Hyperdrive Data Compling...time to make a Hyperdrive...

  • I jumped from New York to...like 4000K away from everything IN New York...in essience i didnt jump to a new system...i just went SUPER fast. But i was just thinking of what you said Chips and you are right. But hear me out here...You know how the modders in Freeworlds and that stuff make a new map with the words "Free Worlds" at the bottom? what if you can make another universe, with different systems and use the Hyperdrive system to jump to that new universe...i dont know if its possible to do at all because i dont code but...think about it...wouldnt that be simiply awesome?


  • It would, but me be thinkings its not possible. IF you squeezed the present map into ONE of the four quarters of the Main map, like Bretonia, rename Bretonia in the files to Sirius, then you could create your &quot;universe&quot; in the other three. Only question is IF there is enough room for it. I also have never tried putting TWO systems on top of each other on nav map - it will work, but dunno how ou could ssee the other one instead of the present. I like the squashing idea thouhg - that owuld sort it out. Map may NOT look like it used to (all squashed and NOT in shape), but it could give a &quot;sense&quot; of it instead <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <img src=´http://www.pathfinderstudios.com/images/Chipssigonce.gif ´>

  • I messed around with some of the game files and managed to add the Jumpgate effect to ship. It worked quite well, but it only when you were right next to a jumpgate. If you weren´t within 50m of a Jumpgate, the words NO DESTINATION SET would appear on screen. The jumpweapon (as I called it) must need to borrow corodinate data from a nearby jumpgate, so it knows were its going. It tried to edit it so you could enter your own jump corodinates, but I could never get it to work so i gave up.

  • @sIeGe(-) - Yes it might...but the idea where you select the jumpgate will be the same as the jumpgates but you dont HAVE to go through the jumpgate. What we need to do is make it jump like 3 systems over with out taking all the time to fly to the jumpgat


  • Use Giskards Bab5 jumpgate model to signify going from one universe to another. However, you may very well have big trouble trying to get it to use the right map, but once your IN the system....shouldn´t it then pull up the correct one (supposed to be question mark there, but my button is crap!) For the jump problem - did you try expanding the zone of the jumpgate to be alot bigger...that might help out with your issue. Remember, in the game ALL gates have a line that says where to go - so Li01_to_li04 is the name of a jumpgate, and then the line says: goto = Li04, Li04_to_Li01 That basicalyl says &quot;go to Li04 (texas), to the object called Li04_to_Li01 - which is how jumpgates are referenced. If you called your jumpgate bob, it would say: goto = Li04, bob Get the idea....sure you cannot jump anywhere, as make a jumpgate to a new system, but do NOT make the shortest path entires. Now try jumping = crashola. You would need to shortest whatsmacalled the WHOLE thing. This would lead to problems when trying to plot a navmap point to anohter system that could lead to crashes as well <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Thats the problem. TZM 1.4 had that i believe. It would try to set a Nav Point to another system and it would crash. We have never figured out how to fix it but we are gona try with the TZM 1.4 patch...but err anyway, I really think that the Hyperdrive system is possible and that if you could make another universe that it would make it awesome. Im still not sure if the game can handle all those systems though...


  • My only problem with the jumpweapon was I could never find out how it got the coordinate data from the jumpgate. My clue was that when I edited the legal_path file to removed any paths through kepler, the jumpweapon wouldn´t work on any gate leading to the kepler system. Perphas I can make I moddified version of the best path function on the mini-map. Ill go try it.

  • Look you can try to make that the barrier between the systems (or the one that if you pass, you die) will transfer you into the system in the direction you are at. It is the best idea to do. But jumping engines must be like a weapon or a device or a key that activates it. We Will fight in the space! We Will fight on the planets! We will fight in the fields and in the belts! We will fight in the galaxies! WE SHELL NEVER SERRENDER!!!

    We Will fight in the space! We Will fight on the planets! We will fight in the fields and in the belts! We will fight in the galaxies! WE SHELL NEVER SERRENDER!!! Sorry Winston, but someone had to change it.

  • Hi everyone ! @ shadow43289 : Can you please send us the code of your jump weapon ? I´m realy interested in that hiperdrive system <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! I know it´s not finished, but I may help you to do so <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ! Thank you, and keep the good work <img src=smilies/icon_smile_big.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> !

  • Guys, i have an idea! This may sound a bit odd, but what the ... If shadow43289 fails, try this: You could try making it as an escape tool only! I am trying to imagine that ´´jumpweapon´´ as in .ini file So, instead of giving it only one destination, give it a RANDOM somehow, force the game to choose a random destinaton! I may have said the stupidest thing now, since i have limited knowledge. If so, sorry for wasting time and space. Edited by - XenoMan on 7/11/2004 3:49:04 PM

  • Excellent idea. For me, having it just simply to be able to jump to different sstems as you wish would be BRILLIANT!! The Republic Mod will be much better if we get the coding. At the moment my only hope is a series of jumpholes scattered around the systems. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Here´s an idea: how about, if you can make the hyperdrive work, make it so that it can only jump a certain distance away, so you can plan out the journeys by having to make several jumps. I know someone´s suggested something like this earlier, and I agree totally. Congratulations for getting so far making this! Keep it up! Leader of the Republic Mod Team. http://republicmod.proboards32.com &quot;Criminal Organisations don´t just spring up overnight. It´s a conspiracy&quot; - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency

    -------------------------------- trm.zack@gmail.com [img=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-12/908957/trm.gif ] Leader of the Republic-Second Contact Team. "Criminal Organisations don`t just spring up overnight. It`s a conspiracy" - overheard

  • Well, I reckon that Keymap and Keylist have somthing to do with it, I just re-enabled rolling in cockpit mode, Made a little mod of it, and have just submitted it to TLR (Then realised that sombody made a thread about it somtime last year). Theres an awful lot in there. I might have more of a poke in those two when Im done perfecting the rolling.

  • yeah the hyper drive is a good idea i was also thinking of something like that cuz of all the startrek episodes i watched. GOTO WARP..............&gt;poof. i can help try and code it. lets see......

  • Has he gone or something? Did he make it work and someone killed him for the info? HAs he gone into hiding? Leader of the Republic Mod Team. http://republicmod.proboards32.com &quot;Criminal Organisations don´t just spring up overnight. It´s a conspiracy&quot; - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency

    -------------------------------- trm.zack@gmail.com [img=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-12/908957/trm.gif ] Leader of the Republic-Second Contact Team. "Criminal Organisations don`t just spring up overnight. It`s a conspiracy" - overheard

  • What if you create a zone and make some coding in it so that when you do something in particular, it has the same effect as a jumpgate? Leader of the Republic Mod Team. http://republicmod.proboards32.com &quot;Criminal Organisations don´t just spring up overnight. It´s a conspiracy&quot; - overheard on a a Liberty comm frequency

    -------------------------------- trm.zack@gmail.com [img=http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2004-12/908957/trm.gif ] Leader of the Republic-Second Contact Team. "Criminal Organisations don`t just spring up overnight. It`s a conspiracy" - overheard

  • I hope my hyperdrive doesn´t have the same effect on the freelancer community as my warp mod for A1 did for the armada 1 community. If it does then I´m never gonna put it online, Hell that was horrible, getting 1000+ emails a day asking how my mod worked and if someone could use it in thier mod. Anyway it´ll be awhile before I can finish the drive, gota finish my GIGA CANNON mod first (sorry its for A2).