empathy.ini exported into Excel spreadsheet

  • This kicks ass - thanks. I might try and put it into some kind of interactive web site... but a commodity trader calculater must come first in that format.

  • Excellent work <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

    Ya know..life is a game, a very complex game, the main difference from a computer game is that the game of life has no save reload button...

  • Very impressive, Pariah! And useful, too! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Do you perchance know how exactly this translates into in-game reputation? (I already brought this up in the editing forum, I know <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>)

  • From what I´ve seen in these forums, I believe it works like this... if you do something to a faction (killing one of them, completing or aborting a mission) you increase or decrease your rep by the amount listed in that column. Then that´s multiplied by the factor listed for all other factions. For example, if I complete a mission for ALG, my rep with them goes up by .1101. Then my rep with the Xenos changes by (-.25 * .1101) or -.0275. I´m not sure how much each bar on the screen represents in terms of numerical value but it shouldn´t be too hard to figure out by some testing. Luckily it´s always two-way, for example there aren´t any situations where, say, ALG is -.25 towards group X but group X is -.125 towards ALG. It´s always equal as far as I´ve looked.

  • Nice work...when I posted faction reputation info in another <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/forum/topic.asp?topic_id=12474&amp;forum_id=16&amp;Topic_Title=Complete+reputation+checks+and+balances+%2A%2A%2A%2AMASSIVE+SPOILERS%2A%2A%2A%2A&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Spoiler+Forum&amp;cat_title=Freelancer&amp;M=False´ Target=_Blank> thread </a>, someone asked if I could make a faction calculator, but I replied that I didn´t know enough about the exact details of the calculations to do that With your spreadsheet, we can start to form the basis of an excel calculator. However, a few things still need to be addressed: 1) What exactly do the numbers mean? Refering back to the example, if working successfully for ALG does indeed lower your rating with the Xenos by -0.0275, what exactly does the -0.0275 mean? 2.75% to the negative (which is my guess), or something else? 2) Is there anyway to verify that empathy.ini indeed works by multiplying the two factors? I think the answer to this question ultimately hinges on what the correct interpretation of the raw figures is. -- The Haen.

  • Well, to verify this data, you might just take a look at the in-game results. Those reputation bars represent numbers from -1.0 to 1.0. Every square represents exactly 0.1 points. Doing a mission for the Rogues should improve your rep with them by almost one and a half squares if we´re right about this, for example. What I wonder is, if I destroy a liberty police object, which factor should I multiply with the Rogues-LP variable to see its effect on the Rogues rep? The Rogues´ dest. obj. or the LP´s? Both make sense in a way. Also, in this situation, does shooting objects on a mission affect your reputation, too, in addition to the effect completing/failing a mission has? I know for sure it doesn´t in SP story missions.

  • I can verify this as being acurate. In what now feels like a rather silly excercise, I´ve spent quite a few hours manually making a &quot;Faction Table&quot; similar to this. What I was looking for was the multipliers. That is, if I killed Xenos for 5 bubbles loss (of Xeno faction standing), what would the impact be on other faction standings? It was pretty quickly obvious that everything was in increments of 5%, which matches the spread sheet as well (obviously). The values I got are also *very* consistent with the spread sheet values. The errors are all by no more than one &quot;jump&quot; (i.e. + or - 5%), caused by the slight uncertainty of my manual measurements as well as the coarse-grained nature (pixel) of the in-game faction standing display. The multipliers are the same no matter what you do to obtain the increase or decrease in faction standing. In other words, killing Xenos will *exactly* reverse bribing them (providing you stop killing at the right time, of course). The only situation where this isn´t true, of course, is when you max out a faction standing (+ or - 9 &quot;bubbles&quot<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. -fyo

  • I see. So the basis for any indirect adjustment to your standing with a third party is always the direct adjustment your action caused to your reputation with the immediately affected party. Meaning, that when I shoot a Xenos ship, I have to multiply the Xenos Dest. Obj. value by the Xenos-LPI relation value to get see how this will affect my relationship with LPI right? And if I bribe the Xenos, it just takes the difference between my current reputation with them an 0.5 (aways the result of a bribe, right?) as a basis which then is multiplied with the relations value of every other faction to see how my reputation with them is affected.

  • I´m glad that it does turn out to be accurate, otherwise BOY that would´ve been a waste of time. 8) --- &quot;Well... I *have* heard a rumor.&quot;

  • &gt;&gt; So the basis for any indirect adjustment to your standing with a third party is &gt;&gt; always the direct adjustment your action caused to your reputation with the &gt;&gt; immediately affected party. Yes, exactly. If you kill enough Xenos to incur a 5 &quot;bubble&quot; change in their liking of you, you can predict the exact change of any other faction simply by multiplying the factor from the spread sheet with the 5 bubbles. -fyo