Editing TNG mod

  • Yes, here are the things you need to change: [mLootProps nickname = rh_gun02_mark01 drop_properties = 8, 105206, 105206, 0, 2, 1 for the drop_properties, the first number (8 in this example) is the probability of it dropping (8%). The 2nd number is the minimum players level that is required for the item to drop (so approx $105,206 total net worth - cash + ships + equipment, etc). The 2nd and 3rd number together determine the amount of the item dropped depending on the player´s level (I explained it in more detail in another thread, and I don´t want to go look it up =). The 4th number, well honestly I don´t remember. The 5th number determines what is the maximum amount of the item that will be dropped. The last number is related to the number of items dropped, but I also don´t remember exactly what it does. In any case, lower the first number (percentage chance of item dropping) to lower the chances of the item dropping. Or raise the 2nd and 3rd numbers so that only high level players will get those items.