Model Showcase
- Lordadmiral Drake
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/026/c/2/Project_Phoenix_Wallpaper_by_Nym182.jpg">http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/ ... Nym182.jpg</a><!-- m -->
The Ebon Hawk reborn - Project Phoenix - real chrome render
Model is 47k triangles// will be split in 2 and ported to FL in the near future -
You could also try to use some textures like this: http://www.filterforge.com/filters/category43-page1.html
you've got quite an interesting design
nice ship
have you tried using a more bright texture? I think it might fit even better -
The dark colour is intended. It's just the bw_panel128.tga with colour overlay. Still need UV mapping + a fitting texture for the cargo pods.
I'll take a look at that link
EDIT: The model is inspired by the Kowloon and Athabasca class freighters from Mass Effect
SWAT : I don't know why but Opera allways crashes when I want to edit or preview a post here on TLR
i noticed and already contacted the support
opera has a very weird behaviour towards some java scripts -
I've rebuilt these ships to have a more 3d feel
Anubis-Class Battlestar (Cruiser)
Nightstalker-Class Battlestar (Battleship)
Wow, skillz man
Great work. I wish I could texture at least nearly as good as you do
wow, skills man. That looks real good.
I always envy the ship models of the big mods, cause I'm not a good modeller and even less a texturer myself, so none of the ships I designed for my own mod ever got actually realized as textured 3D model
Models of course nice, but they don't look liberty.
Thanks guys!
Drake , you're more than welcome to join us if you are willing to work in a team environment and learn.
Iron118 , yeah that was our intention. We're breaking away from the entire vanilla precedent - which means no more Bretonian fish like ship, Liberty eagle like ships, and whatever the hell Kusari/Rheinland are. Our ultimate goal is to make all of the ships ingame actually look like high tech spaceships. It's a long damn road...
Thanx for the invite Forsaken but then my own mod (which has grown to quite a size already) will get no attention at all anymore.
Also, what I always wonder about you big modding teams is how you manage coordination of work and merging everyone's single work into the mod in development. That's also the reason I don't have a team myself.
Oh ok. I figured I'd ask.
TBH, we're not as huge as people might think - Now FW:TOW is a huge team!
It's sad to say but it seems that the same few guys end up doing the lion's share of the work. Afterall, too many people with their hands in the pie at once can make a mess! Having said that, with numbers does come an advantage... specialists who are expert at one solo thing. Enigma for example is the most awesome pixel pimp (photoshop guy) and Eloco and Doc are modeling experts. I'm not super at any one skill but I can do almost all modding with the exception of C++ coding. But if there is something that is kicking my ass, somebody else on the team will help.
Coordination of work used to be a HUGE problem. I used to be the gatekeeper/compiler. Everyone would send me their work and I'd compile it into the master mod - It was insane, considering we pretty much rewrote half of the inis. When we merged with the War-Torn team a few years ago, we had a brain storm session on how to improve our work flow and efficiency and eventually ended up using an SVN based system. This system stores all of the mod files on the server, which is the master copy. Everyone with access to the SVN has a copy of the mod files on their pc. Lets say, 2 guys on the team are modifying the loadouts.ini at the same time. Once they submit thier changes, the SVN will notify them of the changes made by the other guy and will merge their work (the person submitting the work can view the differences to ensure there is no conflict). The SVN also has a version history so we can revert to an older file at any point in the mod history. Also, everyone else can update their copies of the mod in 2 clicks and we all can jump back on the devserver within minutes of a major change being submitted.
You have accomplished a lot. I like your mod, your mining system, your starspheres and effects
Not to mention that War Torn was a cool project too before you guys merged.
modding with a big team can become a real mess Personally I dont like to tell somebody what he/she has to do... on the other side I can do not everything alone anymore eventhough i still do the major part. Ive decided for myself that it is best to simply make a list of jobs and everyone can pick from that list what appears to be manageable to the team members. If something good comes out... fine... if not then someone else can have another try. But I believe we went off topic...
Oh, I agree. That's why having meetings to properly define goals and mod direction are important. From there, the team member pick the tasks which are most suitable to their skill set and available time. After all, modding is a hobby not a job. Operating a server on the other hand is a job.
Anyways, back on topic - I just finished up another ship in this line...