
  • Ever since my hard drive crashed a while ago I was hoping LR still had my mod in the DL section. Unfortunately by that time the original Lancer's Reactor suffered a meltdown and it's replacement was still setting up. I'm not sure which incarnation this site is (3rd I think), but I'm quite happy that you have a copy of my mod and very happy to have it again myself!

    If anyone is looking to try a new mod, I'll list some of the features:

    New ships (primarily borrowed from a jedi and homeworld mod, credit given in readme.txt)
    A LOT of new weapons including Class 10 weapons, long range sniper weapons, beam weapons, energy missiles, and more
    Changes to make the various ship classes more distinctive
    Upgradable Armor, Scanner and Tractorbeams
    And more changes listed in the readme.txt

    Happy Gaming!