Freelancer Algebra

  • I tried searching the forum, and didn't find what I needed, so I'm posting this question.

    What are the formulas for figuring out the engine speed and weapon re-fire rates? Also, I feel like there are other important formulas that I'm missing so if you know others, could you please post them too? Thanx in advance.

  • weapon refire rate is coded in weapon_equip.ini:
    refire_delay = x, and refire rate is 1/x.
    Ex. "refire_delay = 0.25" is 4 shots per second

    engine speed is coded in engine_equip.ini (or... emmm... i didn't remember exactly), they're easy to find - list of parameters for each ship archetype (linear_drag, etc), but in orig. FL this types are equal to each other (because all max. speeds = 80).
    X / Y = 80, now find X and Y (48000/600 maybe) :D

  • Engine speed is the speed in m/s multiplied by 600.
    Refire rate in the inis is the delay between two shots. E.g. 1.666666 means 6 shots by second

  • Quote from "Lordadmiral Drake"

    Engine speed is the speed in m/s multiplied by 600.
    Refire rate in the inis is the delay between two shots. E.g. 1.666666 means 6 shots by second

    It's been ages since I did the engines, but if I'm wrong, wasn't it output divided by drag?
    Also, how do you figure that 1.66-> 6 shots per second?

  • Ok, here we go, i've finally found it.

    Ship Speed:

    max_force = 81600
    linear_drag = 680
    linear_drag affects "mass" of ship (in engine force and speed calculations), so max_force will be divided:
    81600 / 680 = 120 m/s max speed

    max_force = 28000
    and, if we turn on the thruster (st_equip.ini), the speed will be: (81600 + 28000) / 680 = 161,1 m/s.

  • Quote from "Alfa Astrix"

    Oh, mistake. It must be 0.xxxxxx in the ini. E.g. refire_delay=0.16666
    It must be 1 divided by what you want the refire rate to be.