** MOD PACK ** Reynen´s Cleint / Server Ship & Equipment Mod *** Vs 2.0 BETA 4b ***

  • Imax: Sorry my comments were not really directed at you. It is directed at those people who complain and don´t even bother to look at the toubleshooting portion in the readme file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Synaps: I am not accusing you on anything either. I will look into fixing the TIE, I thought I updated all the ships in the infocards. As far as bitchen´s server it looked as if the DL´s were different because stuff was not named right. This could be cause the FL directory is not entirely writable and the DLL´s never got overwritten. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bob: Yes I have been to a doctor but they want me to see a specialist and I don´t have the money. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I want to make this clear to everyone. Those of you who follow my directions and download from my server and actually read the readme file I appreciate the support and suggestions and bug reporting. For those that DO NOT follow the directions and DO NOT read the readme, and then come on here and just complain, I´m going to flame the hell out of you. Sorry if I seem harsh, but I am sick and my temper is rather short. My pet peeve is people who ask questions WITHOUT taking the time to look up the answer first and want everything handed to them on a silver platter. I have put a great deal of work into the readme file and get rather upset when people don´t even bother to read it and then come on here and ask questions such as &quot;Where can I buy battleships&quot;. To something like that I´m going to say &quot;READ THE README FILE&quot; and be rather rude about it. If anyone has any more CRC errors with the new downloads please let me know ASAP and I will try and fix it. I have not found a solution for the new drop bugs. I do not know why it is just staying in your inventory. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 27-04-2003 23:26:16

  • Rey, I´ve got my Ion Cannon and the Beta Alaska System ported to 2.0 BETA 4 if ya want me to send it to you. Just tell me where, and what to send it as (.zip or .ace). Hope ya feel better soon. Edited by - BobTheDog on 27-04-2003 23:42:27 Edited by - BobTheDog on 27-04-2003 23:43:13

    P|-|3@R D@ D@//G F00lZ [url=http://www.starfyrestudios.com] [img=http://www.planetirg.net/spawn/bob2.jpg]

  • I have only my server up to play Reynen´s mod on. It was a crc error on this page dl .. and onother person say in this tread ... he have a fixed version (i dl that) prolly cus of that the files was not the same ... .... as it for now .... i NEWER gonna dl anything before it fixed by Reynen himself .... Now udated with the version dl from the first post on this page at the moment .... server ip: status page and also the mod dl from http://puma.mine.nu/freelancer/ So i hope ... it´s no more ´hard´ feelings ... cus as i and synapz also say before .... The server is up only to play Reynen´s mod on ... no other modifications .... ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// There are no STUPID questions ... ONLY STUPID ANSWERS ... Happy playing ... //BiiTcH Edited by - BiiTcH on 27-04-2003 23:49:50

  • WOW!! Talk about upset! heh.. ok , first off ! Reynen , i didnt change your mod in anyway! i dont mod nor change anything, your server version had a crc error when you tried to install with flmod ..(your updated version of 2.04) all i did was replace the files that winzip said was corrupted with the files from the first release of 2.04, they had the same date/time/size stamp and were not changed. now about the cargo <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> your right and wrong! you can not tractor CARGO!! with a cruiser, you can with a battleship! both the cruiser and the battleship will lose there cargo space if you either leave the server or get disconnected! the nomad DB will have 100 cargo space available when you return , but if u want the 500 , better buy another ship. Hope you feel better soon and agian thanks for your hard work!

  • B//tch: No hard feelings at all. I just get rather touchy sometimes. I am going to play on your server, I want to test something. So if you see some weird stuff it´s my testing ok <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I don´t want to say other people´s versions are bad, but I don´t know what they do them and I just don´t want to get blamed for what someone else did. Angeleye´s version DOES work, very well. I just don´t know what he did. Not knowing makes me worry. I didn´t know there was a prbolem with the DLL and I am really interested to know what was wrong and how they fixed it. That is all I want to know. So if I seem to harp about downloading stuff from me, it´s just because I know what you are getting. I don´t know what you may get from other people. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole: No worries. There are those that complain and those that point out bugs and help. You were helping. I think I will not group people up and reply to just single people so that no one gets accidently offended. Sorry to those that did stuff right ad took my comments personal, I did not mean for that to happen. So I am sorry. No hard feelings. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Angeleyes: Naaa not upset, frusterated <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> AHH now I see what you did. THe DLL´s where changed from the first version. That is what I meant they were not the same. The DLL´s are from the first version of 2.04 I am going to have to re-update the DLL´s since I fixed alot of stuff in the second version I uploaded on the 25th. Right now I used your DLL´s for the current download which contains the DLL from the FIRST beta 4, before the 25th updates. So people may see stuff wrong. I will fix this asap. I misunderstood with the cargo thing. I will look into this. Sorry to seem if I was flaming. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 28-04-2003 00:03:56

  • by the way if you attempt to mount gunboat standard turrets on the gunboats offerred at Fort Bush the client will crash. Took me a bit to figure what was causing it; I assume whatever convention you are using to cause a client crash on purpose to prevent people from abusing the awesome power reserves of larger ships has a logic error. And &quot;before you yell,&quot; I read the readme and downloaded from your server soooo <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. good news is the gunboat beams won´t cause a client crash, just the standard ones

  • Reynen: no prpblem whit you testing stuff on my server ... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> just wonder .. did you just say ... it´s still not the ´real´ one as it should be ... as i newly dl and installed ... and for the update ... please can you have a build number or anything else so we can better se if anyting is change ... i mean ... it´s a couple of version already of beta 4 ... cus i still try to update my server with the latest version so fast i can ... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// There are no STUPID questions ... ONLY STUPID ANSWERS ... Happy playing ... //BiiTcH

  • I downloaded the version from your link, and made sure everything in my freelancer folder was not read-only, and installed your mod. Unfortunately I´m still having the same problem with the super fighter shield. Could be it was in some way corrupted from Angeleye´s version, but I doubt it. I think a problem may lay in the fact that Freelancer originally did not support looting shields. Just a guess here. Has anyone been able to loot a Super Fighter Shield and be able to equip it once they land?

  • So far so good <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Only bugs so far, yes, the gunboat turrets crash when you mount them on the gunboat. The gunboat beam turrets work good though. Other than that, it´s just the bouncy battleship thats annoying, but it´s not major. &quot;I hit goto or dock, and the BS just spazes out, right now im in the Liberty Dreadnaught&quot;

  • Hmm ok I agree I will rename the file a bit <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Now something important. If those of you are intersted in hosting a server with my mod Please let me know. I am compiling a dedicated server list and am going to put it in the readme. Mine is often down to me testing stuff. People on this list will always get the latest versions emailed directly from me. Also makes it easier to keep track of problems. So with that if you want to host just send me the following info. Name of Server: IP addy: Number of players: Amount of uptime: Email where I can contact you (must be able to attach a 2.5MB + download) Email info to ReynenStarfyre@hotmail.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hole: I belive it is because you are using the old DLL´s. Let me udpate them and see if that fixes it. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Imax: Keirok: Concerning gunboat turrets. I also belive this is cause by the &quot;old&quot; DLL´s. Give me about an hour or 2 to update the DLL and it should work fine. <b>Look at the gunboat turret in the equipment room. If it doesn´t show the stats you are using the old dll´s. </b> Once I update the readme and change the DLL´s I will rename it to Reynenmod204b. I won´t repost on here until I have fixed the DLL´s and uploaded the new version. Don´t have much time tonight, need to get up at 5am to get ready to go to the airport. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more. Edited by - Reynen on 28-04-2003 01:07:36

  • Reynen: email sent ... <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// There are no STUPID questions ... ONLY STUPID ANSWERS ... Happy playing ... //BiiTcH

  • on the money Reynen, in my rush I missed that entirely, but umm it was happenning with the original release before the whole .dll switcheroo. Atleast I think it was. :S and good luck <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Keirok on 28-04-2003 01:13:50

  • Rey: Do ya want to put my Ion Cannon BETA and Alaska BETA into 2.0 BETA 4b? I´ll email em to ya if ya want to add ´em. You might have to send me the updated files so I can update my files to 4b but that won´t take long. Just tell me where to email the files.

    P|-|3@R D@ D@//G F00lZ [url=http://www.starfyrestudios.com] [img=http://www.planetirg.net/spawn/bob2.jpg]

  • Bob send me the files zipped. I have modified FLMM so that I can run conflicting mods for testing. I will combine them using FLMM and see how it goes <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Assuming how well things go that might end up in BETA 5. You can also send them in .zip.flmod format if you know how to make it FLMM compatible. I have just finished and will be uploading new versions soon. I have corrected the gunboat problem and the shield problems. Well at least they worked for me hehe. Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.

  • I had to use the old .dll´s so it may not work with 4b. Any hoo, I don´t know how to make it flmm compatible, but I do have the correct folder structure so it should be easy to put the files where they need to go. UPDATE: Ok, sent it. The only problems so far are that I still can´t get missions to work, though I have finally been able to add enemies. The weapons platform off to the south-west of Soldotna Station is the center of the enemy field, but you should get some enemies around Soldotna anyway. The Ion Cannon fires just like a regular missile launcher, so &quot;q&quot; works to fire it. Als, the Ion Cannon hasn´t had it´s hit points raised so it should still be easily shot off. The Planet Juneau Docking Ring is right next to Juneau Station (still haven´t moved it closer to the planet <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) Edited by - BobTheDog on 28-04-2003 02:10:12 Edited by - BobTheDog on 28-04-2003 02:17:37 Edited by - BobTheDog on 28-04-2003 02:18:05

    P|-|3@R D@ D@//G F00lZ [url=http://www.starfyrestudios.com] [img=http://www.planetirg.net/spawn/bob2.jpg]

  • Ok version 4b is now up. This should address several of the issues that were raised. If not, let me know. I´ll see what I can do with what you sent me bob, it will need some tweaking <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> You saved me alot of time though and I can use this as a template for other systems <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Once I get alaska up I will send you the files and show you what I did <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Part of the Freelancer SDK Team <A href=´http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/´ Target=_Blank>http://www.homebs.com/flsdk/</a> Tutorials, Utilties, Mods, and much more.