tractor, is equipment (dropped guns, shields etc.) because equipment does _not_ take cargo space, but is stored &quot;elsewhere&quot; in the ship. You can lug around a stash of 300 wepaons if you want and still tractor in more. Note: if you have your cargo hold full of junk and some valuable thing is floating before you in space, open you inventory (F7), switch to ´cargo´ and you´ll have the option to jettison selected cargo items by clicking on the &quot;trashbin&quot; icon in that window. That way you can free space for the &quot;good&quot; stuff. (look for the &quot;tractor only selected item&quot; key in the options, you´ll need it if you don´t want to re-suck in all the junk you just threw out <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) WARNING: your shields are down for a certain timespan while jettisoning stuff, so don´t try this with a squad of pirates in front of you. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> D_R <img src=´http://home.arcor.de/digital_ronin/pics/vhsigweb.jpg ´> +++ <b>&quot; Infinity? Nah, been there. &quot; </b> +++ =) Edited by - Digital_Ronin on 20-03-2003 21:37:14

    [img=http://home.arcor.de/digital[_]ronin/pics/vhsigweb.jpg] +++ " Infinity? Nah, been there. " +++ =)

  • Speaking of tractoring in stuff, in SP is it possible for NPCs to steal stuff that is floating around in space? Also, if I leave a bunch of stuff floating around (say, because my cargo hold is full), but I leave a waypoint marker at that spot, then fly to a base and return, will the stuff still be there? Wap

  • First answer: no, NPC will never tractor things, at least I never saw a single one do it in the 100-odd missions that I did. (Only one exception, I think: if some pirate threatens you to drop your cargo and you actually do it, then he´ll most probably grab it. Never watched them do it though.) Second answer: nope, the universe is &quot;rebuilt&quot; each time you leave a base, and all but the static stuff (bases, tradelanes, planets) will be gone. Pretty much for the same reason you can load the same savegame twice - and in one time you will see a huge war going on outside the station after undocking, while the other time all will be clear and empty. &quot;Enemies close outside&quot; seems to be one of certain random factors during the universe-rebuilding process that takes place during each undocking. D_R <img src=´http://home.arcor.de/digital_ronin/pics/vhsigweb.jpg ´> +++ <b>&quot; Infinity? Nah, been there. &quot; </b> +++ =) Edited by - Digital_Ronin on 20-03-2003 22:30:05

    [img=http://home.arcor.de/digital[_]ronin/pics/vhsigweb.jpg] +++ " Infinity? Nah, been there. " +++ =)

  • Easy Rhino said &quot;MINOR MINING SPOILER: In dublin, it looks like the center of one gold field is bright. But in the Von Rohr belt in Omega-whatever (radioactive diamond field) the brighter color is the outside ring.&quot; Just want to tell you that the ring is in the Omega 11 system