Create Freelancer 2

  • The problem is in video games now microsoft isn´t looking for long term sagas as much as they want what´s new, hot, and stylish. However, they have been reluctantly making sequals. But those are for games like Half Life and Halo, first person shooters. FSPs get top PC billing. The other big reason is the x-box. X-box users want the driving and shooting games. PC people like us who love flight sims and Real Time Strategy get left in the dust. I think what would relly help out is if we get more like a thousand e-mails and from all over. we have to show Microsoft that it woudl benefit them as well as us in making a sequal. OR i woudl go and locate the makers of the game and snail mail them.

  • i aint gonna read it but ive got a prity much idea of what its about and i think if ALL THE MAJOR MODDING TEAM came to geather all the best modlers every one u could make a kick ass tc mod an call it freelancer 2 as in wipe every thing out, spend time desining new ships new guns new sheilds and itams, planets every thing and if it worked imm sure every 1 would donate cash to hosting a 120 player server i know ide help when u think about it every 1 on freelancersreactor donated 10$ a month u could host a 120 player server easyly maby have 2 ide help u guys make it in any way i could

  • I´ve been working on a freelancer type game (shockwave-based) just to build some programming skills myself. I´ve been wrestling with making it a "Lite Freelancer" (stripped down, but with other good features added) or completely my own creation (lot more development time) while I´ve been working on the game engine. It would be all web-based, eventually with the ability to walk around stations and possibly fly within planet airspace. I´ve almost got the spaceside player movement completed (including docking) and I´m beginning working on station interaction. Here are my hopeful plans: player Buyable stations, weapon platforms Unlimited number of systems over time(web based, easily added) Multiplayer capablility if I were to ever get past creating the NPC AI. Would this be an option anyone would be interested in? Of course quality would be reduced, but maybe the actual overall gamelplay could be manipulated enough to compensate for that. Not sure what the legal issues would be with using FL content. Any ideas? Anyone else a Macromedia Director programmer? Or would anyone want to submit models, system designs, textures, ect. to be used in an effort like this? Edited by - skavengur on 7/26/2005 12:12:25 PM

    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We`ve created life in our own image. ~Stephen Hawking ~

  • Sounds like you got some work ahead of you good luck!! On the FL2...sigh i been on the site for about 3 years, dont post too much though, and i seen this post everyone. Inless they want to make it they wont, period, sign all the petions you want, it´s been made before. Theres hundreds of post´s on this matter. That dosen´t mean i don´t hope that they will make one though ;

  • look at it this way, it took 5 YEARS to make FL and they were gonna add a whole lot more, if they are working on a fl2 (which i hope they are) would you want them to rush it for your whims or finish it and make it a best seller game to blow you away. after all those april fools screenies WERE from dgital anvil/M$...

  • IDEA!!! I got a BASIC script creator called DarkBASIC. How about we write the whole thing from scratch, like MS propably did? It will take a lot of people, and people who know a lot of BASIC language, scripting, and moddeling to do it, but if MS wants to modify the stuff WE made, they´ll have to ask for the copyright from US!!! Isn´t that cool? Take that, Microbutt!!! P.S, The &quot;Freelancer&quot; concept is still their possesion, though we will hold a lot more copyright, that is the copyright for OUR source code. LONG LIVE THE LANCERS REACTOR!!!! The keyboard is mightier than the sword<img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>

  • Striedes, I have a very basic, ugly demo <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>here</a> I´ve decided to go the Freelancer route, and so with my next update things will be quite different looking. What you are seeing is just a &quot;sandbox&quot; right now, I think I will begin officially by trying to re-create the New York system. Hopefully have something presentable Monday. This was originally planned to be all web-based, but I´m afraid I´ll have to the resources(models, textures, ect) stored locally. Otherwise bandwith will def. be a problem. left mouse down - rotate w-forward s-slow down a-strafe left d-strafe right q-roll left e-roll right TAB-turbo the icons at top are left to tright -dock with targeted object -cruise(max 300) -settings(will be key config. quality settings, ect) Evangel: Do you know what, if any, Directx version DarkBasic supports? How about particle systems? I´ve seen it mentioned before, but I don´t really know anything about it. One nice thing that Director MX has is a Havok plugin. (Which FL uses the full Havok Physics engine) Edited by - skavengur on 7/28/2005 10:23:11 PM

    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We`ve created life in our own image. ~Stephen Hawking ~

  • I made a little game called Merchant. Cute little thing, and very addictive <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> In any case, i was slightly planning on making a 2D game engine that would be similar to freelancer in that you´d have systems, planets, bases, etc. The difference? Having a truly evolving universe. That is what freelancer lacked. That is what must be included if we ever do make an FL2. Freelancer didn´t evolve. It just changed its attitude toward you. What i mean by truly evolving is that, according to what you and the computers do, pirates will rise and fall, systems will be discorver and civilised, systems will be overrun by pirates, etc. etc. THAT is evolution, and if i ever do make my absolutly pathetic 2D game engine i will definatly put that in there <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> However, i say we do create a freelancer 2. But for one thing, its probably going to have to be coded in C++, i mean, i program in VB6, and i MIGHT be able to figure out Direct3D, but C++ would work much better. I say we start from scratch and assemble a game engine similar to freelancer. But of course, with all its nasty glitches fixed <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> We could also make it open source........ <img src=´ ´> FL:CE Mod Team Leader

  • Just wanted to say, awesome ideas and good work Alpha going the extra distance and got the results. Even if it wasn´t what we wanted to hear. :´( Good to see skavengur taking some initiative and lancer for bringing this subject up. Too bad the two companies which started this aren´t in business anymore. origin that developed wingcommander and Privateer series with Chris Roberts and Digital Anvil which Microsoft bought (SURPRISE!) and Chris Roberts left without any published reason. I like Freelancer but never felt it had the amazement I felt when I played Privateer. I still have a prayer for a Privateer 3 but find FL MP just too glitchy to really enjoy it. there´s only 2 other space sims I know of: Eve and Jumpgate. Eve is too tedious and BOORRING and Jumpgate has a lack of depth and mission structure. But they are still going strong. Since Microsoft, I guess, has tossed the future out for FL and Origin can´t make games anymore, perhaps Net Devil can go back and remake Jumpgate into what Privateer could be once Auto Assault is almost done. Maybe even go as far as purchasing the rights to Freelancer or Privateer... It´s blessed to be naive and dream.

  • We *could* do this. All we need is a flexable 3D graphics engine. Anyone here an expert at creating 3D graphics engines? (perferably with DirectX) Edit - ease up on the sig use please, once per thread. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> Edited by - Finalday on 8/14/2005 6:20:20 PM

  • Actually, if the FL sourcecode was released then people could add the things that FL did lack. Living/dynamic universe and economy, AUTOTRACKING TURRETS, etc etc etc...

  • Don´t really need to create an engine....there´s several out there that are open source that could handle a freelancer type game.... RealmForge looks amazing, though it´s in Alpha now. Irreclicht has all of the needed features as well Both are open source...then there´s the Torque engine. Looks real nice. I actually looked at GameStudio, but it´s limited in map size to 100K, so it wouldn´t work for this project. Anyone really interested might check out some of these engines.... For the time being I´m going to continue to work within DirectorMX, because I´m familiar with it and I´ve gotten this far, plus it can be made to run locally or shockwave (web-based)...I´ve also began working with changing my hud tothe FL hud. But if anyone wants to start a project, I´d be interested. &quot;I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We´ve created life in our own image. ~Stephen Hawking ~&quot;

    I think computer viruses should count as life. I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We`ve created life in our own image. ~Stephen Hawking ~