Can you give us a general idea of their atmosphere? Maybe what their technology and ships might be like? Something to make it stand out from the other houses.
South African Faction
well we are responsible for creating the csh2 rooivalk gunship here are links to some of our military equipment should help some There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
Er........... Hmmm....Sounds ok. But sorry, i´m busy at the moment!!
Ship names Light Fighter: Rooi Kat Heavy Fighter: Olifant Very Heavy Fighter: Rooivalk There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
Interesting. Can you give approx. translations of those names?
Rooi Kat = Red cat fact english name Olifant = Elephant Rooivalk = Red Falcon try other names if you want. There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
ahh...south africa a corrupt (damn corrupt) government lots of crime (22+pirate factions) a leader named Mbeki just like home!
I´d like to see Africans in the Freelancer as I feel very close to them. Just the other day "Prince Johnson" of Nigeria emailed me asking if he could give me a couple million dollars that were being held up by his government. Now I know he´s lying and just wants to rob me, but that´s the kind of person that makes Freelancer fun. Also, since Bretonia sux, you guys should make a Dutch or better yet a Belgian faction and have its sole purpose be to hunt Africans, with the Africans doing the opposite. Edited by - Moloch on 30-08-2003 17:00:17
who needs that???? (no offense meant) ---------------------------------------- "Just for a good shot - for what else?" <img src=´…2/marcomendez/myskull.gif ´> ----------------------------------------
a Belgian faction with only 3 ship types: -A minesweeper (capable of ramming other ships to death) -Dinghy (very light fighter capable of carrying the carabine class 1 weapon) -A frigate (only has weapons that do shield damage, so it can rip open enemy ship´s hulls using it´s own hull) Btw I´m Belgian
Wees niet boos <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> GMG rules
It would be way more cool to add a French faction with the foreign legion with uberships :p and a leader named "De Gaulle" GMG rules
True think of the infighting in the government makes for easy war to win so just pirate factions will do along with new ships and new weapons and bases scatterd through out sirius and no love for any other faction not even other SA factions There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
"Affirmative action" should be given it rightful place in such a "****-hole" too... remember SA would never have come this far without it...[very sarcastically speaking, of coarse <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
True very very true There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
Heh, the French weaps should be called: Froggo 1 Froogo 2 Hopper Mark 1 Hopper Mark 2 That is, is the french are that smart. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I´d love to see a South African Fraction. Lots of Tans, Browns and Reds for the colours. With fast fighters, tachyon guns and lots of torps. *Druls* Gimme! The french propably at the sleeper ship launch, just had to be different and flew the other way.
Anyone draw some concepts up then? Id model it if u could find a skinner. <-Is a durbanite
Well... it is maybe a South African MOD 1.0 going on here? I can do the system modding... but what shall i call the bases/systems? This is a very intersting MOD, i think, when you add a new faction/house. What shall we call the House <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>? Hope this will work! Edited by - Orillion on 09-09-2003 17:07:25
New Joburg for one still thinking for more system names There isn´t a problem that can´t be fixed without the correct amount of explosives.
Scout, Rotor, lay off those offensive remarks. Some of them might be FACTS, I know, but someone else can say many facts about you or your mother or your country that offend you. So if you´ve got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all. Keep your next posts relevant to the discussion, and keep them non-offensive. Now I´m leaving this thread alone for now, but I´ll be checking back and keeping an eye.