Please please help me

  • Hmmm, tough situation. Here´s something you can try: - sell enough weapons, missiles, etc to get money to repair your ship and buy some shield/nanobot stuff. Not sure how badly damaged your ship is, so only you will know how much you will get for it. - launch from base and use afterburner to get the heck away from the battle to the nearest trade lane (use cruise if you think you can last longer enough while the engines prepare and there are no cruise disruptor missiles flying around) - go to another base, take some missions, do some mining or trading maybe, enough to get your ship back up to snuff. Basically, start salvaging weapons and equipment from your ship in exchange for hull and shield repairs. The idea being that you get your ship in good enough shape to get away from the battle, not fight in it (since your weapons will be sold or exchanged for cheaper ones). However, I am not sure which mission you are on so I don´t know if you will be able to flee the battle without screwing up the mission. Those are my thoughts, not yours, I´m WapCaplet[!

  • <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>. I have no money to pay for repairs. So what do I do? This was a poorly designed game if they made it so you can get screwed like this. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> This may sound cruel and won´t be helpful but perhaps they didn´t think that someone could play so poorly that this would ever happen. I mean, this game is all about earning money and it doesn´t let you continue until you have reached a certain worth. It needs some real skill to screw up like this. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Sorry, now for the helping part: the only solution i see for your problem is using a previous savegame and being a little bit more economic with your ressources. Don´t buy the most expensive ship when you don´t have cash reserves left after the transaction. The same goes for buying equipment. To be on the safe side you should even decline upcoming story missions and earn some extra money first. ------------- <img src=´…s/lancersreactorsmall.jpg ´> &quot;Sorry for offending your delicate sensibilities. Perhaps my next film will be about a talking dog who braves the harsh realities of the world in a heart warming attempt to find his rightful owners, who mistakenly thought he was dead. That way you could watch it and get a fuzzy feeling inside and when it was over you could all go f*ck yourselves.&quot; - Troy Duffy, director of <b>The Boondock Saints </b> Edited by - Lev Arris on 24-03-2003 23:46:36

    ------------- [img=] "Do not kill. Do not rape. Do not steal. These are principles which every man of every faith can embrace. " - Murphy MacManus

  • If the base you are at sells ships, you might be able to trade your current ship in for a CHEAPER one. The idea being that a healthy, crappy ship is better than an awesome ship that only needs one hit to be turned into space dust. I think salvaging is your best option right now. It could be that you are truly stuck and will have to resort to a saved game, but I would try just about anything to get your butt out of the fire on this one. It actually adds a rather exciting element to the game. I mean, what would Han Solo do if his ship were near destruction and he was out of money. If he had the same options, he would sell parts and scrape together whatever he had in order to survive. And isn´t that the nature of the game in some ways? You´re a Freelancer. Do whatever it takes to survive, even if that means a crappy ship with crappy weapons right now. You need the money. But again, if you can´t do any of that, then you must re-load a saved game. But try first. If you succeed, this could be a highlight of your gaming experience with FL. &quot;Oh man, there was this time my ship was totally destroyed and I had no money, and there were like 200 ships waiting to blow me to pieces. So here´s what I did...&quot; Good luck! Those are my thoughts, not yours, I´m WapCaplet[!

  • Its not my fault, I had to fly to the battleship hood and 20 ships were shooting at me the whole time so I went through my entire supply of shield and nanobots. And I can say the mission without spoilers? Ok if you say so. Its the one where you gotta rescue Quintane. I launch, a bunch of rheinland ships shoot me, I die. This is a very poorly designed game. NO game should have an impossible situation.

  • You cant blame the game here dude. I actually did the bit you are stuck on last night. I had about 100K in the bank so its not a problem. I dont think you will be able to fix your ship and run because the story wont allow it, try going back a save and building up your funds a bit first. You cant say the game is crappy just because you ran out of $$$. Hope that helps.

  • the situation isn´t impossible.. you just need to struggle with it for a bit... I agree with the last statement.. can´t blame the game because you died or are broke... it´s designed for you to get $$$... how you spend it is your fault. If your talking tactics... then follow the advice that has been posted on this topic... really really helps. trust me, these guys have bailed me outa sits. i thought i would never get out of. Phoenix out PS:thanks guys <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´ ´> From this celestial bough all but one did fall into the pitiless fires of reach. A soldier’s ignominy to have dreamt while his brothers bled. But oh, for the rest of us his shame was our salvation.

  • No I can blame the game. I had no money because the only way to make money is A. Do boring, randomized missions that I´ve done a billion times and am sick of, or B. Trade commoditys, which just involves going places and waiting and waiting to get there. So I do story missionns as soon as I can. The story missions rule but the rest of the game is just SUPER repetitive. Now can someone reply to my other topic that no one has replied to? Please?

  • If the problem is that you think the trading/freelance missions are boring and not worth playing, I suggest you find another game... You can´t do without them.

  • Well I want to play the story missions though. And of course I think they´re boring. I dunno about you guys, but I don´t like doing the same thing over and over and over. If I did, I would never buy new games and would just play my old games over and over and over. Anyone have any &quot;Get rich quick&quot; trade routes or tricks? I think that may be spoiler forum stuff, but I don´t wanna go in the spoiler forum because it has storyline spoilers, so I´d appreciate it if someone could link me directly to a topic on the issue.

  • I have to agree with swb´s post. If you don´t like the Freelancing missions, you´re probably not going to like the game much at all after the single player missions are done. Keep in mind, the game is called Freelancer. I would be dissapointed if the game only consisted of a linear single player story line. Sure, the story might be really good, but that´s not Freelancing. The title of the game itself implies that this game is very open-ended and relies on the player to make the most of the game. If you need the single player story to push you along and make the game enjoyable, then be preapred to be disspointed because the single player game makes up a very, very small portion of this game. However, if you have a good imagination and love the concept of being dropped into the middle of an expansive universe complete with warring factions, beautiful environments, a variety of bases, planets, ships, etc, then you will love the game. Basically it´s a sandbox game. It´s only as good as you make it. Think of it as The Sims in outerspace. Maybe that´s why there are so many people who are dissapointed with the game. They want the game to tell them what to do rather than deciding for themselves. This is not intended to be a flame. Just one man´s opinion. And as always... Those are my thoughts, not yours, I´m WapCaplet[! Edited by - WapCaplet on 25-03-2003 17:40:03

  • The game has been marketed as a game where you can follow the story OR freelance on your own. But the bottom line is that you really need to do both if you want to really get all you can out of the game. Sure you can spend endless hours between some missions roaming about the Liberty, Bretonia and Kusari spaces making money but you also need to take on story missions to see more of the universe. Best advise is to load an old save game and build up a little extra cash or find a better ship or ship equipment and then repeat the mission you are on. All told I spent about 30 hours on the game taking my time but also advancing the story relatively soon after leveling up. In a few instances I ignored the story mission for a few hours to better prepare. Once I determined that I had just about the best shields and weapons I could find I took on another story mission. Don´t give up though. You´ll find that the game progesses much more rapidly as you get further into the story. Oon-tee-dee!

  • I don´t mind sandbox games. I mind sandbox games that make me do the same thing over and over. I think your missing my point. And really, if I don´t wanna play, I won´t play, but till then I think I can manage my own gametime and don´t need others telling me not to play. I´m not trying to be mean, but I´m just rather tired of people trying to ostracize me because I have a different opinion then them, which some people here have done. Could someone please answer my other topic or link me to the aformentioned finances topic?

  •…tle=Freelancer&amp;M=True should be helpful... The point I am trying to make is that Freelancer isn´t Starlancer. Trading, finding out good trade routes, exploring the galaxy (and bribing half of its factions in the process to be able to <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ), ie being a Freelancer is what this game is all about, and this is how it has always been advertised (even though some features didn´t make it): As a Privateer type of game, with a story line the player can (ok, must) follow. In that respect it is a bit like Morrowind: solving the main quest is only a very small part, you have an entire universe to explore. Therefore you shouldn´t blame the game for not being like you want it to be, since it has never been advertised in the way you want it to be. <img src=´ ´>

  • Hey Aerothorn, I suggest you load from a previous saved game if you can and try and find a better ship..that, or you could do ´missions´ to get more cash....once you´re out of Liberty space you´re free to go anywhwere you choose...well, sort of...anyway, I went to Kusari space and got myself a better ship [a kusari light fighter, in fact, which is better in all respects than the Bretonian Heavy fighter, except that you cannot have more guns or a torp laucher [who care´s anyway? even has more armour and can carry just as much cargo...yes the game is designed this way....oh well.... anyway, Rhineland ships are the most powerful house ships in the they´re quite tough to beat... as for tactics [ie. you have 20 ships on your tail and you don´t want to engage, point where you want to go, activate thrusters [tab and then cut your engines [z let go of the tab key, face backwards and shoot at the´ll still be going where you want to go, and in most cases, the guys tailing you will eventually drop out and open a distance gap.... hope this helps!

  • This board must be busted, my original reply was not posted so I gotta retype it. Ok, here it is: This is not like Morrowind. Morrowind is my favorite game of all time. In Morrowind, each missions was unique- here, they are randomized and all the same. In Morrowind, there were a billion caves, secrets, and things around every corner. In this game, if I fly straight for 20 miniutes, chances are I´ll find nothing but space dust. Morrowind had a ton of variety, and never got old- I´ve only been playing this a few days and its already get tiring. I like it as a whole, it just couldn have been so much more if I had been a beta tester. Even those who like it must admit that the universe could have had more depth, more mission types, etc. I wish I could play Morrowind but it doesn´t work with Turtle BEach Santa Cruz soundcards. So I need a new sound card I can´t afford.

  • hmm...are SB Live!Value 5.1´a still for sale? anyway, Freelancer is a bit too simplified...the only way to make money is by shooting things [be it ships, trade lane gates or space debri, etc, salvaging and trading...except the trading is not well developed enough, as in the fact that there are no trading missions or contracts. There´s also the fact that missions do not take place on a larger scale in terms of area. Some missions will go as far as to tell you to go and flush out ships in an adjacent system, but that´s it. So it may be fun, but it´s not all that interesting. The other problem is that stratification in difficulty level in the Sirius Sector, going from easy to hard in the order of Liberty -&gt; Rheinland -&gt; Edge Worlds. Unfortunately, this affects the grade of ships as well. So in the end, the whole sector doesn´t quite make a lot of sense. Forgive me for saying this, It´s a cool game. I like it. But it lacks....substance.