Tasiin, Mad_Dog caught cheating

  • Wow. F1 escape manuevers, excessive verbal abuse, AND cheating. neo´s posts about being ´elite´ and ´skillful´ are starting to seem rather silly. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Trust me... I´m watching them alright.. Them and everyone else on the server <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Yeah.. the giants history repeats it self... I believe they cheat subtely, one cheat here, one cheat there... not an everytime phenomenon. This way they cheat, and cheat the admin that is uncapable of pointing the finger on them, and worse, being siamese twins of the admin they know exactly what they can do, or not to avoid detection.

  • hhhmmm could the game be up for NEO? I will make no comments. P.S. to all NEO´s attacking a clan that is on your friendly and neutral list by mistaking them for a different clan is not acceptable. And making the same mistake more than once is intolerable. Don´t let it happen Again!

  • Enemy clan.. thats funny, last i heard i tried to make peace with you guys, got several refusals, then started to get the idea the hope of peace was possible one day, and got a sneak atack and my clan was torn from the inside with spies you placed within, im not a clan leader, thanks to you. Using that logic you just mentioned then claims from neo regarding other clans cheating and its own cheating would be invalid also

  • About moby... well... i cant comment heh But i can comment regarding hairy and chimera that atacked us on seattle regardless of the NEO oficial position about staying on elite and only on elite. I was going to report hairy in his smurf nick untill he said &quot;DROP THE EMAIL, im hairy&quot; Anyway some hours later everyone had to rally to kill 2 neos, im talking about 10 or 15 guys on 2 guys, and they were killing everyone, skill? i think not, both of them moved faster, fired at faster rates, and everyone present agreed on this, so i dispached an email do seattle admin, unfortunelly the server got converted for halo and no one will know the truth regarding this matter. Edited by - cams on 23-08-2003 22:33:38

  • Again, I don´t think the word of a [former enemy clan leader (or in this case, someone who created a clan who´s prime objectives (from your old UNG forum) included &quot;Humiliating NEO in any way possible&quot; ) is really that good without evidence. Edited by - [NEOZ0PharX on 23-08-2003 22:38:40

  • Fortunelly UNG was there too, and independents were there too, and MC, SC clan was there too, everyone saw it, and i could get some of them here just to testify, of course nothing without evidence would earn anything, but on the other way, evidence on elite regarding neo tends to be ignored on a common basis.

  • IT IS A ****ING GAME PEOPLE!!! A GAME! IT IS NOT REAL LIFE! WAKE UP AND GO OUTSIDE, is your life really so pitiful you need to find &quot;Cheaters&quot; that probably haven´t even cheated? Is it reaaly neccesary? Who gives a ****, honestly? You people act like it is the end of the world when something happens in game that you can´t immediatly explain by your own mindpower, why not ask Tasiin or MD what was going on? It might have been because they had Blackhawk or someone else giving them nanos when they repaired for all you know, but you didn´t even reason that, and if you think it is impossible to trade while in midd flight you are sorely mistaken, I am not saying NEO didn´t, and I´m not saying they are cheaters either, all I´m saying is you people who make accusations about this crap need lives, seriously, go take an hour break from the game and think about what you have done with your lives, and I bet you will be suprised at how much time you take up in your little fantasy worlds instead of becoming a healthy member of society. My opinion, thank you for listening, feel free to post your flames underneath my post, but guess what, I´m still not going to give a ****, sorry. =D Poison From The Past

    Poison From The Past I have tasted the flesh of fallen angels... I`ve tasted the Devil`s green blood. It runs in my veins. I`ve seen beyond the world of skin, The architecture of blood and bone marrow... Death is coming... She is coming, and Hell follows with her! This is the Twilight Winter... I am ready to be her son! Her time is now, and all whostand in her way... MUST DIE!!!" -Jack Lupino

  • ...why not ask Tasiin or MD what was going on... NEO lies on a permanent basis, so its useless, you prolly get insulted and your log goes to the neo boards for everyone there to laugh at you and post about how superior they are

  • Moby... we constantly have 63 bots and bats becouse we dont use them Now lets see these screenshots... Oh thats right... you dont have any. bai time ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>

  • Cliff´s notes for the lazy: Post evidence and start acting your age. If you guys can´t start posting and treating each other in a manner resembling that of mature adults, I will be forced to lock and/or delete any future threads like this. It´s <i>really </i> getting tiresome. Next time anybody claims to see NEO, please, for the LOVE OF GOD push print screen and upload it to some webspace. From what I know, the Elite admins won´t do anything without particularly damning evidence, so just claiming you saw them do something isn´t going to accomplish anything, and all it´s doing is clogging up the MP forum. <img src=´http://www.team-dlr.com/tach/tlrsig.gif ´>


  • Tachyon, Thank you for you kind but rude reply. I do have 2 screen shoots as i stated but they have no use, In both you see MD with full hull and full load of nanos. That going to prove nothing. I merely was warning everyone around Neo to watch them close. Do you think every cheat can be screened? If you want another circumstances evidence look at MD post: <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade> Moby... we constantly have 63 bots and bats becouse we dont use them <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2>Yeah sure. Your hull is bullet proof? Didnt I just smashed it? After I told Tasiin that i seen him cheat, There was one minute of quietness, couple rounds of battle and his nanos droped to zero. Well did he needed to dock? Yes. Thats about not using nanos. (Am i that good fighter? no) Befor going to post here i tolked to few friends from Elite, most of them confirm this strange activity. My primary reason to this post is WARNING. ps. Neo well known tactic to fake pictures only proves that with ss you cannot achieve anything. Edited by - moby on 24-08-2003 04:21:28 Edited by - moby on 24-08-2003 04:25:10

  • I´m just saying that whenever I see somebody accusing NEO or one of their members of cheating (though admittedly my attendance to this specific forum is not constant) I never see any proof offered. It borders on the absurd. &quot;Lookout for this guy, he cheats, but I won´t post screenshots.&quot; If you´re trying to warn the players of Elite, why not include your proof? In most competitive gaming, any claims of cheating must come with evidence in the form of demos or screenshots, or they are considered false, not just my-friend-said or I-heard-that type of rumors.


  • In answer to some of the peoples points: 1) they accuse NEO of cheating cos all i hear is how NEO scream cheater when beaten by anyone who is ´new´ to the elite server. Not heard personally of course 2) - how on earth can he take hull damage and repair without using nanobots, but without reloading, deactivate his cheat to then be able to USE nano bots?? Sorry - not working. He would need to reload at the very least. The only mod they might be doing with nano bats and bots is that they repair more than they should.......... Missiles and torps however can be made to not use ammo, however - due to a kinda bug in the system - every now and then you will get booted for cheating. So in effect you are walking on dangerous ground if the admin ban for one booting from server.........

  • Moby just becouse you and your friends have a ****ty aim .. doenst mean we have infinite bots or bats... or that he have invunrable hull or shield. You can not blaim us for your incompetence. Go off to your lan server.. train for a month non stop and maybe.. and i say maybe you´ll be able to take down our shield. ----------------------- <img src=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/images/mad.jpg ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´http://www.worldofgamers.com/´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´http://rfw.worldofgamers.com´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>