well there is possiblity to turn fl into massive game,
it is possible to virtualy cluster servers and separate load,
both network and processor load, it can be made quite seemless to
players as well...
i dont know if there is anyone wishing for such major try but its quite possible
concept is basicaly this,
every node in cluster would need to have all equip, ships, commodities in thair inis.
but systems can b uniq
using web interface player would b able to move from one cluster node to
differed cluster node (ie superjumpgate into new universe)
systems holded by one cluster node would b organised in logical group
ie one box holds one house or so.
since players r around moving around sirious in different ways
someone is trading, someone is ambushing, someone is doing missions, someone is just camping...
they are not in same system anyway
concept is basicaly this
shadowed directory structure on exported filesystem from main account holder server, web interface can easy run over scripts with positive match and excert ban on all except cluster nod where player wishes to go... (failsafe to structure of not having all in base, to prevent crushing box in malicious attempt)
like this
lets say 5 servers in cluster ...
5 shadow accounts dir with exactly same accounts all exported and mounted on servers which r nodeds in cluster
once player docks in 'exact station (superjumpgate)' he uses web interface to select which is new universe sector he wishes to trevel, script bans all except that node he selects, and changes docking point as exit station into new universe sector
what would b benefits
well since load massivly depends on number of systems and npcs, as well as on number of players per box, and hard coded limit of 128 by box running it, this would make possible to universe to grow into infinite number of systems coz files which would need to be on each node would actually need only whats shared between universes, thats: ships, weapons, commodities.
any server can create universe in way they like it will put amasing ammount of creativity, coz u can conncentrate on making new stuff.
what would b limits,
still we cant brake through 128 players barrier so it would b that limit (per cluster node), per node, so max number of players which can interact in same time would b 128, but is also more then enough for single point in universe.
also all nodes would need to agree on what would b weapons, ships, commodities coz they have to b uniq in all nodes.
give some feed back on this, if theres anyone interested ...