<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>They were angry about this on their own accord, BP and E had nothing to do with it <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Bull. Bargib resigned of his own accord because he had real-life obligations and no-one got angry at that. Everone got angry because <b>A NEW GAME FORUM WAS ADDED WITH NO REFERANCE TO THE COMMUNITY BY BP AND OTHERS AND THEN - this is why people are angry - BP TOLD EVERYONE WHO DIDN´T LIKE IT TO BUGGER OFF ! </b> I cannot believe you can´t see that. It didn´t help that other members got <b>HATE MAIL, DEATH THREATS AND INSULTS BY E-MAIL FROM SEVERAL STAFF MEMBERS </b>. I know of at least 2 moderators, and one administrator who sent all sorts of crap by e-mail to the people who disagreed strongly and publically. I hate to use capitals to get a point across, but people higher-up have proven that they cannot accept that point. Perhaps if the print is larger it might get past their clouded illusion of happiness which is obscuring their eyes and get it into their brains. As for the admin/moderator who deleted ds´s thread, own up. What you did was immature. Toddlers may try and cover the cracks in the vase with glue, but adults should try to find a soloution to the problem, not cover it up and try and forget about it. So whoever deleted the thread - you´re contributing to the problem, not solving it.
Well, since I didn´t get to have an opinion in time
Well, to be fair Neo, the same accusation could be levelled at you. Maybe this is a problem that has no solution or needs no solution. The people who have problems with this site *do* have somewhere else to go now. Perhaps it would be best for them (us) to simply stay there. TLR has changed. It´s time to move on.
neo, i believe that more people wanted or agreed with the change that people who didn´t. some people like the change, some do not. i don´t care if anything on the site is changed, as long as it is here, i will be here. alot of the people who were here for a long time don´t like the change, and i can understand that. for some people it could be like going from a Cable internet connection to dial up. for others it may be like merely changing cable services. the thing i don´t get is how people react to the change. Edited by - Wolf_Demon on 2/2/2005 7:08:22 PM
In terms of votes, the current poll about another game is this - --- Poll --- With "Age of Empires III", do you wish TLR to cover it... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heavily and completely: 39% Cover, but only a forum or two: 16% Have news about it, but not much coverage: 10% No coverage, not interested: 35% Total Votes: 1345 Old Poll Results The majority, does seem to want it. 739 do look foward to the Age game being added. Express your view, and vote. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
oh...i didn´t notice that, i´ll go vote now<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> its a cool game, i think it would be good to cover
As a member of TLR since The begining of Starlancer, I am disappointed that a thread just vanished without a trace. This should never happened. I do not like to get myself involved in any heated discussions but IMO no thread should be deleted except when it is archiving time. If a thread is going where it is not supposed to be, a final comment and locking of topic should be done professionally. Deletion of threads should also not be in the hands of Users as it could create anonimity also. "I don´t like your ideas. I am closing this topic. Locked". Simple, honest, Professional and we know who did it.
Ajim - Exactly. The thread should have been locked if there was a problem (setting aside the fact that no-one found the thread in question objectionable). That way, people would have the opportunity to object or petition to have it reopened. Final - I just thought that I´d state that a margin of only 4% between the two extremes is pretty slim, so it´s hardly a decisive "Yes!" <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Edited by - esquilax on 2/2/2005 11:03:41 PM
But Esq, what better way of getting people´s minds off the topic ? Simple : Erase the evidence.
Perhaps Neo, but *I* certainly noticed its mysterious disappearance, and far more speculation and discussion ensued as a result. Quite ironic I think. That being said, would the mysterious thread-deleter please stand up and explain their reason(s) for doing so? If things continue as they are going, every moderator is going to post a denial, and we´ll be left with the culprit. That would not be a good way to be discovered as the "guilty" party would it? Edited by - esquilax on 2/2/2005 11:37:36 PM
is it me or have the past few threads questioning the moderation of this site struck a nerve in some of the higher ups that possibly they "sweep under the rug" the complaints and critisism of their site? This has sparked a MAJOR mystery and quite possibly the most INTERESTING plot for a novel (just make the "site" a governmental body <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> ). My wife and i were talking over dinner tonight and she read the posts on this thread as well as a few other threads i have saved as text files and we agreed on the following.... *pulls out the conspiracy theory movie reel, get your popcorn!* A site, full of turmoil and post counts dropping sharply, the main focus of the site " The Lancer Series.." starring.."Starlancer" and co-starring "Freelancer". Now the starlancer game is pretty dead...Freelancer had its run and is slowly dying as well...The addition of the new games is slowly making things worse. How to keep the site active. The a Coup starts...*Enter the terrorist leader TAW...(evil music)* The site has changed hands and slowly the corrupt government *Enter the Admins and Mods...(evil music again)* Slowly the voice of the people (us) is being changed, our thoughts cast aside for the "true order" and dream of the newly appointed leaders. In doing this, the revolution lead by the evil terrorist leader taw begins its coup de tas and begins to speak up in open protest over the tyrannical approach in rejecting of the basic freedom of speech...Taw is cast away in a battle of wits and foul language. Weeks pass, another person speaks out against this dictatorship...they are as well run out and silenced...order is restored once again...... Now, we come to a new voice of the people...a rousing discussion arises, opinions and ideas are spawned...the voices are getting louder..then in ONE simple action the masses are silenced once again by the masters...the masses go silent until a faint wisper is heard in the corner of OT...the cycle begins again. *to be continued* Now if you look at it like that, it seems like a GREAT suspence story. So her and i came to an "idea" that possibly the people in question are manipulating this situation to make the site more interesting again? I bet the post counts have gone up a quite a bit today? Now going on that assumption (just a theory), the puppet master has made quite the story for people to eat up and therefore keeping the forum fresh and exciting! An ingenious idea to say the least. All teh anger no matter how genuine and how many times people say "I will never post here again", if people get word that a voice has spoke up again, the original posters come back to help try and get the place back to normal!! What better way for the staff to get their "valued" members back...But if thats the case its just sick and inexcuseable! Add to the mixture the DELETION of a thread that was going on pretty civaly and BLAM!!! The story continues and their site stays afloat! Just a crazy idea that my wife thought of...it does seem like they are palying us in some sick mannor...either a sick game like that...OR trying to hide behind the mods as we waste our ammo on the innocent which is the case as it seems now. For the innocent all i can do is apologize for the shrapnel you have aquired...and the mass of casualties is alarming, loss of posters, anger tearing people apart...i do hope that the people involved in the heinous actions that have taken place today are satisfied with themselves..for they have slowly but surely hurt many people in their twisted ways. I emplore you to make amends and take the ideas that former posters have given to you, for they are nothing more than helpful ideas that will give a new life to this place. So please take responcibility for your actions and apologize, then the rest of us can slowly let the battle wounds heal over time <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> We are/were friends here at one time. So DON NOT let friendships end like this. A final note...Is having "power" so great that letting the people that you serve suffer from infighting and hatred? If power is that important to you, then a family site is not what you should be "moderating and or administrating" what ever the position the deleter is. IF so i pity you and hope that you can come to terms with your own short sightedness and self loathing that you may be a more productive member of society. This thought is NOT directed to ANYONE but the person who deleted the original thread noone ELSE. So whoever you are...think about that. Its a sad day today..<img src=smilies/icon_smile_sad.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Bull. Bargib resigned of his own accord because he had real-life obligations and no-one got angry at that. Everone got angry because A NEW GAME FORUM WAS ADDED WITH NO REFERANCE TO THE COMMUNITY BY BP AND OTHERS AND THEN - this is why people are angry - BP TOLD EVERYONE WHO DIDN´T LIKE IT TO BUGGER OFF ! I cannot believe you can´t see that. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Come on Neo, like Wolfy said, some wanted it, some didn´t - but the sites direction is not your decision to make. Like any site in the world, its the administrators decision - because they are the ones that do all the work and run the place. There was plenty of loud complaining, and in our defence, we explained and explained and explained the reasons over and over again, but for some that just isn´t good enough. Everyone likes to say ´we the community weren´t listened to´ - but that goes both ways! What we explained was being ignored entirely as well, and we just got lambasted even more...... Maybe BP lost his patience, is that suprising? I am not saying mistakes have not been made/errors of judgement - but it didn´t warrent the kind of action we were receiving over it. As to any other comments, I have work (and am late already) - I will post more later.
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>I just thought that I´d state that a margin of only 4% between the two extremes is pretty slim, so it´s hardly a decisive "Yes!" <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> I agree Esq, that´s why we are working on a solution for that. We are trying to create several websites within the website if you will, so people will get to see only what they want to see (they would get to choose their game on the mainpage). FL fans would only see FL content, DS fans would only get to see DS content etc. It´s still in very early stages, but know we are working on a solution. Edited by - Eraser on 2/3/2005 1:29:51 AM
Sounds good Eraser <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. However, I have noticed that the mysterious deleter has not owned up yet, nor explained their reasons. Do you have any idea who was behind it, or can´t you say?
Well it wasn´t me, why would i wan´t to delete it i´m interested in hearing peoples opinions as you all know!
Hey Gowser, good to see you. I haven´t seen half of you mods in quite a while <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>. Ahem, so now we have; Dark_Shadow (the thread creator) Chips Final Wizard Harrier Parabolix BP Eraser (he hasn´t said so definatively, but I´m certain that he would) Gowserpaul All of whom deny deleting the thread in question. The list is becoming shorter, and we´re still waiting mysterious thread deleter. Don´t you think that we deserve to know why the thread was deleted? We are a *community* here aren´t we? Edited by - esquilax on 2/3/2005 3:10:55 AM
I have to admit that the deletion of that thread has annoyed me somewhat. You all know that I rarely post nowadays, and in that particular case I spent a lot of time and effort trying to communicate my reasons for leaving...only to be completely ignored (not one person responded to my post) and then to have the entire thread deleted. This is exactly why the membership has dropped around here. Someone around here is on a power trip and is not honest or decent enough to stand up and admit that it was he that deleted the thread. This person is spineless imo. Whoever it was obviously felt strong enough about the thread to delete it, but now won´t even step forward to justify his actions. I´m sorry but thats just pathetic. I do not agree or disagree strongly with any of you about your comments on how this site has change, for the better or worse. IMO its actually quite black and white...the site changed hands, the new moderation made decisions that they could rightfully make, the regulars stood against a few of the decisions, the mods chose to ignore a number of the comments and clamped down, the regulars used their feet to do the talking. Its as simple as that. No matter what anyone´s opinion of the moderation around here may be, it is actually their decision to make....that doesn´t make it right, but I´d suggest anyone who still disagrees with the changes simply stands up and leaves....in the end, its the mods that own and run this place, they can do with it whatever they like. However, saying all of that the deletion of that particular thread p*ssed me off. It finally looked as if the regulars and the mods were openly discussing their issues with each other *without* a large amount of flaming. Whichever chicken sh** person deleted it, without explanation, has some serious psychological problems...the phrase "power trip" is simply not strong enough. Surely, no-one expects this place to get back to its old friendly ways if you can´t even post a genuinely constructive thread without threat of it being deleted by someone on a power trip. Why should we waste our time posting at all? Have people forgotten that the members of TLR are not just the *only* way that TLR can survive (whats the point of a site if no-one visits it?) but also are dedicated enough to take great care and attention in posting in-depth replies that they expect to be read and *not* deleted? I for one, want the person responsible to stand up, be a man and explain why he deleted that thread. Otherwise there is simply no trust left for the TLR members to rely on.
Not me either. I haven´t deleted a post since a repeated racist remarks in FL forum and the troll-threads years ago. I absolutely HATE deletions - I usually only edit out offensive stuffs and put a public warning about why the post was unacceptable. If everything else fails I lock the threads - and I can unlock them when other mods find my actions too harsh. Deletion is the equivalent of capital punishment, a death sentence - a mod can never undo it.
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Well if final had no clue, and neither did chips...well thats 2 of 16...this is quite odd. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> 16 moderators? Jesus... I thought there were only 8 or 9... I see now why Taw packed up and left... I´m not the only one who´s noticed this I´m sure, but as soon as somebody makes a comment that could be considered as spiteful or remotely nasty, it´s deleted! I quite openly voiced my opinion in a thread yesterday using (fair enough) a curse, (A/K/A ´a man´s genitalia´), and today, have a guess what... It´s gone! What a surprise... This is more of a dictatorship than a community... So much for the freedom-of-speech laws we all so gladly take for granted in our everyday lives... Whatever happened to the days where a moderator EDITED a post, not simply deleted it for God´s sake? And to delete a whole thread because it might ´upset someone´, I´m sure we can all take it on the chin! Now it takes a fair bit to wind me up, but the amount of secrecy on TLR is damn near driving me insane! I know my forums are as dead as Moses but even I keep the community posted ib what´s happening! This site mightaswell be called Lancers Dictator... ´Cos none of us have a say in new things...
To gromit, and others, your replies and posts are noted, but a reply/reponce to them is not alway needed. You posted your feelings, and I for one like to let it stand, unless I have a point with anything, and then I would ask a question. As to who ever deleted the thread? Does it matter now? No. This is a replacement thread to offer opinions for or agaist. Feed back is nessisary, weather it is acted on or not. Like I tell people at work, I can´t fix something, if I don´t know its broke, and I won´t know its broke, unless they speak up. The anger needs to die down, and get back to points that can be looked at and worked with. Give it time, a solution can be worked out. You may not agree with all points, but, such is life. *Gets off soap box* <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Finalday on 2/3/2005 5:25:33 AM
Isn´t calling someone names against the rules even if they are not named? Are some people here allowed to do that and some are not? I´m very confuzed.