Birthday listings, for all old Lancers reactor members

  • Including - Grand Mullah Tawakalna - July 29th

    The list as follows...

    Now in listed form -

    Eraser - Jan 2nd
    Wolf_Demon - Jan 4th
    Trail - Jan 8th
    =-EAGLE_1-= - Jan 15th
    Bargib - Jan 16th
    Stormtrooper110 - January 28'th
    ww2jacob - Feb 2nd
    Wilde - February 4th
    Xperiment#34 - Feb 7th
    Richard W. Sabatino - Feb 21st
    Killa - March 14th
    Stinger - Mar 19th
    parabolix - March 23rd
    Mau - March 24th
    Arton Alpha - Mar 26th
    Earendil - April 1st
    Scout29 - April 3rd
    mdutr0 - April 5th
    King Death - April 13th
    Boscoe - April 16th
    Darkfighter - April 24th - April 27th
    Seiferic Acid - April 30th
    Vektrix - May 1st
    Veral - May 3rd
    Codename - May 7th
    freighter fighter - May 7th
    Matt8705 - May 14th
    Skale 101 - May 19th
    Dark_Shadow2004 - May 23rd
    Locutus - May 24th
    njhockeyboy - May 24th
    Arrozal - June 2nd
    Top-Gun - June 5th
    FlyingBeef - June 14th
    neuromancer - June 20th
    blackhole2001 - June 23rd
    mrdeaths - June 26th
    Aldebaran - June 28th
    bradgyton - June 29th
    Bejaymac - July 2nd
    Arania - PFY - July 13th
    Swords - July 16th
    Eh_Steve - July 17th
    Grand Mullah Tawakalna - July 29th
    Chetnik - August 1st
    Love Shark - August ?
    Fred the dead - August 3rd
    The Shroud - August 4
    chupa - August 10th
    Yomahn - August 11th
    Accushot - August 17th
    DSQrn - Aug 20th
    Darksabre -August 23
    Darkstone - Sept ?
    alpha-leader - September 6th
    _vamp_ - September 6th
    fleish guitar123 - September 7th
    meezookeewee - Sept 10th
    sycho_warrior September 10th
    Jabez - September 13th
    Tuks - September 16th
    git - September 20th
    Fear Factor - September 21st
    jne - September 23rd
    IronSceptre - September 24th
    ElectricBrain - September 25th
    ds9phoenix - October 7th
    The REAL Freelancer - Oct 12th
    Outcast 1-1 - Oct 14th
    Chips - Oct 17th
    Recusant - Oct 21st
    TrekkieNCC63549 - Oct 25th
    Topher - Oct 28th
    Jagged - October 30th
    Dragonborn - November 12th
    Burntcustard - November 13th
    Captain Picard - November 19th
    pSYCHO - Nov 19th
    Spix - November 20th
    cyanidedreamer - November 26th
    Havak - November 28th
    Major Striker - Dec 5th
    speedmaster - dec 6th
    Aceaz - December 12th
    Bret Bretonian - Dec 21st
    Finalday - Dec 24th
    En!GmAAlon_the_ace - Dec 27th

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • The years were kept private. Plus the elderly like Taw, didn't want it known. :mrgreen:

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!

  • Quote from "Finalday"

    The years were kept private. Plus the elderly like Taw, didn't want it known. :mrgreen:

    He's probably older than an elder huh,makes me feel young :D

    Is that like older than dirt :lol:

  • I would add my birthday but I wouldn't have enough space to put all the presents I would get from my fans :o

    Your best friend till the end!

  • Not afraid of my age still a young bird April ,14, 1956
    (now were did i put that gallon of grecian formula)...?..!.. Presents..... you mean get presents???

  • Wow, lot's of people born before my dad was :p

    Well i was born in 1995 (14 years old at the moment ;)) ;)

    But i've always known that lots of people old and young like the game Freelancer :)

  • dang yellow eagle few more years u could qualify for social security :lol: anways mine is nov 12,must i put in the year??

  • Updated the shroud name

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM 120 GB hard drive
    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

    The time has come, Join The Resistance!