Titan A.E.

  • Visually, I find both Titan A.E. BOTH stunning. The visual effects are going to keep me going in this game for a long time. (Even though it has a low level max.) They do have many simularities in that respect. (I wish I could find a cloud to fly through with the song "It´s my time to fly" going, and see some "angels".) But other than that, it DOES have a good story line. I think they could have made the game better though by adding only two things, more than anything else. No cap on leveling, (or at least not so low,) and possibly an ongoing story. By that, I mean everyonce in a while, you are contacted by the "order" for a mission that will bring you, say, closer to neutral with all factions... (after all. You are supposed to be keeping your eyes open to the "big picture", so you will be there and have as many contacts as possible when/if the nomads come back.) Of course, that would be effective only if you are getting too "aligned". Meaning, too close to one faction or another. And maybe have Juni come in every once in a while if you need to do something for a subplot. Even if there is only a minute number of those type occurances, it would at least keep the story from becomming just one "kill him, go here", after another.

  • OMG, now that you mention it... THERE ARE SOME BIG SIMILARITIES! The Drej are a lot like the Nomads, the main character in Titan A.E. does look a lot like Trent, there´s a big fat guy in both titles that´s taken care of the main character for a really long time, the ships and crafts look really unconventional... And there´s a scene in the movie where they´re going through a field of ice crystals... Very similar looking to something from FL. And toward the beginning when that giant ship blows up the Earth... Very similar to the original FL story, where the giant Nomad ship fires the bolt of energy into the sun and destroys the entire Solar System... I think it was all in coincidence, though... Edited by - The Mole on 30-03-2003 09:10:49

  • Main Character reminds me SO MUCH of Kyle. He starts out as a person who just wants to get by in life and become rich and explore the universe, but when he meets whomever the heck he desides to take the bigger picture and be part of something important and worth while. other then that and the aliens.. not much is similar.