Hi, I make some researching about correctly ship viewing. VMeshRef { dword 0x3c dword VMeshID word start_vert word end_vert word start_vert_reference word end_vert_reference word mesh_number word number_of_meshes float bounding_box[6 (minx, maxx, miny, maxy, minz, maxz) float unknown[4 } array of variables "unknown" is important for ship view, when HpMount Hardpoint is out of screen. Example: proportions of TIE Avenger is 3 x 4 x 10m. float bounding_box[6 (0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 10.0) float unknown[4 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0) My researching is in progress, but its work. Sorry ... my english ... Arachno
Single mesh -> Multiple mesh VMeshData/Ref converter uploaded
Interesting. I had ignored the bounding box and unknowns as i couldnt see any difference if you removed them from the game ships. HCls exporter writes them as all 00´s and this converter only modifies the start/end vertex/vertex_reference numbers and the mesh_number/number_of_meshes bits. Everything else is left the same. Keep me up to date with any information you get. Remember the end_vertex number is actually the number of vertexes that component uses and the end_vertex_reference number is actually how many vertexes that component references.
Difference is here : example: I have big NPC capital ship (one piece, no destroyable comp.). When you are too close (landing), this ship disappear. Engine of Freelancer has not info about size of 3D object box. Problem is .sur file, because edges of this ship are "no solid".
what are you guys using to open the Vmeshref files, is it a hex editor or something?
Yeah, hex editor is your best bet. If you use the converter you shouldnt have to touch them tho. It shouldnt be much hassle to tweak the converter a bit to make it include the Bounding Box figures. Hopefully, like Arachno says, this will solve the problem with huge ships disappearing. Or will the .sur file still be a problem? I´ll post when its done. EDIT - New version now calculates Bounding Box etc. Version 0.7b : This is a new version of the VMeshData / VMeshRef converter. Basic function remains the same, read in VMeshData anf Ref segments from an exported Freelancer .cmp and rewrites them to allow use of ships/weapons with multiple components. This time support has been added for the Bounding Box figures in the VMeshRef segments. These are not written by the .cmp exporter but are probably important for correct viewing of large ships/stations. It is possible to feed in a single mesh, single objects VMesh segments just to get the Bounding Box figures. Support has also been added for writing VMeshRef segments which span several meshes. This allows components made from separate Milkshape groups to be lumped together as one object in the .cmp. Worked examples of common uses are provided. Template .cmp files are included for a ship with destructable parts and a custom weapon model file along with complete instructions to get ships/weapons from Milkshape to a correctly defined .cmp file (no hex editing involved ). Can now handle up to 100 separate meshes. See included readme for full details/instructions. Get it <A href=´http://www.lancersreactor.org/t/download/download.asp?id=464´ Target=_Blank>here</a> Edited by - redeye on 31-07-2003 21:14:05
Will this calculate the bounding boxes of smaller ships too? Allso, is there some way to make a custom sur file?
Yes, it will.... as far as i rememeber anyway <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> You should be able to feed it in a single mesh and it will calculate the bounding box figures for you. However i´m not sure if this was ever shown to give any sort of benefit, I only put the feature in ´cause of what that Arachno guy was saying and he never got back to me on whether it had any effect. Custom .sur files are still incredibly difficult. There are some stickied posts on the Editing Forum detailing th latest progress. The best i ever got was to modify nodes on existing .sur files - but if you look at the more recent posts they´re doing some crazy maths. Good luck to them.