Been a pleasure. Sorry to see one of the finest Freelancer servers going...guess all my money-grubbing on Elite in the past few months was all for naught.
Final Elite Server announcement! Good and bad.
well, i say to all those who play on Elite, come to 24/7 Proxima Dedicated, i just started playing freelancer multiplayer about two weeks ago, and if Elite is anywhere near as good as 24/7 Proxima Dedicated, then elite was a great server. anyways, Proxima has AI with regenerating shields and stuff. and missions pay more as well. someone told me they have 400k missions out in the border world systems! proxima is supposed to have one of the best connections of all of the servers, or atleast thats what the "console" said in the game. i dont know much about that stuff. ok going to play now bye. Edited by - carminamish on 26-09-2003 03:48:14
In the past i considered you a bad admin, out of grief of being banned, out of neo hate on the past, but while exiled on elite i tried other servers, supposedly good alternatives to elite, only one (seattle) could be compared to elite, i met really bad admins, unworthy to bear the admin title, when i recently got back to elite i felt safe there, no need to be afraid of bad admin policies, no need to expect the worse, i could play freely without the admin meddling in my way, and that i apreciate, yes elite had some flaws, nothings perfect but, its nº1, thats what matters, good luck on the future stinger and my complements for the fine job done
ROFL@ carminamish Proxima = NEO server Sput and Tas are admin there <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> MAYBE it´s interesting for the people maybe not =)
That´s an amusing rumor, but if you go back a few months you´ll recall that a similar rumor was started about one of my members being the admin of Elite (Mad_Dog) and that one was no more true than this one. Just because a couple of us play there doesn´t mean we´re the admins.
I have played on Proxima for about hmm... a month i gues.. or 3 weeks... anywho.. i can assure you tas and sput arent the admins... if they were i would have already been banned (hated by NEO).. so go tell your lil freind who told you that that he is full of ****... have a nice day <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
so i´m Stinger, and now an admin of another server, w00t. don´t i just get around?
Oh god not again, we (NEO) do not admin, mod, govern any server around, so please stop spreading these lies. Whats next? Hairy was admin of Browclops. Blades owned Seattle. Plz just go away ----------------------- <img src=´ ´> United SL Modelers¸ Administrator for <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>World Of Gamers</a> Webmaster for <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Red Faction World</a>
*sigh*... ok you want the truth here it is... [NEOHairy is also known as Bill Gates... [NEOTasiin is the president of the united states... [NEOSputnik is the leader of australia.. [NEOMad_Dog is the one and only Wayne Gretzkey.. [NEOVortex is infact the president of russia... and i am the prime minister of canada.... there you have it folks... be amazed.. excuse me while i go meet with the president of the united states =P
I took the care of checking where nope was located via his email, and found out his email is hosted on a neo-nazi supporter site on germany, your credibility is kinda burned, and people like you should not be allowed to be on the internet, this isnt a brown coat meeting where you can get here and simply try to ruin things just for fun, i dont know who the proxima admin is nor do i care, the matter is, hes doing a good job, and people like you destroy everything, servers, even threads like this one, where you posted something that had nothing to do with the matter being talked over, cowardly knowing that whatever you posted here wouldnt be locked due to the thread nature, get a life pls, and i dont want to see another post here from the kinds of you
OMG A NAZI?!?!?! omg...lame.. jesus a supporter of the nazi´s? do we need to say anything more?
correction Wardragon: The leader of Australia, the prime minister, is too dumb to play games at the level Sputnik does. I should know, I´m an Aussie <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
atleast he knows how to turn a computer on...which i cant say for my leader (the prime minister of canada)
So long Stinger. I guess I could care less about Elite going down, but I did have fun there (when NEOs weren´t busy feeding me Cannonballs). But I have one concern: If Elite goes down, and numerous other servers have ALREADY gone down, how long will Freelancer itself last? My prediction is that, if many good servers CANNOT be maintained for more than a few months, I have very little hope that this game will last more than a year or two.
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>We do not need, nor want any thanks. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Well, you´re gonna get it anyways! Thanks! The Summer of ´03 will always be for me the Summer of Elite. I just hope that Elite can come back someday as an FL 2 server. "Got anything for me?" - Trent, A.K.A. ´Mr. Eloquent´
Sorry to hear that. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Thanks for providing the server this long though. Well I retired my deputy on planet curacao, so there wont be any more patrols for me. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
As the owner/operator of Elite, I´d like to write that it has been a long, fun, and sometimes trying adventure, but well worth every moment. Thanks again to all the players (okay most), and great support group for a great experience. Many thanks to the TLR staff, who have helped promote and support the server throughout its lifetime. When there is an FL 2, you can be sure that I will be hosting a server once again. Play fair, don´t cheat, and have fun... see you soon. --A
Guys we had some good times, sorry to see it will have to come to an end. I will get some final playing time in soon, after Elite is gone I will probably move entirlely into HW2. "Twice and Twice shall he be marked, twice to live and twice to die. Once the heron, to set his path. Twice the heron, to name him true. Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost. Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay." <img src=´ ´>
it is a total shame that all the good servers are slowly going down. First Browclops. Then Argonia Station. Then this <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
AkaTaka, you exist!? Haha! Thank you (hopefully you see this) for the first FL admin tools. Well thank you Stinger nonetheless. It was one heck of a ride but everything has to end, sometime. In most things my server is trying to emulate Elite and evolving from there. That is my ongoing compliment to Elite... --------------- Earendil SysAdmin of Boston Freelancer server