Quote from "Knife"
have u checked front page?
they are all separted in categories, and filenames are quite understandable, that is totaly pointless to add descriptions.
files are still uploading and beeing sorted, as mental said, keep in mind that theres over 16GB of data, i rly dont see point
in writting descriptions when names are quite descriptive themself. perheps u have missed lnk on front.
Maybe you don't see the point on adding descriptions, but for me the names alone doesn't mean anything, most of them looks like coded stuff. Maybe for someone who has been long time involved with FL mods and such it becomes very simple to identify them by their, most of the times, weird names, but for those who are starting with this, well, we do need descriptions, not long descriptions, but something to let us know what do we have in front of us.
With time, of course, it would be great to qualify them in some manner, for example, put some warning on all those mods that add battleships but they can't even move in space, or those that has some "features" wich makes us want to kick the computer screen, like for example TNG and the mines effects and lack of steering inertia control (great mod besides that).
Back to the topic, adding descriptions is not pointless if you see it from all the different perspectives.