he´s right, halo destroyes sentient life, the flood are just parasites. It doesnt say how the halo network actually kills the lifeforms, but it just doesnt cause a bigbang-like explosion because the rings are still around, instead it must send out a brainwave or something that would kill all the specific lifeforms that the flood can use for food. The Ark is most likely earth, the covenant was going to the ark and they came to earth at the end of halo 2. The covenant´s obsession with the forefunner artifacts and the ones that are littering the galaxy are never mentioned for the layman, you have to be a fan enough to get the books, play through i love bees and get the conversations of the universe booklet to even have heard about them. The artifacts, therefore, will have nothing to do with the final plot of the game, just a bit extra on the side to expand out the universe and create more of a saga
Halo Universe discussion (lots of spoilers, beware)
if there is ever a halo 3, i hope that the ark isn´t earth, i´d just love to see everyone be surprised at that
the ark is a forerunner ship that the covenant had been using the ship´s engines to power their own moving space city. it is also the remote control of the halo network just incase someone or something stops the activation of halo. Edited by - danclark20 on 1/3/2005 7:17:42 PM
yes and gravemind is the flood king
I reckon the ark is on earth somwhere Another question: What the hell did the profet of regret find in new mombasa? It told him where delta halo was what ever it was
I dont know what he found in New Mombasa, but the covenant already knew where Delta Halo was. Gravemind is a tricky sod, im not sure of his intentions at the moment, no doubt cortana will play him to find out. They say that the covenant didnt expect humanity to be at earth, which is why the fleet they attacked with was so small, they went there for another reason, one that Regret obviously went down to the planet for. it could be another artifact link, im not sure. There is a reference to New Mombasa in I love bees but its just a passing reference. What annoyed me was the way Halo 2 contradicted "First Strike", First Strike established that at Unyeilding Heidrophant (sp?) the covenant were building a massive arsed fleet to goto earth with, which would explain why the fleet is so small when it arives, however, cortana should have known that because she was part of the assault on it. Another thing that bothered me with the books and the games, and i know theyre kept seperate so the gamers dont need to buy the books to understand the story, is that they never take advantage of the OTHER Spartan, kelly. In Conversations of the Universe, Dr Hadsley is referenced so she is obviouslt important to the EU, a fourth book is needed to start patching up some plot problems.
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>They say that the covenant didnt expect humanity to be at earth, which is why the fleet they attacked with was so small, they went there for another reason, one that Regret obviously went down to the planet for. it could be another artifact link, im not sure. There is a reference to New Mombasa in I love bees but its just a passing reference. What annoyed me was the way Halo 2 contradicted "First Strike", First Strike established that at Unyeilding Heidrophant (sp?) the covenant were building a massive arsed fleet to goto earth with, which would explain why the fleet is so small when it arives, however, cortana should have known that because she was part of the assault on it. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> So after getting their fleet of 500-odd ships and the Uneven Elephant kicked hard in the backside by Cossack admiral with Texan drawl and a junior lieutenant, the Covenants just shrug and decide to invade Earth half-assed with whatever remnants of that fleet anyway? And how does the Covenant social structure work? not their military structure, their social one. Do they know economy at all? why do they have all that massive fleets and millions of soldiers with no dangerous enemy to face? (before they met humanity and Flood, I mean) I know they keep expanding and converting races, but their gigantic military machine is still a bit of an overkill, isn´t it? who pays for all the stuffs? who MAKES the stuff? And considering assuming that Cortana had some sense to steal Covenant techs from Ascendant Justice, and perhaps even kidnap some of its Engineers, it´s very possible that the war can start turn around - seeing how humans can wield the Covenant technologies even better than the Covenants themselves.
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>And how does the Covenant social structure work? not their military structure, their social one. Do they know economy at all? why do they have all that massive fleets and millions of soldiers with no dangerous enemy to face? (before they met humanity and Flood, I mean) I know they keep expanding and converting races, but their gigantic military machine is still a bit of an overkill, isn´t it? who pays for all the stuffs? who MAKES the stuff? <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Maybe they were just bred for combat, i mean, in human structures, our people can serve both military and social roles. but look at the covenent, the hunters in particular, itd be a bit hard to walk home with all that armor on and say ´honey, im home´. there may be some unaltered covenant back on thier homeworld that are controlling the entire feet, but, from what i can tell, most of wat is seen of the covenant is purely militaristic, with no ´home life´ as such. for all we know, they could even be hive-minded, it would provide an advantage and allow a single cammand structure to control the entire army. Thats another thing, you never see any sort of ´high command´ covenent do you?
Err ariana THE PROPHETS the coventeant is a military to protect them on there journy to uncover how to activate the rings and start the "great journy" also we don´t know they were going ot invade they may have just wanted the fleet for regret to feel powerful so he just set off with what was left not taking any reinforcements becasue no humans were there One more question: What about the other spartans? the others who survived like linda and fred?
According to Halo: First Strike, the surviving Spartans are: 1. Master Chief 2. Fred 3. Will 4. Linda The four of them raided the Unyielding Hierophant, an event prior to Halo2, I think 5. Kelly, who was drugged and kidnapped by Dr Halsey just before the raid All other Spartans were incinerated on Reach, with the exception of THREE of them who were posted too far away to respond to Reach´s call for aid. So I assume there are eight surviving Spartans up to this point.
I think that it is quite strange that we don´t encounter any of the other eight Spartans during the Earth battle. If the others were still alive, as FS says, then why wouldn´t they come to help if Earth was under attack? And they wouldn´t have been split up because Spartans always work in squads. It doesn´t make sense.