Anyone know where, on the 'world wide web.' someone can find Freelancer fanfiction? I found some on, but have not found much anywhere else.
I've actually heard that Freelancer is based on an old sci-fi novel from the 50's/60's. From my dad. Whats scary is that I believe him because when the game first came out and I got it, he already knew the whole story down to the names of support characters, before I even took it out of the plastic wrap. o_o;
The old site had a forum for it. Perhaps, this one will to.
At some point yes. We're still working on other stuff atm. Chaos is having a helluva time getting all the files uploaded and all the flaming we get from certain undesirables whom we shall not mention, doesn't help either.
All uploads are done!
Nice! This should give many new players something to work with for some time.
Update - Check the archives, there are a lot of stories there. For me, the one by BP is priceless.
This brings back so many memories. People long gone or missing.
ALEK, Druid, The Evil Thing, Esqy, and on...
Quote from "RefusedStone"
I've actually heard that Freelancer is based on an old sci-fi novel from the 50's/60's. From my dad. Whats scary is that I believe him because when the game first came out and I got it, he already knew the whole story down to the names of support characters, before I even took it out of the plastic wrap. o_o;
-that is rather interesting, anyway you could get some more info on this? I would be curious to see if such a thing exists and if so, how close the book is to the game.
Freelancer IS based on eary 80ies game, game name is Elite.
also its MS 'version' of Gallileo Project started by Elite fans about 10y ago.i wont tell more do some investigations on web...
Freelancer is also one of very strange game concepts, half builded, fully opened, but just not obvious, like it was 'designed to be moddable by someone who finds out how'.
non moddable exe engine is also excellent, MS did excellent work there, practicaly no limits, it pulls all from txt files, considering its network resources also genious work (udp client server, low load on serverbox, load on client for almost all, minimal traffic, still its fully live, ie it makes stream of data and dont 'assume where objects will b' rly amasing work, unlike for instance EVE-online engine or similar games ...WoW etc.. .
hint.. ' its unusual for MS to make that kind of 'open' game, perheps Billy himself was involved probably liking original game... eh well he must of played it when he was young ;]'
Unfortunatly, many Google searches have turned up nothing. However, from what my dad remembers, Tobias is Trent's dad, he just has his mother's last name. And King is actually a king doing some undercover crap. o_o;
As for it being based on a game, then that game is probably based on the book, too. xD
For kicks and grins I did Google "Elite" and from the Wiki entry I can see how Freelancer is based on that game. I found a short story that was linked to the Elite universe. It was written by Robert Holdstock called "The Dark Wheel." It can be found at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. It was a good sci-fi story and worth the read.