Tutorial Request

  • I didn't know where to put this request, but would someone please repost on how to make custom encounters?

  • Well, go to missions/encounters. There are many of them, make new encounter.ini, and make it the way yo want(look in those that are already there.

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters <--numbers 1,1 -max and min. ships
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 1, 2, sc_fighters, -1 <--- -1 means their level is 1 lower
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = fighters <---formations from formations.ini and factionprops.ini
    behavior = wander
    arrival = all, -object_jump_gate, -tradelane
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    ship_by_class = 1, 1, sc_fighters
    pilot_job = assault_leader_job
    make_class = wanderer
    ship_by_class = 1, 2, sc_fighters, -1
    pilot_job = assault_job
    make_class = wanderer
    formation_by_class = fighters
    behavior = wander
    arrival = all, -object_jump_gate, -tradelane
    allow_simultaneous_creation = yes
    zone_creation_distance = 0
    times_to_create = infinite

    permutation = 0, 3
    permutation = 1, 1

    Few words on permutation(figured out by Devastator):
    number 3 relates to the first encounterformation
    Number 1 -second.
    These number reflect the spawning possibility of enc.formation.
    This case 1 formation happens in 75% of encounters(3/4), you got the idea here.
    This numbers could also be 0, 300 and 1, 100 = the same result(300/400 = 75%) Use any numbers here.

    First numbers correspond to formation in the file

    permutation = 0, 3 <---0 here for for the 1 formation.
    permutation = 1, 1 <--1 here for the second formation.
    You can add here permutation = 2, 1 if you add 3rd formation.
    Chances of the 3rd formation will be 1/(3+1+1) = 1/5 = 20%.
    That's for short.
    See the link:
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://the-starport.net/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=56&Itemid=43">http://the-starport.net/index.php?optio ... &Itemid=43</a><!-- m --> - may help
    See "understand-encounters by Buck Danny"

  • Sorry for the thread necromancy, but....

    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://excluded.net/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=56&Itemid=43">http://excluded.net/index.php?option=co ... &Itemid=43</a><!-- m --> - may help
    See "understand-encounters by Buck Danny"

    I was trying to follow this link but to no avail. Does anyone have this document on them so that others can use it?