How edit a missile to guarantee it always finds its target

  • Thanks for the good advice in respect to the cargo space. The last thing I would like to know is how to edit a missile so that it wont miss. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks

  • Add the heat seeker feature to it. In the ini file under weps in the equip folder, find the missile you want and add

    HP_Trail_Parent = HPExhaust
    seeker = Lock
    time_to_lock = 0
    seeker_range = 1000
    seeker_fov_deg = 35

    You can change the range to longer or shorter

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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  • These are the lines you want to change:

    seeker_range = 1000 How far away does the target have to be in order for the missile to lock on (in meters).
    seeker_fov_deg = 25 The angle at witch the missile will seek the target. Ex: setting it to 180 will mean it will seek a target all the way to your right or left, while setting it to 360 means it will seek a target no matter wear it is.
    max_angular_velocity = 2 This is the important one, i'm not exactly sure what this means, but i think it's the maximum turn angle. All i know for sure is setting it to 90 will allow the missile to make any turn.

    accel = 25.000000 Make sure this value under the engine section isn't to high, otherwise the missile will never make the turn, no matter what you set the above value to (in k/s).

    And finally:
    lifetime = 12.500000 This determines how far the missile flies before it dissapears (in kilometers).

    Xfire Username: byelogurov
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  • You need the heat seeker aspect of it, it gives the missile a "Target" to lock on to.

    Proud owner of a MacBook: 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
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    Mac OSX Leopard 10.5.5

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  • if the seeker fov degree goes over the range the missle lancher can on the ship turn it won't fire just keep it around ~80 and shoot when the ship is in front of you

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  • I have actually made this myself. The attached file is a working mod (using FLMM) that has a few options added into it.[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->Novastalker<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
    The critical changes are simply thus:

    seeker_fov_deg = 180
    max_angular_velocity = 10.240000

    Don't ask me where 10.24 came from, I really don't know. You can set that to whatever you want.
    But the units for max_angular_velocity are rad/s or radians per second. If you don't know what radians are, they're identical to degrees except there's 2p (6.2831...) in a full circle instead of 360.

    After running some tests on what exactly is the best seeker_fov_deg value, it appears as if the maximum effective value is exactly 180. Even when set higher the missile won't find anything more than 90º off its front.

  • Thanks for that. I am having problems editing the shiparc file it opens in notepad all messed up, but other .ini files open all right do I need a specific program to edit it?

  • All the inis are normally BINI encoded. You can decode them with FLE, but its a better idea to use the SDK, which ist just a packacke with all inis decoded.