Computer Systems

  • Well i run 2 machines: My main one that also works as a server for the entire lan Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHZ 512 MB DDR 333MHZ RAM Ati Radeon 9700 128MB Vid Card Soundblaster Live! CD-RW 48 Speed 10/100mbps NIC 750MB External Zip Drive 19&quot; Screen Windows 2003 Server And the PC i just mess around with: Intel Pentium 3 650 MHZ 256 MB RAM Diamond Viper TNT2 Ultra 32MB Soundblaster Live Value CD-RW 12 Speed DVD-Drive 6Speed 10/100mbps NIC 17&quot; Screen Linux Slackware 9.1 ----------------------- <img src=´ ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>

  • Nice to see you MD When I get enough money, I´ll get a new system, but keep my old one &quot;A TopGun through and through&quot;


  • Thanks Tawakalna &amp; Gromit, I nearly forgot I asked the question in this thread and just remembered to look up your answers. Sir Spectre Like Master Yoda´s speak, Olde English is, yes? Hehmmmmhaha! -- <i>From the play &quot;Zlothello&quot; </i>

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • cheers sir spectre! a win98 user! its the most stable OS i´ve seen by far.. kept together my custom built old one for as long as 5 years.. then again, for some reason WinMe is also as stable as win 98 has been, if not more. never did anything to me without reason. and so far i´ve only been hit with a virus once and i´m not running any firewalls i´m aware of. all the other viruses came in via my dad and his korean WinXp home version on the same comp.

  • My current system, which did run Freelancer OK (It´s just about died, several things are dead, I can´t actually play any games at the moment) is: AMD Duron 700 probably 256MB Ram nvida TNT 2 Win 98 56k modem for multiplayer However. My new machine which should be arriving tomorrow or the day after is: AMD Athlon XP 3000+ Socket A 400FSB 1 AMD Athlon/AthlonXP Upto XP 3200+ C 1 GIGABYTE GA7N400-L NF2 5P/4D LAN 6S 1 512MB DDR PC2700 SAMSUNG SP4002H 40GB 7200RPM HARD D 1 52x24x52 CDRW &amp; 16xDVD Combo Drive 1 CTX 17INCH S700 LCD SCREEN 1 CONNECT 3D ATI RADEON 9600 PRO 128M 1 SYSTEMAX 3.5IN 6-IN-1 MEDIA CARD RE 1 MICROSOFT WINDOWS XP HOME OEM 1 Muahahahahahahaha <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> £999.84, (£1174.81 +VAT). It also has printer/scanner and comes with the usual keyboard, mouse etc. etc. It was a pre set-up machine but I edited a few specs - I didn´t need a 160Gb hard disk! And I wanted better than a Radeon 9000 <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> A few other mionor changes aswell. visit for all your civ3 needs Edited by - Zone on 26-10-2003 20:25:13

  • seriously kimk u should forget about 98. it´s the best of all the non-NT Windows to be sure but u´ll still get far more crashes and weirdness than with XP. and ur just lucky that the viruses that have affected ur old man are the spate of XP/2000 worms that are about at the moment. 98 is still vulnerable to not only worms (theyre not all XP/2000 specific) but also to the old boot sector and memory resident viruses, plus whatever trojans are hanging around. i kept 98se far longer than i needed to simply because i was waiting for XP to be debugged and also because i was lazy and dint want to go through the hard work of backing everything up, putting new o/s on and reinstalling everything. in so doing i kept myself in aworld of freezes, lockups, os crashes and reboots. since i´ve been running XP Pro i´va had to reboot 2 times, thats all, because (I keep saying this and its true) when an applicxation crashes on a win95/98/me system, because the os is essentially 16-bit at heart, the crash takes the os with it. also it doesnt time-slice too well, i.e. multi-tasking. the NT/2K/XP systems built on true 32-bit NT dont die when the app dies, they keep going, hence why they´ve ALWAYS been the choice for servers, and they time-slice for multi-tasking far more efficiently. and as for WinMe, then u are one of the lucky ones, because in my experience and that of a lot of other people it was truly a disaster. if it works for u, great! i´m glad someoen can run it, because i ran it for 2 days then chucked it. I maintain a dual boot XP Pro/98se config. because i need to retain 98 for work stuff but thats all it gets used for, I´m very impressed with XP Pro and would recommend it to anyone, providing they install the security fixes and run firewalls and antivirus.

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • @Taw <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade> think you´re done with the past, but the past isn´t done with you.. Edited - updated Edited by - Tawakalna on 04-12-2003 21:35:26 <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • only on this one occasion. I´m not starting a general trend here. I moved a lump of post from one thread to another and updated this one. part of a general tidying up of my posts. Saves ´Gibs webserver a bit of space, too.

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • I still run on WMe. But I got it as installed in my 423 pin P4 Dell ... which I bought about 4 months after WMe first came out and after the big drivers fiasco. It is more stable than the W98se setup I had running on the ol´ Pentium rig I had until then. I think WMe got a bad rap because of its poor initial roll-out... which I always thought was on purpose to get more folks onto W2K anyway. I figure it really depends on the hardware that the OS install is married to. Having said that, I am looking to move up to XP but I´ll wait until I get a new rig, hopefully a post initial roll-out 64bit unit with a bost roll-out 64bit OS as well. Probably means I´ll be nursing Me and my 423pin P4 until 2005+ <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> But I still harbor some hope that I´ll be in a position to buy in 2004.

  • It just amazes me that you can praise WinME in these terms, for it is truly awful, but several other people in TLR and irl also seem to have little or no trouble with it, such as kimk. I tried it for a week then abandoned it rapidly, looked very nice it´s true and the networking was good, but stability and functionality were worse than 98 or even 95. it was total fonkenhausen, a pachangweyed pos that deserves to be forgotten. (having said that my kids have Me on their pcs and it´s no worse than 98 so far, they still get occasional blue screens of death, but I run a lot of maintenance utilities timed over the LAN which keep their machines in good order. I want to XP them but they get precious about their LotR and Pokémon desktop themes)

    "for once, i`ll actually tell you what i was thinking; but maybe i won`t have anything to say.."

  • Just lucky I guess. Anyway, other reason I stuck with WMe is because of the new registration procedure for XP. It got my dander up and, well, no one has shown me why I need XP....yet. Every once in a while, I harbor this insane idea of just chucking out of the MS world altogether and trotting over to Linux. But my desire for gaming usually reels me back to reality. <img src=´ ´>

  • Indy11 , did you just miss the Off-Topic rapist known as MU/_/_3T? He spammed until our forums bled. There might be another play in this. Sir Spectre Edited by - Sir Spectre on 07-12-2003 04:27:24

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • Ummm. Yeah. I saw the after-effects I guess. I didn´t know whether it was better to flame the guy or just ignore him. I chose the latter as, well, it is just too babyish for words, really. Also, I saw that you were on the case so I figured sooner or later...... Nice job Sir S. You may need to have a name change though. Don´t know what but if I think of something, I´ll post up. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • You know what I think annoyed him the most, even with those five huge posts in a row of SS IS A TERD I didn´t get all bent out of shape. I think he was really hoping for some extreme profanity or something. Which we didn´t give him. The worst was when Spider was acting all cutesy in the beginning at the same time, so I thought for the first time I had two spammers to deal with at the same time. Fortunately Spider backed off and jumped in against Mullet. Or as we affectionately call him Mu. Sir Spectre <img src=´ ´>

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • So there I was posting away in support of a total ban and whaddya know, Mustang was clicking out the thread. Now I see how you can post after a click. I was still trying to get my spelling checked out so I hadn´t clicked on the reply to topic button yet. Mustant must have clicked after replying to you before I finished. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • OK. Moderator..... Sir Moderator? <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Well, that´s what? Something for Bargib to consider? You´ve got my vote if that means anything. *shuffles back from spawn2 thread* @SnS Well that was interesting. He reopened the thread just to smack me about a bit for my last comment about banning Mu. Mustang I snuck a little posty in behind yours. Sorry. But thanks for listening. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´ ´> Edited by - Indy11 on 07-12-2003 05:36:15 @SnS post below mine. Er. Um. This is kind of silly of me to post this way but... yes. While you were posting, I was editing (see above pic). OK. It is getting too late for me. I´m signing off now. Catch you later. Edited by - Indy11 on 07-12-2003 05:40:44

  • Indy , did you see Mustangs response to your after click post? Sir Spectre EDIT @Indy´s 1st edit <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>*shuffles back from spawn2 thread* @SnS Well that was interesting. He reopen

    ___________________________________________________________ Sir Spectre giving the Spammysburg Address on 5/13/2004 22:21 PST: 12 posts and 2 days ago, we brought forth on this forum a new direction, conceived in spam and dedicated to the preposition that all posts are created useless. Now we are engaged in a great civil disobedience testing whether that thread or any thread so conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great forum of that nonsense. We have come to dedicate a portion of that forum as a final resting-place for those topics that gave of their importance that spam might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this ... blah blah blah, spam spam spam.

  • I will list wut I member tower case 1.69 gighertz 13 gigz of hard drive 128 ram radeon 9800 card some kinda cd-burner reallllly craply speakers (K-marties!!! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) intel celeron T1 internet My dad has good realations with X mission and even got us our own servers to put games and stuff on. We are all lanned together to its really fun <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> by the way I had the last laugh at mu i emailed him a lil surprise <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> By the way I have several fire walls and anti hack with 98 I ahve nvr been hacked(don´t get any ideas <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> )I really do wish mac or someone would take over the gaming market though I am getting really sick of microsuck. ...Wuts ur take on the situation u want the long version or the short version. erm... long your finished! What was the short then? bye. Edit- Added words to mu Edited by - Sp/der on 07-12-2003 05:52:14