To those that have a problem with SS or TNG

  • I wanted to address the following people and get this out in the open and done and dealt with. Since these people obviouslyh ave a problem, lets settle it. CHIPS - You obviously think that what people create first doesn´t matter. Most people would disagree with you. Something can only be created once, then the rest are copies. Also in one of locked posts you accuse reynenmod of NOT coming out with stuff first, YET YOU FAIL TO SUBMIT PROOF OF WHO CAME OUT WITH IT FIRST AND THE DATE IT CAME OUT. --------------------------------------------------------- DOWNWINF_THEIF If you took one second to consider what you have done to everyone who has kindly helped or upported your mod you would have added a big disclaimer saying that they do not have any connection to Starfyre other than that they contributed modified code freely. You mention there was a disclaimer, it obviously didn´t point out many things when read or else MS would have left the brilliant modders of this community alone.... So you are saying this ONLY applies to us? I don´t see other modders doing this. Is this in rebalance mod, rebalance mod, or ANY OTHER MOD for that matter? If so please show it to me. I´m sure AFTER THIS it will be, but as of right now they don´t have it. Also how was I suppose to know MS would go after people in the readme, am I NOT suppose to give credit to people? Would you react the same to any other mod, or is this just personal spite against me. The fact that you are labelling other people to effectively take them down with you shows that you MUST have been doing wrong to turn your back on an entire community because of what MS has done completely unrelated to the community other than being the owner of said software... Who am I labelling to take them down. People accuse us of doing stuff and I am pointed to people who have already done it. People never flamed them about it, so why are they flaming others. Are we to be held to double standards then the rest of the modding community? Like so many people have said, best thing for Starfyre to do is wipe the tears from their eyes, stop all their copyright nonsense and defending of their actions and plead forgiveness. If it doesn´t save you, you might have gotten MS off the backs of the others you pulled into this like the selfish children you, mainly Reynen, are acting like.... You should also stop squeeling about Reynenmod, it may have been the first major mod but you never tried to copyright it so stop comparing them to each other. You say you didn´t have anything to do with the store selling merchandise but if you indeed took materials without permission you prolly did but deny it. The biggest thing about TNG was that you essentially REMOVED their game from its own world and placed in your own. My advice try to start your own game developer and make your own space game with TNG in mind... keep everything original and who knows, maybe MS will buy you and get you onto bigger and better things? 1: I take a HUGE offense to this statement here. <b>You say you didn´t have anything to do with the store selling merchandise but if you indeed took materials without permission you prolly did but deny it. </b> That is borderline libel right there. You are DIRECTLY accusing us of conspiracy, illegal merchandising, and selling copyrighted material. We were aware the company was selling that HOWEVER, that was NOT OUT COMPANY, and we DID NOT RECEIVE ANY MONEY. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT OTHER COMPANIES DO. The only reason I mentioned reynenmod was because people said we were copying other mods when we actually came up with the stuff. When people are accused of copying they often provide proof of their original creations yes? If some company claimed they had an OS before WIN 95, and that WIN95 was a copy of their OS, Microsoft would break out windows 3.1 as proof of concept would they not. As far as your statement here, <b>The biggest thing about TNG was that you essentially REMOVED their game from its own world and placed in your own. </b> And we are the only one to do this? This would also apply to Rebalance mod, Hostile Universe, Grrsk Mod, Starwars mod, and soon to be NEW UNIVERSE along with ANY OTHER MOD. I fail to see your reasoning, or are you saying the others are exempt and this only applies to us? Lastly <b>My advice try to start your own game developer and make your own space game with TNG in mind... keep everything original and who knows, maybe MS will buy you and get you onto bigger and better things </b> Microsft already patented their game engine, anyone who comes up with ANYTHING EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO FREELANCER will be sued out of existance. MS will do anything to keep the compeition at bay and NO STARTUP SOFTWARE COMPANY CAN DEFEND THIERSELVED IN A PROTRACTED LEGAL BATTLE ADN WHEN THEY WITHDRAW BECAUSE OF LACK OF FUNDS, MS AUTOMATICALLY WINS. <b>JUSTICE IN AMERICA IS DETERMINED BY HOW MUCH YOU HAVE FOR LEGAL FEES AND HOW LONG YOU CAN STAY IN COURT, THE LAST ONE THERE WINS </b> <b>Reynen Starfyre Project Leader: <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Starfyre Studios</a> Freelancer: The Next Generation </b> Edited by - Reynen on 06-10-2003 23:54:59

  • Damn, is it just me or is Reynen´s posts bold/unbold/bold text hard as hell to read? Gives me a headache every time. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Rob &quot;Stinger&quot; Lordier Moderator - <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Lancers Reactor </a> Creator <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Privateer FAQ </a> <i> no good deed will ever go unpunished </i> Co-Admin <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Elite Freelancer Server </a> &quot;Corwin02 spell-checked&quot; for ackuracee <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • This website is a community Correct Reyen? In many communities sharing occurs but you and tng are against it . Why? If you can´t make money of it was is the point in copyrighting . If it is credit you want you can request it if some one uses the files.

    Demouser: I have no wish to join the play, but rather to see it enacted. My only concern is to avoid having the lands of Microsoftia bare down on myself. If you can`t read this you are a retard

  • yea, why not just let people copy your least it means it was good.....i let people copy my work all the time....u have self-satisfaction that at least you have done a good job. @Stinger...yea they do...i have read loads of these and they all seem to say the same just with different formatting.... --------------- X-Treme Admiral - Argonian Ryders --------------- Dromedary - 65000 credits Cardamine - 100000 credits AR Tags - Priceless! There are some things money can´t buy. For everything else theres Blastercard! Edited by - {AR}X-Treme on 07-10-2003 00:15:08

  • Okay - i posted an apology. You yourself have stated above that yours was the first mod to contain all capships, not make them flyable. My beef was that you were in effect going to try to gain a strangle hold on the community with your ´COPYRIGHT´ stuff. Here - now i am annoyed again - i will spell it out. Please finish reading (its long) before typing a reply....what you first read is explained further down! You were going to copyright the fact that putting all capships in a mod was only your perogative, and that if others wished too they would have to ask for permission and give you credit? Is that what you are stating now that your Reynen mod was the first to come in with that? Sounds like it.. Utter........well - put best - one of YOUR OWN TEAM stated that if someone made/found out how to do something first, and then someone else busted their ass to work it out, then at that point they don´t have to give credit due to figuring this out. My point- hell - i made all capships flyable by myself from looking at the files and finding what was different. Then days of fiddling yielded the results. Many other modders also manage to do this, but you wish to make us all pay homage or something? Forget it. 2. You now have stated that you created the capship beam weapons - i still don´t see YOUR name on the mod for beam weapons which was available ages ago.... I think we are talking about different beams here....(ie - you = capship, me = first beam weapon mod made available) 3. docking - The method you use right now comes from Wanderer if i am not mistaken, with the use of JUMPS - well, i read that post from Duriel about using Berths, but figured it out myself after that and the fiasco about then being able to dock anywhere. I am more than happy, and have done in my posts, to point out wanderers discovery there. Cinematics are in the game depending on a few lines you put in. Its not that you guys made anything new there. Now there are many other mods inside TNG, and by copyrighting your TNG mod as a whole you could have strangled off the community from many mods. You weren´t saying what you were copyrighting at all - in fact, i like everyone else had no idea, and the first we would have known was when you were attacking us all with threats about it. Further more. I have said it once, here it comes again. Lancers reactor only seems to hear from you every now and then.......and the ´then´ is when all of you descend to flame about someone stealing your ideas. Towards the modding community you (TNG collective) seem to show a egotisical idea that you are the only people capable with coming up with ideas. You learnt stuff here from others.......but you then refuse to share anything new with newer members. Instead you come and moan about people ´lifting´ stuff from your mods. Well - lets hear it then........what exactly do you say the steal? New weapons? anyone can make them - check out thread dates and authors yourself. New ships - anyone can put them in if they have models. converting ships? We can all do that. New mountable equipment? Anyone can put them in too - its easy to figure out. You seem to think that if anyone thinks of these very simple and basic ideas, that they are stealing from you?! Not correct. I have built a mod of considerable size now, and never looked in any ini files for other mods. I learnt, through tutorials, but MAINLY through trial and error, with a heck of alot of experimentation. I think i said it best when i said............Most modders like to take info with one hand, and give back wiht another. You and your team however, have shown in recent months that you like to take with one, and give the finger from the other. You guys include everyone elses work in the way of ships, but you don´t want to share anything back with the community. Why else would you not contribute, and then hide your ini file entries from other modders out of fear of lifting. I can safely say that the mod i am making will be a first at least. Everything is documented in the ini files - highlighted with descriptions etc Perhaps I wouldn´t be so rude if you didn´t jump on anyone with the ´your stealing ideas´ all the time, but instead wrote some tutorials and then said at the top ´please credit me´ - otherwise we could all claim ideas. Like many building mods, i experiment with things, work out how to do them, then implement them in my mod. However, from the sound of what you guys were trying to do, you wanted to copyright ideas left right and center which then you would attempt to preserve as your very own. this would severly damage anyones mod - where would yours be if others had done this from the first mod made? Not far i tell you. For the last time - Frost Works can and will copyright their ships, which they might wish to keep to themselves. however, they also don´t attack other modders about ´theft´ at every opportunity. That was my whole problem with TNG - you curse Microsoft from stopping you, saying its unfair, but from spectator position,and witnessing your behaviour in the past, you were going to gain a strangle on the rest of us whilst trying to boost your ego that you are the premiere modder in the world of freelancer. Effectively, you wished to do exactly as Microsoft are now correctly doing to you............. Personally - i don´t care anymore. I will do what i have always done. Try to build my mod, find out everything that i can, and at the same time teach anyone else who asks how to do whatever they want to do/acheive and share any developments/ideas that i have. However, you never noticed what i do as i wasn´t stealing your ideas of course........ This is so long, i forgot where i started, but am sure i covered it all. Chips

  • I wish there was a way to force people to read your post and not just skip it to get right to dealing with duplicate issues that are answered in the post. Stinger: Sorry I do this to stress my points. I´m sure your eyes catch the bold parts, which is what I intended. At least you don´t do what most do and not even read my posts and just skip right to the ignorant flaming and repeat the same accusations and questions that are already answered / dealt with in the post above. --------------------------------------------------------- demouser: Man good example of what I said above...I´m going to try not to explode on you since you obviously: 1: Can´t read, OR 2: Don´t understood what was wrote. HOW IS TNG AGAINST SHARING? I have told people they could use what we create AS LONG AS THEY GIVE CREDIT. Some people refuse to do so. Those that do I have a problem with them using our stuff since they tend to claim it as their own. <b>BY TRYING TO COPYRIGHT OUR WORK, IF SOMEONE USED IT WITHOUT PERMISSION WE COULD FORCE THEM TO GIVE US CREDIT FOR THE CREATION OF IT. ALSO IF SOMEONE STOLE OUR WORK AND CLAIMED IT AS THEIRS WE WOULD HAVE PROOF OF THE CREATION OF IT. THAT IS THE MAIN REASON, WE GOT TIRED OF EVERYONE STEALING OUR STUFF AND NOT GIVING CREDIT, CLAIMING IT AS THEIR OWN, THEN TUNING AROUND AND CLAIMING WE STOLE THE MATERIAL. </b> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arx-Extreme Apparently another person who did no bother to read the post above since this question is already answered. We´ll it´s certainly clear you have never worked for months on something and then had someone steal it, then claim it as their own now have you. People who steal your work often try and profit from it. How would you like if someone did that to you? Would you be happy if someone was profitting off your hard work? Oh thats right IT DOESN&quot;T MATTER TO YOU. <b>Also YES I AM REPEATING THE SAME THINGS SO PEOPLE WILL GET IT THROUGH THEIR #$%#%$#$ THICK SKULLS AND QUIT ACCUSING / ASKING ABOUT THE SAME DAMN THINGS OVER AND OVER AGAIN IN DIFFERENT POSTS. IT SEEMS MANY PEOPLE ARE ON HERE ARE LIKE CHILDREN YOU HAVE TO TELL THEM &quot;NO&quot; 1000 TIMES BEFORE THEY HEAR IT ONCE. </b> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chips Thank you for the apology, but actually Reynenmod was the first mod to make all the battleships, cruisers, and gunboats flyable. The ONLY stranglehold I wanted was that I would be able to force the people who steal our stuff to give us credit for what we created and not claim it for themselves. Now onto your points... <b><i>Utter........well - put best - one of YOUR OWN TEAM stated that if someone made/found out how to do something first, and then someone else busted their ass to work it out, then at that point they don´t have to give credit due to figuring this out. My point- hell - i made all capships flyable by myself from looking at the files and finding what was different. Then days of fiddling yielded the results. Many other modders also manage to do this, but you wish to make us all pay homage or something? Forget it. </i> </b> I love playing with people´s logic it´s so fun. So lets use the following situation. 1: Microsoft windows 95 is already out for awhile. 2: Someone creates a duplicate windows 95 all on their own. 3: While creating the new os the actual windows 95 os was out there, there is a possibiliy that they can look at it, take it apart and use it to create thier own program, yes? Since W95 is already out there the maker of the new os has a TEMPLATE to work off of that was already created. IT THEREFORE IS A COPY. Lets look at your situation now: 1: Are you telling me YOU HAVE NEVER HEARD OR SEEN OF THE IDEA OF CAPITAL SHIPS BEING USED BY PLAYERS IN ANY OTHER MOD BEFORE. You youself said you knew of TNG in august, THAT QUALIFIES AS PRIOR KNOWLEDGE OF A WORKING TEMPLATE TO BASE YOUR CREATION OF OFF. The ONLY way what you said would apply would be if you have NO PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of what you were trying to create. That is what the term ORIGINAL CREATION stands for, THE FIRST ONE IN EXISTANCE. So to answer your question, YES, since we developed the first flyable cap ships that PEOPLE LEARNED HOW TO DO IT BY COPYING WHAT WE DID. I would liek to see a simple credit like, <b>&quot;Flyable capital ships based of the original creation by reynenmod, (or TNG is you copied it from that.)&quot; </b> I don´t think thats too much to ask now is it. It´s the people like yourself who REFUSE TO GIVE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE that really piss me off. I BET YOU WOULD CLAIM YOU CREATED THOSE CAP SHIPS YOURSELF NOW WOULDN´T YOU. -------------------------------------------------------- <b><i>You now have stated that you created the capship beam weapons - i still don´t see YOUR name on the mod for beam weapons which was available ages ago.... I think we are talking about different beams here....(ie - you = capship, me = first beam weapon mod made available) </i> </b> We created CAP BEAM WEAPONS and REGULAR BEAM WEAPONS FOR FIGHTERS in reynenmod. The beam mod came after reynenmod therefore the creator already have prior knowledge that it had been done. <b>THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JUST AN IDEA AND MAKING THE IDEA A REALITY. Look at history. Someone else actually gave edison the idea of the incandecent lightbulb, but he actually created it. Who is actually credited with creating it? Thomas Edison. </b> -------------------------------------------------------- <b><i>3. docking - The method you use right now comes from Wanderer if i am not mistaken, with the use of JUMPS - well, i read that post from Duriel about using Berths, but figured it out myself after that and the fiasco about then being able to dock anywhere. I am more than happy, and have done in my posts, to point out wanderers discovery there. Cinematics are in the game depending on a few lines you put in. Its not that you guys made anything new there. </i> </b> Actually it uses something different. We had to MODIFY THE HARDPOINTS ON STATIONS, IN ORDER TO GET OUR STUFF TO WORK. You find out the facts before just assuming stuff. Wanderer - Created the first ability for cap ships to dock, though major problems, CAPITAL SHIPS GOT STUCK IN DOCKING CINEMATIC MODE AND FRELANCER FROZE. Reynenmod - Station Docking rings were added to to fix wanderers problems. TNG - Capital ships can dock WITHOUT freezing at the docking cinematic scene, station docking rings were removed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <b><i>Now there are many other mods inside TNG, and by copyrighting your TNG mod as a whole you could have strangled off the community from many mods. You weren´t saying what you were copyrighting at all - in fact, i like everyone else had no idea, and the first we would have known was when you were attacking us all with threats about it. </i> </b> Ok I am going to be blunt here cause I can´t belive you said this. ARE YOU BLIND OR JUST PLAIN STUPID? I already have listed what I planed to copyright in many other posts, I WOULD NOT AND COULD NOT COPYRIGHT THE ENTIRE MOD. END OF DISCUSSION THERE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <b><i>You learnt stuff here from others.......but you then refuse to share anything new with newer members. Instead you come and moan about people ´lifting´ stuff from your mods. Well - lets hear it then........what exactly do you say the steal? New weapons? anyone can make them - check out thread dates and authors yourself. New ships - anyone can put them in if they have models. converting ships? We can all do that. New mountable equipment? Anyone can put them in too - its easy to figure out. You seem to think that if anyone thinks of these very simple and basic ideas, that they are stealing from you?! Not correct. </i> </b> Well then following your logic I think i´ll just copy all the stuff you create from now since it deosnt matter who creates it first. Any ideas you come up with I will be sure put them in game before you, oh and claim I created it. Of course this won´t bother you, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <b><i>I have built a mod of considerable size now, and never looked in any ini files for other mods. I learnt, through tutorials, but MAINLY through trial and error, with a heck of alot of experimentation. </i> </b> <b>AHHHH now we have hit something substantial!!!! From the sound of it, it seems YOU FEEL YOU HAVE WORKED VERY HARD ON WHAT YOU CREATED. Or am I mistaken. Now if you can imagine it, HOW DID YOU THIK I FELT WHEN I CREATED REYNENMOD??? </b> There were no mods to go off of and tutorials were VERY limited. I have written several myself since then. I worked very hard to create that. Now how would YOU feel if someone just took all your hard work and put it into there mod WITHOUT EVEN ASKING YOU, and CLAIMED THEY CREATED IT. Knowing that you spent MANY MANY hours developing that, how would you feel. to seen someone just steal it and claim it as their own in just a few hours? See where I am coming from now? Most people don´t until it happens to them. <b>Do you know what it is like to see a person die in front of you after you kill them? Most people don´t until it happens. For the rest they can only imagine, because they don´t KNOW. A bit morbid above but it demonstrates my point. </b> I´m tired now, I´m not even going to bother with the rest. <b>Reynen Starfyre Project Leader: <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Starfyre Studios</a> Freelancer: The Next Generation </b> Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 01:56:57

  • I can´t be bothered Reynen - i don´t care. Also - my ego doesn´t rest on convincing others that i am great, or belittleing others about how great i am. And lastly - bout the appology, i felt bad, then read here once again that it sounded like you guys were trying to copyright all the mods ideas rather than just a few points (ie - that we couldn´t use capships etc etc that we modded ourselves without your permission!). That got me worked up again - but like i said, i don´t care anymore. Say what you like, people can say/threaten what they like, i don´t care anymore. Edited by - chips on 07-10-2003 01:11:26

  • Did I ever say no one could make this stuff? DID I EVER ****ING SAY NO ONE COUL USE ANY FO THE STUFF WE CREATED. No i did not. PLEASE QUOTE THE PARAGRAPH THAT I SAID IT IN. If they want to copy what we have done, THAT IS FINE. ALL WE ASK IS THAT WE GET CREDIT FOR THE ORIGINAL CREATION OF THESE. IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!!! Why the hell did you make an apology when you starting up another fire, so just quit while you are ahead. You putting words in my mouth that I have never said. DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO HAD THE LAST #$%#%$ WORD JUST TO START TROUBLE, MAN YOU HAVE SOME SERIOUS EGO PROBLEMS. <b>Nice how you changed your post AFTER I posted this. Are you feeling a bit like an idiot?! Do you see me bragging about what a mod-god I am or anything like that?!?! If I really wanted to I ahve my own little cult of follwers that I could have come on here and flame the hell out of you, BUT DO IT DO THAT? NO&lt; I AM MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE CARE OF PROBLEMS MYSELF. </b> This is what was posted before he removed it: Oh - just to clarify, that no-one else can make more of their own house weapons cause you claim it, or weapons in general,no-one else can make more than one capship flyable cause you did it, no-one else can dock cause you did it(people - just put phantom_physics = true below the object entry in the solararch.ini file for docking rings to get round REYNENS docking ring fix - you can fly through no probs) unless you are claiming the increase in distance to docking instead, but no chance there - oh, by the way, that works for any object, your ship, weapons, stations, asteroids.........easiest way - in every entry for your ship in the shiparch.ini file - including collision boxes (not the simples though) and you will fly through anything at all - helps with docking. Where were we, oh - no beam weapons, no new ships, no new mountable items either as you cliam all that too........what else are you going to say we cannot use without your permission, cause i didn´t even know of any other modding activites when i found out most of my modding stuff. I never heard of TNG till August! <b>Reynen Starfyre Project Leader: <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Starfyre Studios</a> Freelancer: The Next Generation </b> Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 01:57:11

  • &quot;As far as your statement here, The biggest thing about TNG was that you essentially REMOVED their game from its own world and placed in your own.&quot; New Universe actually takes place in the normal FL systems, utilizes normal FL ships, items, and commodities, though they have also added new things. As for your comments regarding &quot;Most people who cheat in SP will cheat in MP&quot;, I don´t think thats true at all. Like many other people here, I have two copies of Freelancer installed on my computer - One ´pure´ version, which I use for multiplayer, and one modded version, which I use for SP, and LAN games. Oh, and please try to cut down on the caps, reading stuff like &quot;REYNEN MOD PWNS YOU AND IS OLDER THAN [insert name of random mod MOD&quot; is kinda annoying.

  • What is this? I thought this is the best fan site but now seems modders turn on each other cuz they created alot of cool stuff? Look at this way, we worked hard to &quot;create&quot; mod. Why? Simple, we like game and we want have fun with it. Now don´t get me wrong. What we created certainly are not softwares and don´t get mad about copyright issue. We MODIFY files. Yes ppl created their own ini and cmps but still, where the original idea come from? Isn´t it from DA´s original files? So let´s forget about this copyright and credits or not stuff. All we are looking for is a fun game. Modders are working hard and certainly have done a great job. Don´t forget it is because everybody put their thoughts and ideas together here and share. Now if some ppl working harder than others and want take credits of their work, fine. But just remember don´t get into copyright issue because 90% of the players out there don´t care. As long as they have fun they are ok, maybe someday they will come back and give thanks to these who created the mod but it´s not always such. Ok, there are &quot;mod stealing&quot; or &quot;model stealing&quot; problem. Come on guys, everything is for share and we never know if somebody come up with an better idea and greatly improve mods. I have never claim any idea or mods or anything belong to me just because all my works are based on other´s ideas, works and comments. Nobody on this site can work alone and achive what we have today. Reynen if you want get glory from your work that´s fine with me. I do like your first mods cuz most of my works are based on it. But you can´t get all the glory simply because this is a community, everybody share and enjoy mods. If you are having problem with ppl using your mods and say they created it. Simple, do what I did: keep it to myself. I made 2 systems and some funny weapons, and put them in Single player just for myself because most of my mods considered as cheats online. Let´s get over it, it´s a game. We mod it cuz we want have fun with it. Peace doesn´t exist between the livings, but the dead.


  • Okay Reynen - personally i don´t give a monkeys anymore - like i said. i changed it cause i think your viens will pop with anger/ pathetic inciteful abusive comments that you have been making........i don´t want your friends to try and prosecute me for murder as well as everyone else for ´taking´ stuff from your mods. By doing that in your post above, and changing it to caps just shows how childish you are being about the whole issue. Put your rattle down, step back and repeat: I got myself into this mess. Others are angry because i am trying to get every modder into poo poo at the same time. I added a peaceful question to the bottom of the thread about the prison liner. I think that if you can answer that, then I am sorted - i have finished with my piece. From your answers to your rants, one thing has shined through all the time. Your arrogance. I think it might stem from the fact that some of the TNG fans address posts to you as ´ Reynen the mighty modding god of all Freelanceer blah blah blah´ i am not sure what exactly they put - but its words to that effect. Who cares. Anyway - your compatriot posted alot of excellent quotes in the Starfyre forum - so i would like to add my own - although i cannot remember who said it: ´ Its time to put up, and shut up ´

  • This is not a flame. The reason I did the above all in caps is fairly simple. 1: it makes it easy to read and there can be no mistaking what is said. 2: the caps are also meant to give it a legal / type finality to it. More pshcology based then anything else. Lastly you guys do realize that I have not been angry in alot of this stuff and purposely made my statements the way they are so that it would get people riled up and thinking about what is going on, and then later on when they are cooled down will think logically about it - re-read my posts - and see the logic if it. Think about it, what gets you upset generally stays on your mind alot longer then something that you like because of the sense of injustice. Natural reaction. There is no better crowd to manipulate then gamers on a common cause because they all get single minded and are rattled easily. I rather enjoyed it for a bit, now I´m a bit bored and tired and think I will let the dust settle so people can re-examing everything. I´m sure many of you are feeling a bit confused / shocked / and especially angry, but that is exactly what I want you to be. So it worked out rather well. Sorry to do this but I think at this point I´ve seperated the people who really don´t care and the peopel who do care about what happens. People´s true natures were also exposed, some of which I was very sad have to expect the unexpected. Like they say, your true friends stay to help fight the fire, the rest run. To set the record straight, the manipulation was aimed at finding out where the modding community stood. We needed to know if we were going to fight it. Would you go to court if you knew only 2% of the people were supporting you. At this point we have very little support both in terms of people and money. We would not and could not fight this. I´ll not be argueing anymore. And I´ll answer your question the best way i can Chips on the other thread. Now once everyone calms down can we think of a solution on how to solve this current situation? <b>Reynen Starfyre Project Leader: <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Starfyre Studios</a> Freelancer: The Next Generation </b> Edited by - Reynen on 07-10-2003 06:38:00

  • Chips: if you wanna take the time and read it, the DCMA clearly states that any attempt to subvert an encryption method on a file is illegal. I assume that when you made your mod you had to use BINI (or some form of it) to decrypt a file, right? THerefore you are in direct violation of the DCMA and under law can be prosecuted by the owner of the code (in our case Microsoft and Digital Anvil). P/-/3@R D@ D@//G F00lZ Check out what I´m doing for Reynen´s Mod @ my website! <img src=´ ´>

    P|-|3@R D@ D@//G F00lZ [url=] [img=]

  • Despite the statement of no flaming, I still see a lot of anger or spite. Maybe i´m wrong but its saddening to see this kind of conflict over something like this.

  • Well - this really is my last post. IN answer to some questions: I have always put that poeple can use ideas that i come up with. If you like, i will make a whole post of what the mod contains at this point, and anyone can take anything they like, i will even help them do it........why? Because i do share ideas, and try me best to help others. Yes it will piss me off if they copied directly from my files into theirs and called it their own, but there is no way on the planet i can prevent this............hence why in my ini files things are marked out, ie Zones, bases, weapons, additions, equipment etc etc. It is all clearly listed so anyone can see what and where i put things. Even the additional effects are listed. Isn´t it surprising. I didn´t resolve anything. why? Because TNG still don´t believe they have done anything wrong, and still think they are being treated unfairly................speaks volumes Did i look like an idiot? Yes. Personally, i don´t really care. I think this shows ego side of the team here. I can admit problems, admit errors and make appologise. You still don´t admit anything, or appologise for anything, or the fact that your OWN actions caused this to happen, but you are trying to bring the REST of the community down with it. To put it bluntly you KEEP posting the same rubbish immagination. You have a set text you HOPE answers the questions posed, but it doesn´t. The explanation is WHETHER or NOT other companies etc are intending to apply for copyright or NOT, on their mod or JUST THEIR SHIPS..... they haven´t actually done it. You did, you got caught. Frostworks will be copyrighting their ships i assume, but seeing as neither i NOR YOU are part of frostworks, how the hell can you comment on what part of their mod they intend to copyright? Comment on this please. Can you say with 100% convicton and certainty that frostworks will definately copyright their mod, and how you are so sure and know this fact?? IN itself - the whole part of ´shopping´ the rest of the community with your beliefs to try to save your own ass was not only embarrassing, but also showed: Lack of respect for community Lack of respect for others works Selfishness and cowardice on your part. Now those aren´t enviable traits to put it mildly, and personally, i am happy to appear and idiot in comparisson. Now - the sum up: You don´t see what you have done wrong still - by the very nature that you don´t accept this (don´t argue, it proves me point <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ) You then try to pre-empt others intents to spread the ´blame´ when its really trying to catch everyone in the fallout. You got caught for one specific thing, but trying to direct it at the rest of us doesn´t mean you get off.......this isn´t a court or anything were you will get leininacy for shopping your fellow crims Last time i checked, the main charges were about you trying to copyright. FINITO - others might have SPOKEN ABOUT IT, but I am SURE THEY HAVEN´T DONE ANYTHING ABOUT IT - else microsoft would have a go too. I am sure they DON´T have biased lawyers like you seem to think - who only go after TNG. If you think they do, then provide the documentary evidence of this so we can see how unfair Microsoft can be! 2) Please provide evidence of where the rest of us have applied for copyright on mods, therefore allowing Microsoft to come bust our assess........i assume that there is plenty as you are trying to get us all a ´cease and dessist´ order. 3) Please inform us why Microsoft that has looked the other way to our modding should give us a cease and dessist order when YOU are the person who started with copyrighting mods, which is what started this problem off. Not every law is upheld - as they are laws, which guide us. Police don´t bust you for speeding at 75mph - but its 5mph over the limit. Why? It isn´t worth it. Same for Microsoft - they could bust us all and shut this place down, but until its a threat - they have nothing to gain. As long as we don´t take the piss - then they look the other way. Finally - you going to admit that all of this is your OWN FAULT here? Will you appologise to the community about your actions at all? and your ILL WILL towards everyone? Or are you going to carry on being Beligerant and arrogant? Lets face it, your OWN error caused your current situation. FACT Microsoft hasn´t gone after anyone else yet due to the reason that they haven´t done what TNG has done - FACT You have willfully attempted, in a vain effort to somehow a)Justify your reasons, and b)Save your own behind, get the rest of our fun ruined, all because of something YOU DID - FACT. Now - that is my piece. You cannot dispute any of this stuff. You can try, but in your own words, you will look a fool. I don´t care what you tried to copyright anymore...cos you cannot.......which means its down to mine, and anyone elses honour as to whether i declare it or not. Please don´t insult us, or yourself, by copy and pasting the same answers again. I have stated points here of why i think many might, and have a RIGHT to be mad with you. Personally - these are my reasons, but they were originally clouded with the worry about your copyright...... but that is a mute point here, as you cannot do it anyway, so why i got pissy about that - my own immature problems i can assure you.............are YOU MAN ENOUGH TO ADMIT YOUR OWN ERRORS/MISTAKES? Or will you keep barging on with your present course and attitude? ps - my sig will shed light on why most posts might ramble. &quot;I don´t <i>suffer </i> from insanity, I enjoy <i>every </i> minute of it!&quot; *edit* - there was abit abuot how if you were just copyrighting spawns artwork etc, how was that then considered infringement, when many artists have copyright on ships etc and it has been made clear you CAN legally copyright ships? But i didn´t want to open that kettle of fish, hence i edited it out.... Edited by - chips on 07-10-2003 12:18:33

  • <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ROFLMAO. i knew you would do that <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> anyone got some paracetemol