need advice

  • need advice ,
    while playing freelancer in mp, at times i have a warning displayed on my hud to try and describe it. looks like two monitors with a arrow bending 90degrees coming from one monitor to the second monitor, and on the top right of the warning to best describe it, looks like a broom end. it flashes yellow and sometimes red, ending up in me getting destroyed with loot which is mighty annoying. i don,t understand what it,s telling me so can someone explain so i can fix it please. it would be much appreciated.

  • check if you have some particular torrent, p2p software running or similar
    upload is 99% cause of lag, or server which is in network too far away, but in 99% its problem with something in background uploading, since in general home network wan is very asymetric that causes most of problem, so turn off upload and then check on same server, if its still there then there are other things u need to do...
    also avoid fighting other players with lag, since it creates huge annoyement to others and also unfair situation... like cheat

  • thanks knife (admin)
    for that advice, i do keep away from pvp and inform them of the lag problem so i,m on to that respect. one problem is that i,m too far away maybe from server but out of curiosity how do you switch of upload , have not heard of that before, i also try to make sure that nothing is running in the background while playing a mod

  • im sry that i was sounding confusing, i was thinking of torrents or emule, or similar software, but since you have already checked that, then only place to look into reducing lag would b some bad cable or bad wireless..
    in general lag icon yellow shows high latency
    red one shows packet loss, which accures when there is loss in data inside network, or if server obsoletes package (its about 2 seconds time till server loop will discard incoming package and mark obsolete, that is 2000ms ping, which is rly rare for network matrix to b so high, no metter where server is located, so try on wireless if u use it.
    packet loss or 2000+ ping accures on sattelite networking too,
    teamspeak can b also jamming connection, reduce codec quality, and dont talk while fighting, that reduces upload, basicaly only download shouldnt matter on usual adsl links...
    i hope this helps ....
    also i have forgot something, that might b also due to bad server connection, not generaly you, same whats considering your upload is considering servers upload...