It´s now at 114,000 dead. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>Link</a> to usatoday news
Tragedy in Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, all SE Asia
30 millionths of a second is a long time! <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Such an unbelievable tragedy. The numbers just keep getting bigger. This is a home <A href=´,2,,5121.html´ Target=_Blank> video </a> shot from a resort balcony showing the first wave coming in.
Any earthquake that´s 8.5 or higher on the Richter scale technically can affect the Earth´s rotatation, but as said, it´s so incredibly slight, that it´s almost immeasurable. The worst earthquake in known history was in the early 1800´s in, of all places, the midwest United States. The Missisippi and Missouri Rivers actually flowed backwards for a few days, and there was no "summer" in the US, it snowed all July and August. (I can´t remember the year, but I think it was around 1830.) Geologists estimate it would have been over 10 on the Richter Scale, meaning it was 10 time more powerful than the quake that caused the Tsunamis and about 8 time more powerful that the Alaska earthquake in 1964 which was the most powerful in this century at 9.4. I went to the "Earthquake Park" near Anchorage, and it showed how much the ground had shifted, created cliffs 40´ high from flat ground. Amazing power. Official tolls will keep rising, but it´s pretty obvious that 1/4 to 1/3 of a million are already dead, probably that many more from starvation and disease, and countless millions are homeless with absolutely nowhere to go. I mentioned in an earlier post that this was the most devastating natural disaster in our lifetimes, and although technically more may have died in China´s earthquake or Bangla Desh´s Typhoon, this one has by far the largest global consequenses and most displaced people, and also the most who lost family. It´s hard to even watch the news reports about it anymore, just keeps showing more and more areas which were inaccessible before that simply aren´t "there" anymore. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <b> The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True The Last Thing I Said Was False </b>
I truly hope someone hears from Kimk soon, that he is safe.
I don´t think malaysia was hit by the tsunami... BBC news said 125 000 last time i checked. but the numbers keep on rising. The Canadian government is disgusting me--we´re only giving $40 mil. in aid. Whereas Britain is giving something like 50 mil. pounds which is about 120 Canadian. And the US is giving a chunk too...
Its true, England is the single biggest donor after the World Bank. Its actual refreshing to know that when gestures from some countries as to money to help can be small, a little ol place like Blighty can step up to the plate and deliver more than the next three top donor countries combined (US, Canada, Japan in that order). However, that said, money will not solve the issue at all - it may help in the cost of the issue - but simply dumping several hundred million dollars of cash into the coffers of the countries hit will not save a single life. Its not money thats needed at this point, its aid. Sending hundreds of helicopters, and as many ships as can be mustered into the disaster areas to act as mobile homes/rescue vessels/supply ships to the outlying areas is what is needed. Sending moving equipment, specialists, medicine and other stuff is what is needed. The money can cover the cost of rebuilding after all the damage, and pay for the wages of helpers/cost of helpers - but right now they need those helpers on the ground, and the resources to get the aid to where its needed. The money isn´t going to provide that - only people power and supplying of machinery can. They cannot order equipment to move stuff with that cash, as it would be far too late - they need to transport necessary equipment to locations instead - yes it costs money, but i am sure people can pay ´in lieu´ so to speak. So don´t think about financial donations being that important, a country sending machinery, water purfiers, food, helicopters, transporter planes etc is going to save lives, a country sending a wad of cash will not. The estimates for money needed for the operation is the ´cost´ of all the work to be done, but that work will be done for free for now - so they need the workers to work it. Cash won´t make those workers appear............. *edit* as a fact I have just found out..........this ones terrific!! British phonelines have been ringing off the hook, as the donations rack up an impressive fifteen thousands pounds per minute on average in donations (thats around thirty thousand dollars), meaning that at a rate of 1 million pounds being raised by the public every <b>hour </b>. This means that the Governments 50million pound pledge is being rapidly caught up by the nations public raising 25million pounds so far! This means that our little countries people have so far dwarfed any other <b>governments </b> donation as the people raise 48 million dollars!! Talk about a suprise! Total UK fund is going to top 150 million dollars by tonight!! Edited by - Chips on 12/31/2004 1:41:38 AM
Our Govt, especially the prez King Dubya I, has embarrassed us again. First saying 15 million, then raising to 35 after the UN harrassed him. Then he got all huffy about it and made a speech saying how we donate so much.... Look how many bombs we donate all over the world? (Sorry, getting political, I´ll stop) Americares is located in the town next to me, and along with the Red Cross, they´re sending dozens of C-130´s full of supplies continually. Most from individual donations. I´m Boscoe in disguise, wearing a fake mustache too....
Locals in the US are donateing more. Citys in our area are loading up several tractor trailers full of clouths and other needful things to ship and several people have picked up the tab to seen the items. The movement is growing in other citys.
Thank you for all the donations you and your countries have given. We will not forget this (but of course we will, we´ll be back to the usual programme of "death to the west thing" in no time - USA can´t play World Police, but now the locals are demanding that they play the World Doctor. ****ing hypocrites). At least I won´t forget this. Volunteers are actually no problem here, at least in quantity. Perhaps there are even too many. Most are volunteering without any proper qualifications at all (all they are good for are collecting bodies), and will actually just burden the qualified ones by demanding "proper" food and lodgings!
I just want to put this page up from CNN showing all the agencies that are actively involved in collection. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Link to Help Agencies Web Sites </a> The lack of our Govt´s response is being made up for by the American People. About $100 million has been raised by private donations. Gives me some faith in this country. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- <b> The Next Thing I Say To You Will Be True The Last Thing I Said Was False </b>
Aye, I think they may have planned that. Like the UK´s money - I think it was upped in a sorta ´international points´ - others would increase theirs to look good - which is what has happened. But as with everything in the world - people power is the real great one. Does restore a bit of faith in the human race.....
The US has upped its contribution to $350 million, plus an aircraft carrier battle group (with enormous capacity for treating wounded, and especially making tons of much needed fresh water) and a destroyer. There were satellite photos on the evening news today, showing the change in geography. Some can be seen at has also, to my knowledge, collected over $5 million US from personal non government donations. Personal donations are overwhelmingly larger than gov´t funds in many places. Disaters bring out the best, and worst, in all of us. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank><img src=´…2/sarafijdawg/legoguy.jpg ´></a>
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>I don´t think malaysia was hit by the tsunami... <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2>That is an Understatement. We are hit. But not as bad as our neighbours. So media wasn´t exaggerating too much. We have more than 60 death and a few hunded more homeless. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>This</a> is a pic of the aftermath on the first wave caught by my brother. Since Indonesia became our buffer for the tusnami the effect on our side was not as bad as theirs.
On the subject of relief efforts. I was rather impressed yesterday when I went to Wal-Mart to do a bit of shopping. When the check-out girl was all done scanning my purchases in, she asked if I would like to donate to the relief fund for the tsunami vuctims. They had a seperate bar code sticker on a sheet of paper that when scanned added one dollar to your bill each time scanned. So I had her scan it five times. She then explained that Wal-Mart Canada would match all donations one for one. So I had actually given ten dollars !!! Not a lot I know, but I still felt pretty good.
over 150,000 dead thats a LOT Let the chunks FLY!! -Me(on UT2k4)
well im still alive. i can tell you all missed me, and realised i was GONE. further details in new thread.
Compliation of just some incredibily horrific scenes of destruction. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> The sheer power of a tsunami </a> Rob "Stinger" Lordier You like poems? --> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> </a> Creator of the original <A href=´´ Target=_Blank> Privateer FAQ </a> <b> NEW </b> Favorite saying - <i> No good deed goes unpunished </i> Oldest active moderator in these parts, womanizer at heart <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
$350 MILLION dollars is what the US is giving. My uncle, and many people here from Okinawa have recently (or going to) deploy to Sri Lanka, Indonesia and other islands. 2-4 whole BATTALIONs are going. Thats a lot of marines. He is glad to be able to help, but he said that he rather go to Iraq... He can´t believe the sights. Give Prez Bush a break. 1. He was waiting for accurate information before saying anything. 2. The reason for comparing 350 million, to the few billion given to florida during hurricane season... No comparison FLORIDA PAYS TAXES!!! they deserve protection and money from their national government... Last time I checked, Indonesia is/was harbouring terrorists, Thailand doesn´t want us even close to them, I could go on and on... (well not really, I´m out of cents...)
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Indonesia is/was harbouring terrorists <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> That statement is dangerous and false, and already against the forum rules. I can accept anyone saying that our counter-terrorism efforts are lacking or underfunded and understaffed, but to go and say that my country as a nation-state harbors terrorist is simply fallacious, and a disservice to our efforts as your ally against terrorism. The recent presidential election saw secular, nationalist parties trounce Islamic parties without even breaking a sweat. Our police force has "racked up impressive records of arrests against terror suspects" - Newsweek´s words. Yes we caught less than we want to, but give us a break. Those that we do catch we hold on to, and we have actually been bending basic human rights by detaining some of them longer than we´re supposed to. Indonesia has a long history of fighting besides United States against terrorism and before that, communism, despite the occasional lip-service that we were officially a non-bloc country. Read books by Ken Conboy about Indonesia for details about this. I thank you for your 350 million. I´d still thank you if it were 10 bucks. I don´t care how much Florida got - it´s your country and your money and you get to decide how to spend it.