Why hello there!

  • Hi everyone...
    I'm Kalan Yamato, and I love Freelancer, I got it 2 years ago I think, and I've already finished it, and I'm planning to finish it again.
    What can I say... I love StarLancer and FreeLancer, they are my favourite space combat sims. I've played StarLancer for many years, but ever since my joystick went outdated (Sidewinder... grrr... gameport D:< ), playing with the keyboard's not very nice. I still managed to play it again with the keyboard with only those homing laser things... You don't know how hard it is to aim a space craft with the keyboard.

    I guess I'm stuck with Freelancer, since I have graphical issues with SL in my new PC, for example, many (if not all) of the nebulas look like polygons. The graphics look like a blatant Atari Jaguar game, except the ships are still well detailed. If anyone knows how to fix this problem, please leave a message; I'm dying to play StarLancer with good graphics again, and I can't be bothered to get an old computer just to do it. D:

    Anyway... nice to meet you guys.

    Also, don't mind me using the 3 little-dot-things (I don't know the definition, I'm not English xD ) alot, I'm already used to it :lol:

    EDIT: Oh, also, not to mention, I've heard of this site 3 years ago when I posted my first video on youtube (Starlancer gameplay) :3

  • Quote from "/\zz/\"

    Old starlancer player nice :) welcome to the site and i hope you find then information that you need

    Even though I did play SL lots of times, I still can't figure out how did I finish the last mission. In one of the last objectives of it, you shoot some pod things that the Alliance drops and in a chance of 1 out of 10 you do it right? :?
    I'm buying a Joystick soon, I'll figure that out later...

    And thanks. :)