ShipScripter issues, tips n tricks

  • ISSUES # 1 / Prio 3 - shiparch tab, big window and scrolling, - accepted # 2 / shiparch tab, no &lt; /script&gt; at the end is not accepted cause it is set after filling out the part in the goods.ini tab and click then on the Ready button. Remember if you script a ship you have to make changes in diffrent files. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> # 3 / Prio 2 - infocard tab, ´runtime error 75´ by clicking cancel after Load existing, - accepted. Edited by - Crabtree on 4/23/2004 2:47:22 AM

  • I AM MAD WELL NOT MAD SAD I MESST UP AND MAD MY UBER SHIELD ON MY ADMIN CHAR ONLY LIKE 6K <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>((((((((((((((((((((((((

  • Crabtree. I´m getting an error when i try to activate the mod in FLMM...i copied it from the log window. Error: Unable to find dest ´marketgood = lf_package, 1, -1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1´ in ´F:GamesFreelancerDATAEquipmentmarket_ships.ini´ I went and visually checked to make sure that was there, and it was. Just like it´s printed there, NO CHANGES. So my ship mod won´t activate. Hope you can help. Baene

  • Sorry, i guess i should have anticipated that reply, i did in fact put new files there from the SDK, and still have the problem <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I´ll try making the mod again, and see if maybe the mod got corrupted somehow... Thanks for the reply, crabtree <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Baene

  • Ok, i got my problem solved, NOW it seems the problem is that your script puts me in Omicron Major. Nothing there, and i can´t get out it seems. Ummm why? Baene

  • HIYAS! Well, im havin a prob with the shipscripter mod. I cant find the other things you need, i mean iv got shipscripter, and flmm but i cant find the other ones <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Also, when i go to save my script, it saves, but i cant load it again after. And i cant understand the turtorial very well, u c i need alot of simple things, cause im new to this sorta thing. Thanx Kontares

  • Ok, found a problem with 1.2 shipscripter. I made a script, which i then just copied and pasted into shiparch.ini...It was missing ALL the data on the handling of the ship for some reason...So i did another one, and SAME handling info. I ended up having to copy from another ship and paste it manually into shiparch...Is this a known bug? EDIT : here is the stuff it left out 6 straight times, while making a ship with shipscripter... linear_drag = 1.000000 mass = 100.000000 steering_torque = 18000.000000, 18000.000000, 58000.000000 angular_drag = 15000.000000, 15000.000000, 35000.000000 rotation_inertia = 2800.000000, 2800.000000, 1000.000000 nudge_force = 30000.000000 strafe_force = 20000 It put NONE of the above into the script... AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME tool, though, and this is only a minor inconvenience! i hope this helps! Baene Edited by - baene on 5/7/2004 11:43:42 PM

  • hi Baene, so you did work only half way, if you would have read the tutorial r8 you would have seen that this is described in CHAPTER 4.3 in RED COLORED LETTERS - the steering is 1st set when chosen an engine in the good.ini tab. Can´t say it ever and ever again ---&gt; READ THE ****ING MANUAL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think i should block the copy and paste option till ppl aren´t realy ready with the needed parts or make it with a button eeeeh. i´ll be back soon Edited by - Crabtree on 5/10/2004 8:39:24 PM

  • You know, i didn´t expect such a crass answer to an honest post. No need to be mean about things. If it´s in the manual, then i´m sorry. I read the manual twice, then decided NOT to use the tool, because doing multiple ships wasn´t implemented, then when you sent me that email about how i could copy and paste, i re-installed it, and am using all the time. I love the tool, but i think you should cool the hell off some before writing replies. So finally, not everyone really needs to do the goods.ini with the program, it´s so simple to do, i have a text file with a &quot;template&quot; that i copy and paste in once the shiparch is done, so i never really bothered with the goods.ini tab, as it was more work for me to use the tab. Which is why i didn´t know that you add in the steering when you add an engine. Still, it´s a wonderful tool, and a good idea. Well done. Baene Edited by - baene on 5/11/2004 11:46:25 PM

  • Hello, mad sounding big prob though, uhhh, this is kinda hard to explain I got the part about making the needed subfolders, but....ok, this is what u said in the tutorial located under section 2.2: &quot;if you are not sure about where the whole stuff should be located like -*3db. icon file -mymod coclpit.ini -mymod.cmp -mymod.mat -mymod.sur Just create it shown like the pic below and put all your stuff in it&quot; where do i get those mymod files from? u kinda left out how to create them

  • hi hexus, mymod as name is just synonym for some other name like ge2_fighter.cmp or something else. Its meant as an example so go to the shipsfolder of yours Freelancer game and check the folders there. For the *.3db files check the equipment folders subfolder so you´ll find lots of thus files. It could be that you have to make the fileextensions viewable under Windows, for that search in Windows help. i´ll be back soon

  • hi Baene, sry if i would have hurt you. I tried to hold the answer as neutral as possible and thought that ppl who use that tool would read the tutorial. It has not been meant in any way negative or personally to you. So plz apologize my crass answer. Black = Schwarz Black Horse = Schwarzes Pferd i´ll be back soon

  • hello, this question is in regards to creating the mat,cmp,sur,coklpit.ini, &amp; the 3db. icon file. i know this was ask already, but your answer did´t help me! i am a completly new at this and need a little help! my computer says it cant open these files. PLEASE give some detailed info. i would apreciate it very much! apollogetically, Jasper Edited by - Jasper O´Conner on 5/16/2004 10:17:50 AM

  • hi Jasper, plz check the forums for editing utilities and how to edit or creating ships. Check these links <A href=´;forum_id=29&amp;Topic_Title=%2A%2A%2ADEBUGGING%2A%2A%2A+Find+answers+to+crashes%21&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Editing+Tutorial+Forum&amp;cat_title=Freelancer+Editing&amp;M=False´ Target=_Blank> Debbuging FL</a> and <A href=´;forum_id=29&amp;Topic_Title=Tutorial+Database&amp;forum_title=Freelancer+Editing+Tutorial+Forum&amp;cat_title=Freelancer+Editing&amp;M=False´ Target=_Blank> Tutorials</a> that would give you all answers. Some you should know, most design their ships in milkshape and export them then to FL cmp format, but you should definatly read the forum entrys. i´ll be back soon

  • Hi, i think, the ShipScripter is correct. Is it possible that you use your ship on Server, where the Mod isn´t installt? Try to start a LAN Server and test your ship there. If your game crashed again, then the ShipScripter makes trouble *lol* <img src=´ ´> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Freelancer Tools ´n´ Goodies</a>

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  • I know this topic is quite old and i dont expect any answer soon but you really should update the shipscripter with a better explained basic tutorial because you say &quot;and put your stuff in it&quot; thats like a recipe saying &quot;put your stuff in a bowl&quot; youd be like WTF wot stuff does it mean?