Interfacing with FLMM

  • Two things I thought of: 1) An edit button; to open the mod maker/editor of your choice (the program will need to accept parameters of course). 2) A Package button; click the button and it neatly folds your mod up into a flmod file ready for shipping. The only other thing I thought of was being able to use snippets of XML instead of a big XML script: So that constants.xml edits constants.ini, etc etc. These are just thoughts, don´t go to any effort on my part.

  • Sure, i will be interested. What i need is some command line options: 1) Is a mod activated 2) deactivate a mod 3) activate a mod If possible, it will have to be a little bit faster than the previous flmm <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> to activate mods because when you are editing a mod, activation and deactivation will be pretty common. Thanks

  • Some way to tell how much CPU would be nice. I´ve found for larger mods it can take 5+ minutes to activate/deactivate the mod without using any noticable amount of CPU when I can copy &amp; paste in under 30 seconds.

  • I don´t think that so simple, here it takes a significant amount of time to activate mods and i have a 2.53Ghz P4 with 1GB of ram , so i think that there is something wrong somewhere <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • No I have an athlon 2100+ with 512 megs of ram. The CPU light doesn´t even blink while it´s activating. Go download FLRB 1.4 if you need convincing.

  • Hmm, I didn´t know FLMM was activating abnormally slow for some people <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. I have a XP2000+ w/ a WD1200JB hard drive (the hard drive is what matters when activating mods; CPU means almost nothing) and Windows XP Pro, and I can activate FLRebalance1.6 in 10 seconds! I just tried activating that mod on my 400mhz computer with a 4 year old 8.3gb hard drive and Windows 98SE, and it probably would of taken 8 minutes if I didn´t ctrl-alt-delete it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Did you guys have that slow problem with earlier versions of FLMM? If so, which version changed it? Also, what version of Windows are you running? Now, about the topic of this thread <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>: You can already find out which mods are active by looking in the system Registry. FLMM creates a string called &quot;modsmodfolder&quot; (with value either blank, or the dll it modifies using xml macros) in HKLMSoftwareFreelancer Mod Manager, and deletes that string when that mod is deactivated. As for the commandline parameters, how about: FLModManager.exe /activate=&quot;modfolder&quot; (loads FLMM normally, without splash screen, automatically activates that mod, exits if there is no error, and returns 0 if OK, and a positive number if there were errors. Deactivating would work the exact same way. Sound good?

  • Ok, I have the command line parameter working as follows: FLModManager.exe /toggle=&quot;modfolder&quot; It doesn´t show a splash screen, and it exits (returning 0) right after activating the mod if it´s successful (if it´s not, it lets the user read the log, and returns 1), so the activation process can be completely automated <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. ------------------------------------ <A href=´;Forum_ID=30´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager</a>: newbies´ dreams come true Belief in <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Jesus</a>: the only way to Heaven

  • another question : what about changing the windowtype so it will be resizable ? because when i install many mods i have to scroll endlessly until i find the ones which are activated [if this is already done ignore this post but only then please godspeed Vera Lynn &quot;we will meet again, some sunny day&quot;

  • I am using Win2K with 1GB and a 160GB Maxtor at 7200 rpm so i don´t think it´s the disk ... i could do a vtune on it to tell you what´s wrong if you want <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • vera lynn: how many mods do you have? I thought there was enough room for everyone except the extreme modders <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> shsan: if that´s possible without the source code, then by all means! I´m 99% certain it´s a problem with SHFileOperations, though. BTW, do you have the trial or full of vtune? If it´s the full, did you get a good price? <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • I´ll use the trial at home or the release at work <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> However i don´t know when i´ll be able to do it. I am in the middle of adding the code for the NPCs in my editor and it´s taking hell of a time.

  • than i am a &quot;hardcoremoduser&quot; more More MORE ! i played the elder scrolls III - morrowind with 50 to 75 mods/addons installed on my p3/600 [with a 15 meter sight ingame ironically i does not use flmm at all i unpack every mod and open the xml-file to do the changes by hand now i am merging babylon5 v3.00 with rebalance mod 1.40 and some other ships/addons to have a mod that i really like babylon5 has many ships while rebalance mod has other good additions but both mods have very ugly things in them too like too difficult and unfair at the beginning my biggest problem is the dll-loading i have no infocard or such stuff for every added thing because i cant load all the dlls at one time doing THOSE changes by hand ....... can flmm merge dlls ? &quot;we will meet again, some sunny day&quot;

  • Could you make a dll or the modmanager itself activeX compatible, in this way other programs (even the ones written in V<img src=smilies/icon_smile_blackeye.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> can interact without using the commandline. vini, vidi, reor vici sed....

  • Well, right now I don´t think it´s worth the trouble. Using the command line, you can activate small mods in &lt;5 seconds on my computer, and big mods (like FLRebalance) in &lt;15 seconds <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. ------------------------------------ <A href=´;Forum_ID=30´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Mod Manager</a>: newbies´ dreams come true Belief in <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Jesus</a>: the only way to Heaven

  • This is slightly OT, but what about having a separate bit for <i>just </i> adding ships. As alot of the popular mods completely replace some .ini´s FLMM will not let you install a ship mod over them e.g. Millenium Falcon. Ship only packs could come in the same .xml script but the line for making ships buyable at a certain base would not specify a base. Instead, when the mod is activated, the user would say which base to add the ship(s) to via a pull down menu. Ideally the base list would be scanned from .ini´s to take other mods into account but the default ones would be fine. FLMM would then backup market_ships in the usual way. Deactivating the mod would be as normal. This way any ship could be patched in to any mod - if the authors released it as a separate pack - and you wouldnt have to keep tracking half way across the universe to check out a new ship <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> If this will be alot of hassle i´ll write something to do it, but it makes sense to keep it in FLMM as everyone uses it already.

  • My 2 cts ? I like to see an &quot;&lt;include&gt;&quot; tag into the xml. Scripts are getting quite huge, so it could be usefull to split them for easy editing, and have them combined when activating th mod. Anyway, a very nice prog, soo usefull.