Post Here Your Feedback, Bug Reports and other Comments for FL Rebalance 2.01

  • X2??? Got a link? I wanna play too~!! Or at least read a preview/review or get a demo. Just as long as that game does not turn out to be a Flight Simulation at 110%! Like Crimson Skies, that did not last more than 10 minutes with me.

  • MD, since you are doing the Final Version of the Rebalance. I was wondering, in your mod, you have freighters with c10 weapon slots, VHF are to common to have c10 slots for some. Think it was possible to have a LF with c10 weapons? Sounds like old news, but I think you might recall my request for a c10 weapon capable LF ship? Like an A-Wing? It is only 2G/2T/2Torps. Possible?

  • Unfortunately I already sent the files to LR, Gameshark. There is the APS Starviper though who handles almost like a Hawk, and has class 10 weapons. But it´s listed as a VHF since that´s the way its creators ment it. Still it´s possible that this version will have a patch and i´ll eventually introduce an lvl 10 Awing there.

  • I wish they would put your file on their site, already. Thanks MD. I´m waiting with baited breath. I felt like I should say this once...well deserved KUDOS to Microsoft and Digital Anvil for releasing a virtually bug - free game. I mean what, only one server side patch, which is pretty unneccesary AFAIK. That is amazing. Truly. I wish every developer had the same level of QA/QC ontheir releases. Most games released at the same time have already had like two to three patches already, and they´re probably still broke to some extent. It has made the mod scene that much better because of a lack of confusion with versions and such. Anyway. X2 ´s trailer is very nice, and it makes me salivate thinking about it. There was a certain depth to the way they have modelled outer space. It really is worth downloading and checking out. Fileplanet is the place to go if you don´t know. _______________ What do you know

  • Hey does anyone have the same problem as i do? In data i cant seem to find the file mission 1b so i cant do jack about that part of the mission

    Never forget that if you forget your lunch, you can always go beg for one.

  • It seems to be some problems with the FTP unfortunately. EB told me that it can´t upload files bigger than 3 mb. Let´s hope it´s gonna be fixed soon, but till then the mod can´t be posted on the site...<img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>.

  • It´s not all that bad, the mod has reached EB but he can´t upload it here yet. There is still hope still, but we all gotta pray Bargib returns soon to take care of the FTP matter...:~/.

  • Hey Dan, let me know if you need a mirror !! I´ve 100mb ready to use on a German Server !! --------------------------------------------------------- &quot;I am Homer of Borg. Prepare to be Assimi... OHOHOH DONUTS !!!&quot;

  • Dude, I see two to three mods a day put up on this site, none of which I want to play because I want to play Rebalance. Please post the file somewhere else, temporarily if anything. At least do it for the diehard fanmen out there. You have an offer for a host if you can´t find one. Impatient I are. _______________ What do you know

  • I´m gonna move the forum to a new thread dedicated to the Rebalance 3.01. So after reading this(and posting one hasty reply eventually, if u did not look to carefully...<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>), pls go to the new thread.