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Tribute to ...
A tribute to that? ?????
Quiet funny, when you look back and remember what we had to use, the games and even DOS, my god was it that long ago.
I have to give amens for this. I remeber the first system I ever got, the Sega Genesis with Sonic 1-3. And even to this day with games like Sins of A Solar Empire, Freelancer, ect., I still prefer to go back and play my Genesis or N64.
ehh, the old while interesting wasn't that good, if it was, it would still be used.
apply that statement to yourself why don't you! and then tell me how you feel!
these were the days of real computers when people with knowledge or at least enthusiasm were the only ones who bothered to possess computers. Then a world of morons got there hands on them and we had to live with cr4ppy guis and stupid interweb and the whining of a plethora of idiots who screw things up on a daily basis.
where did it all go wrong? ah yes... WINDOWS.
mind you I liked Windows 2 but that was because it was like a black and white DOSshell. god I loved DOSshell. it was truly beautiful.
It's Sysadmin Day to day so i get to righteously abuse the L-users and turn off their interweb at dinner time and not answer any calls. I locked myself in the server room, changed the electronic combination and thought of unpleasant things to with group policy console. Sod them not being able to look at Tesco or M&S at dinnertime or chat on MSN with their moron friends and relatives.
One thing I have to say in argument against iMac is that the produceres from "back in the day" worked as hard as they could to finish a game to how they felt it should be, not like the ones today who do whatever, even half-ass it, just to get it done by a specific date. On top of that, the old school games were all original. Now it's one person has an idea, so everyone takes it and runs with it.
AA, thats the way of things in the world. Remember the Matrix? They created Bullet time, and now everyone does it.
Taw, yeah, I feel old, everyday. But, there are aspects now, that I wouldn't go back to for anything.
I would. Like a shot. I really REALLY don't like this modern world at all.
In-terms of a time period, send me back to the old west, pre civil war.
but you weren't alive then. All I want to do is put things back the way they were pre-decimalisation and metrication. I'd still be able to make a living as well, lord knows what you'd do pre-1860s, die of tuberculosis probably. In the meantime you could make an iMac out of some coloured clay and beads.
You know, thats an idea. Go back in time, get in with Steve Wozniak and be apart of Apple from the start. And change things, by keeping Bill Gates away fro the Mac prototypes. :mrgreen:
Wouldn't that just basicly turn Mac OS X into what Windows is today?
Computers are so integrated into peoples lives now, they no longer think about the newest, or best. They do what they were designed for, and best of all, no more viruses to deal with. People have evolved from their childish ways.
yes like this kewl iMac of yours..
and here's a link to a kewl, hip Apple fan site..
There's nothing that primitive in use any more.
ah, 24th century etch-a-sketch
Taw wrote-
I would. Like a shot. I really REALLY don't like this modern world at all.
I got this feeling that you are, once again, NOT alone. I cannot fathom the particulars, but this modern world is evidently spiralling down and outward. I sometimes get a very sick feeling about it, and I'm NOT at all comfortable with the currect political situation in the States. I LOVE the country in which I live, and the premise(s) it was founded upon; however, it makes me sick to think that we may be on a course (depending upon the potential political evolution we might face) to see a complete turnaround from what was originally intended for the USA. I do not wish to start a political dialogue, just pointing out that when all becomes "POLITICALLY CORRECT", all becomes like the forest without the trees...
Just my opinion -
Lancerwarrior -
there was a time from the early 1960s until the late 70s when things were, more or less, ok (apart from Vietnam and stuff like that) but essentially society was egalitarian and libertarian, material prosperity was increasing but the inherent fabric of society, family life, community spirit etc was still intact. You could trust people, kids could play outside for hours, tv wasn't the all-pervasive medium it is now, people passed the time of day with each other, shops sold good wholesome food and not pre-packaged muck, money still had some value and holidays were an adventure. There was no thoughtcrime and the authorities didnt monitor your every move and you didnt get council spies looking in your bin and people weren't trying to flog you stuff all the time. You could get a doctor out if you needed him and you trusted him, you could ask a policeman the time or directions and not get treated like a crimbo just so he could fill his quota of bullying for the day, and you could get through life as a decent person without falling foul of crazy made-up laws designed just to oppress and confuse the population. And everything was cheaper. And better made.
And quite importantly we were allowed to make our own minds up and not have fear shoved down our throats constantly. I used to play out with my friends all day during the summer and well into the evening, go for miles, come home filthy - now kids aren't allowed out of their own homes for fear of the Al-Quaeda paedophile terror gangs lurking round every corner, if you believe the tabloids and the nanny state, and god help us all if the poor little darlings get a speck of that nasty dirt on them, or worse, a cut or graze; people take their kids to orspital now for tiny cuts! and then sue whoevers property the kid was on at the time for negligence!
where did it all go wrong? when did we become this helpless morass of sheeple being blown by whatever wind is gusting at the time, unable to take even the slightest responsibility for our lives and constantly pushing blame onto someone else?
Very astute, accurate, and comprehensive observations. It is very difficult to attempt to discern where it all did go wrong, but it certainly DID go wrong and I doubt if there's any going back. Perhaps it does boil down to a lack of responsibility and perhaps even apathy on the part of the average populace. Leadership cannot exist in a causative and/or positive way if those two things are a part in any way of a governing body or person(s). Unfortunately, this may also be what we face. So be it - we do our best and try to help where and when we can.