BBCeditor - a simple editor for BBCode

  • Here's a program you can use for forums that use BBCode - the tags needed in forums also know as boards like here on Lancers Reactor.

    This makes it easier to add bold, italic, underline, quote, code, url and the other tags allowed on websites, then you can just copy (Ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v) your text onto the page you're posting on.

    One nice thing about this program is that it has a built in spell checker for those of you that English is not your native language or you didn't pay attention in school.

    BBCeditor is a simple editor for BBCode which allows to edit and view bbcode.
    Supports custom tags, automatic tags writing, simple tag wizards and spell checking.
    Requires: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0.

    You can get it at Freeware Files:

    And at the Authors website:…b/index.php?topic=17623.0