** MOD PACK ** Reynen´s Cleint / Server Ship & Equipment Mod *** Vs 2.0 BETA 4b ***

  • Quick Question-- Shouldn´t the Nomad weapons use no/very little energy and the armor/shields be weaker compared to the other class ships? In the reg version with good weapons the Nomads are easy to take out but difficult to fight b/c they travel in packs. They have no shields but awesome weapons that inflict massive damage. I was curious if you intended to contradict the way they were presented in the game or if it was an accident. Either way is fine with me, I like having the Nomad DB, its sweet...just curious about the energy usage...I liked having drop-only elite 0-energy nomad weapons...what do you think? Thus is the appeal of the Nomad..<img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I´m getting an error on the new upload: Zip Library error (buffer error) Unable to extract a file from ReynenMod204 File possibly corrupt. Downloaded it 3 times...what do you think?

  • Either i did something wrong, but i´m getting 2 issues, one i thought was fixed. 1.) in my liberty cruiser, i cant buy any cargo, i could tractor before, but now i cant buy any cargo, like comoditites... 2.) The ship dealer in newark station doesnt work for me, i go to him, the screen pops up and immediatly dissapears. Did i do something wrong when i updated? Before i updated, i deleted beta 203, just so you know.

  • Imax: I was using that base as a test, no ships are sold there please see the readme. I will correct this and upload a new version. I will look into the liberty problem. ---------------------------------------------------------- Knight3579: I have been having some real problems with zip files. I will upload a new version again after I fix some issues. As far as nomads go, I am revamping them and creating my own storyline. They have the most advanced technolgy, but they will not have inf power. That is just an gross unfairness. 10 seconds can be a matter of life or death in a battleship war, imaging if a Nomad DB never had to wait to recahrge, it would own any other ship out there, same with any other nomad ship. You will notice on the description on the new loot drops that I am setting the stage for something really special in the upcoming future. That is why I have not added the new sectors yet. I am writing the storyline that I want to use. Here´s a brief teaser, &quot;They came of nowhere and laid waste to a nomad fleet like they were nothing. No one has seen such technology. They hate everyone, and kill everything they come across. They do not understand our language and we do not understand theirs. Rumors have spread of an massive invasion and of new secret sectors that no one has seen before along with a new race. Even the nomads seem nervous as our representatives have received word that they wish to talk about negotiations and treaties. Only time will tell what happens&quot; ------ Diary of Gen. Loreok Chacooni Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 25-04-2003 21:22:13

  • Imax: I found your problem. When you buy multiple ships, what you do not transfer stays on your inventory. That takes up cargo space. Especially if you buy multiple battelships and such. Having 5 extra misile turrets will fill up your cargo pretty fast. I am looking for what controls the cargo value on those. So make sure when you buy a new ships, sell the OLD equipment. Downloads are back up. Let me know if you have any problems. I have including cargo problems under the troubleshooting portion in the readme. Just FYI I fly to go get my nephew on Monday and will be back late Tuesday night. So this weekend is the last chance to get in fixes, after that gonna be real busy learning how to raise a 4 year old. Since this weekend is dedicated to fixing bugs, the server will be up pretty much all the time. Use it while you can. I take it down and use it when I am developing a new version. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 25-04-2003 21:31:13

  • Reynen- Have you or is there a way to have multiple ships/buy more than 1 at a time so you could interchange btwn them? I have seen some on other threads ans was interested if you could tell me how feasible a modification like that would be.

  • I went to fort Bush, was flying a dagger at the time, but i went to buy a RH Gunboat. I bought it, and bought all the Gunboat turrets i could, and nothing else. When i tried to luanch from the base i crashed. Im using hte version of b4 i downloaded this morning , about 7am EDT

  • Is the Nomad DB in this release? Where can I find it? I am at Baltimore Shipyard right now(readme location) and I don´t see it...Thanks

  • I have just uploaded a new version that fixed alot of bugs, this also fixes the drop loot problem. Please download the new version. TIme is 3:43 PM MST Also it is not feasible to have more then 1 ship. You would have to re-write the entire game for that and I can´t do that. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 25-04-2003 23:50:01

  • The new 204 flmod.zip has a CRC mismatch error, i think you should reupload that one. Also the RAR version has CRC errors too, at least for me. Edited by - imax on 25-04-2003 23:59:26

  • i think the A.I. with the fighters is cool...wish they would stay a little longer oh well........ok i dont mind restarting the server but for me can one of you help me understand HOW to change the start out Cash?...were tring to build a fleet but 20,000 is not enough i want to change that value....my server players are getting pissed cuz they have to start over and then only can small portions... it would save me a lot of grief guys thanx.. Battleship´s?...ya we got that <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Cmdr.Hall on 26-04-2003 00:23:40 Edited by - Cmdr.Hall on 26-04-2003 00:32:32

  • Here´s some pics of the early Alaska update: EDIT: I HATE 50megs! won´t let me link pics! just go to <A href=´http://btdi.5u.com/photo.html´ Target=_Blank>here</a> to see the pics. Both the planet and station work, except there are no people. I dunno how to fix this yet. I HATE DLL HACKING. It is soooo confusing, especially with the infocards. But, as you can see, I did it. I need help changing the weapon effects. I can´t find where the effect is referenced. Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 01:06:54 Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 03:15:10Click here Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 03:16:08 Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 03:16:33 Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 03:17:05 Edited by - BobTheDog on 26-04-2003 03:18:00

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