Dungeon Seige 2 - Some links

  • ** drooool ** I can not wait for this game to come out and can´t wait for us to potentially start covering it. WhaWHO!! I never thought I´d enjoy RPG´s, but I seem to have gotten the bug. Rob &quot;Stinger&quot; Lordier Creator of the original <A href=´http://solutions.h1.ru/faq/privater.shtml´ Target=_Blank> Privateer FAQ </a> 3+ years here and still lovin´ every minute! <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Favorite saying - <i> Life is a journey, not a destination </i>

  • Hehe, RPGs rule. I didn´t like DS all that much (I prefer NWN) although at the time I was a recovering Diablo II addict lol and I was totally sick of the hack and slash style gameplay. I know the second one is going to be alot like that but it looks alot better so I am hopeful.