As far as I know, there is only what is available in the starlancer <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Download</a> area. Sorry. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Where´s me mission editor!?! ARRRR!
What is the point of this post? Simply complaining that you want a mission editor wont accomplish anything. How about learning to mod the game yourself and then trying it like so many have done...Other than that, this thread has no useful purpose.
parabolix, Actually Deviant knows how to mod the game. It´s just not possible to edit missions without a mission editor, as they are precompiled... Short history of the SL-Mission Editor: Originally Paul Hughes from Warthogh worked on one for the community, but he never was able to finish it. Then, a year or two ago, Blackwolf from the Macross TC mentioned that he was working on one, but since then he unfortunatly vanished...
the mods/staff boast an understanding with DA, any chance of using that connection to get us some level editor, or maybe the sourcecode?
I doubt that. If it would be possible, I´m sure Gibby would have gotten us something a few years ago...
hey good to see some of the old names still around, if people only knew the history of the modellers on these forums before flaming them to death lol oh well thats life. Nighthawk aka Yedan (astral prime studio)
There´s also a mission editor underway by a programmer from several of the Wing Commander Mods. And Blakwolf hasn´t vanished, it´s tricky to get a hold of him but his Mission Editor is still moving forward. As for Paul Hughes, there are reasons he didn´t release what he has done, and he will probably never be able to release his program, but the others in development look promising - I´ve been watching them both closely. I dare say if they´d share notes with each other the Starlancer community would be in better shape but there´s a general desire to be first with a SL Mission Editor so I understand their hesitation. It´s coming though. Just wait.
The coding belongs to Warthog, not DA, so any mission editor would have to come from them. As Rubby said, we all salavated when Paul Hughes said he´d put one together for us, but it would have to be on his own time and no payment to him, Warthog wouldn´t officially sponsor one. There were many many many mods to this game, not in the storyline, but in the ships, the speeds, gunpoints, missile hardpoints etc. Two main mod tools were SLedit and SLtool. I´ll have to search to site to find them, but will do and get them linked to the SL editing downloads section again.