
  • Been along time since I played lol wounder how main users here will recall my clan or me in general lol

    might start playing again but need to search for a good old MOD the more real the better.

    I hated how I could pawn a clan alone in ther home system.

    yes I was that good and only a few pilots could take me on ONE on ONE that is

    lets see I recall Panther and Romulas off the bat some times it took Hrs to kill each other lol

    then there was Thumper he was getting to be some one to fear

    and there was a couple more but brain turning to mush due to so late here but I will pop on tomorrow and see whats new and if i should pull out my disk to install again to PAWN some servers with my clan and a few old mates

  • Not sure who you are and dont recall nick or person you beat.

    was looking around there only like a hand full or 2 of nicks i recall and then are they the same people not sure lol.

    was hoping allot more of the old timers would pop on might have to send a mass email out to all my old buddies lol hope they all have the same email accounts lol.

    But then I'm an old timer to this game lol when it first came out I got it and played it 24/7 some days lol also ran a server for years and help mod the odd stuff with the game.

    Quote from "Forsaken"


    Beat up some guy named [L]Richard-Wakefield. :lol: I don't think he is the best, but he is definitely good.

  • well well well look what the cat dragged in. Been along time Making you space dust term an btw term you were not that hard to kill lol. I remember hitting your server an you all thinking i had to be cheating or i was jus that good.Well i wasnt cheating.Then you all learned my tricks an could last alittle longer. lol anyways good seeing a fimilar name .I thought id look this old game up an see if it was still kickin. I guess it still is. Well maybe ill see you in space sometime. An dont get caught on my 6 with the sun to my back. Latter man