Bombarding someone with e-mails is not a good way to get what you want <img src=smilies/icon_smile_disapprove.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Email Microsoft For Freelancer 2
God how many times did i see a " send Microsoft E-mail" threads...too many thats what.
they will IGNORE US! Listen to me if you wish, but i promise you that this, of all things, WILL NOT WORK.
Instead of begging for another instalment (sp) of freelancer why can´t we (this community of fans and users) make our own ? I have seen mods that are quite impressive, wouldn´t it be only a little harder to make a freelancer 2? Am I being a little simple? I am sorry if this is so. jeff97386
It takes more than "many thousands" of anything for MS to bat an eye. Surely bombarding them with poor grammer will allow the developers to pry the cash out of Bill´s cold, dead hands. I want FL II as much as the next guy (or gal), but this is not the way to do it. Someone needs to go talk to them face to face to get results.
Well, like i said, i´m waiting on a graphics engine as developed by, once i have that i can start working on making Freelancer 2.
Dont you have to be able to change or edit the EXE before you can do a real change in the game?
argh... NO. If i do make freelancer 2, it uses a completely new game engine, new files, new everything. Its not a MOD, its a new GAME. Theres a different
Then it will not be Freelancer nnn because of Copyright protection. Don´t get me wrong, I admire your effort, but I am sorry to say that is far fetched.
ARGH yet again, i will be calling it something else. Like spacelancer, or skylancer, or garbagelancer for all i care. I already thought of that!
Then it wouldn´t be Freelancer it would be something else. ANYWAY, do you know how many hours , days, years it would take for one man to make a game to stand up to Freelancer by itself? ALOT. I mean I was reading the storys here and it said they spent more then 200 years of man work on like the art work. (or the game it´s self.) Plus Microsoft can still get you by saying, "O your using Freelancer Ideas." You wouldn´t be able to use anything from Freelancer becuase microsoft would get you. There is no point right now. I´ve seen people trying to send microsoft 6000 sigs of people who want to get FL2. Well microsoft needs WAY more then 6000. They are just going to take those sigs and burn it while drinking their tea and laughing becuase they have the power to do it. Now who do you got to support your game? Which company? Do you got enought money to buy the programs to make new effects? I know that´s a hard hit to the face, but I am tired of hearing people go, "O yes sign this and see FL2 come out." No it´s not going to happen unless Microsoft gives some rope to pull on and they aren´t going to do it unlesss people can prove they are going to make a lot of money on this game. Don´t think 6000 or even 50 k sigs are going to get them to move. They want to hear HUGE numbers. I only tell what I hear or read, so I do not know if I am 100 % right and I know I am not. But I got my own opinon and I say it´s not going to happen for while. Anyway Good luck trying to make the game. Good Luck asking microsoft to give up copyright to the game. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
There are another idea int he works...details soon..
<font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Then it wouldn´t be Freelancer it would be something else. ANYWAY, do you know how many hours , days, years it would take for one man to make a game to stand up to Freelancer by itself? ALOT. I mean I was reading the storys here and it said they spent more then 200 years of man work on like the art work. (or the game it´s self.) Plus Microsoft can still get you by saying, "O your using Freelancer Ideas." You wouldn´t be able to use anything from Freelancer becuase microsoft would get you. There is no point right now. <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> All right, i guess i have to shove this down your throat. I am perfectly aware of all this. And yes, fine, it won´t be freelancer. I will be using nothing that even hints to freelancer other than an evolving universe. And i´m also taking a completely different approach to making an evolving universe, so they can´t sue me on that. Only thing they can sue me on is having "Lancer" in the name. And actually, most of a game´s production time is spent on graphics, content, and bug fixing. Luckily for me, Orillion here has a nice graphics engine i can use (once he responds). From there i can biuld off of that. I´m judging it´d probably take me 6 months to get a working game engine (not bug-free, just working). from there its just bug-fixing, adding features, and adding content. However, e-mailing microsoft´s @$$ off will do absolutely nothing, and here i agree with you. This will not amount to ANYTHING. Go ahead, try it, but in the end, I (and the rest of the people saying your insane) will be right. EDIT: On the note of THIS Phrase... <font size=1 face="trebuchet ms"><BLOCKQUOTE><hr size=1 noshade>Now who do you got to support your game? Which company? Do you got enought money to buy the programs to make new effects? <hr size=1 noshade></BLOCKQUOTE></font><font face=´trebuchet ms, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica´ size=2> Now you bring up the point of me needing a publisher. Well for one thing, i have a company, that will remain unnamed, that i hope will support me. And money to buy programs and effects? Have you noticed i´m a programmer? i´ve got a graphics engine, what more do i need?! m0delling program? Nope, because all i´m going to do is create the game engine, and possibly a couple m0dels (like 5) in, say, gmax. The rest of the content will be made by anyone who supports me (at that time), and trust me, i have many m0delling/coding/programming friends. I´ve thought about this a LOT longer than you have, i assure you Edited by - Blackhole2001 on 9/10/2005 10:29:41 AM
A nice little sub note on creating your own freelancer, besides changing the name, you need a completely new engine, nothing of the original can be used for legality aspect, no ships, sounds, music, planets or any other data can be used. In short, you have to create from the ground up a completely new game. If you want to Mod only, nothing for sale, then you can reuse some data and mod it, BUT, I doubt you would be allowed to use a new engine and old data as it could be construed as a violation of the end user lisense and looked at as tring to create a new game with thier parts. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
NOTE: I have never thought of making a new FL game. <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> So your worng about me even thinking about it. Again you might as well sign your company over to Microsoft if you are planning on using anything from FL, just like the other guy said, ships, sounds, anything. Even the hint of Freelancer in your "new game" will be said to be "freelancer like" and microsoft will be off on it´s court papers. uh You didn´t really shove anything down my throat. I´ve never thought about microsoft and making a entirely new game using Freelancer as the idea. Not the brightest idea to risk your company. It´s your pick. Make a new game based off Freelancer.Get sued. It doesn´t bug me one bit. Even if your company supports´s going to be named and it will become a target of Microsoft. Good luck to you. <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH YES I FREAKING KNOW THIS! THIS IS GOING TO BE A COMPLETELY NEW GAME THAT DOESNT USE ANYTHING FROM FREELANCER! NO M0DELS, ENGINES, VOICES, STORY, IDEAS (other than evolving universe), ANYTHING! Sorry, but i´m just sick of repeating myself. EDIT: oh you just posted, well, in response to that, i HAVE thought about this and i am doing this in a way so that microsoft can´t sue me. Why? Because i´m not using anything from freelancer. the ONLY thing i´m using is the idea of an evolving universe, which has been used in many other games as well, and never even in the way i´m planning on doing it. M$ can go f*** themselves cause they can´t sue me over anything. Edited by - Blackhole2001 on 9/10/2005 12:19:20 PM
Well good <img src=smilies/icon_smile.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
I´ll need it <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Here´s my 2 cents on this... You obviously have absolutely no experience in this field. Have you ever even attempted to do something like this? Uh no you haven´t... I have a small Ti-83 calculator that has a built in scripting program. I use it to make games. I am making a TEXT BASED game... I´ve been working on it for 1 year now and I´m not even half-way finished! 1 YEAR! I´ve also worked with a scripting program called DarkBasic on my computer. Talk about tough! I know a friend who is working on a 3D game... He´s been working on that game for well over 3 years. And I´ll tell you right now... That game is almost worth being on and nowhere else. It´s just not that great. It´s taken TEAMS of people to pump HUGE games out in 3 stinken years! You are by yourself with no knowledge, and you expect this to be out in 6 months??? I´m sry to burst your bubble but it´s not going to happen. You should just leave that idea alone until you´ve got MASSIVE amounts of experience in that field, AND a good-sized TEAM working with you. Oh and by the way, that team will be wanting MONEY... SO you better have a TON of that too. I highly doubt there is anybody with enough experience in that field that is willing to work for free. What we are ALL trying to tell you is, this IS NOT and WILL NOT be possible. 1 man CANNOT pump out a HUGE game in 6 months. 1 man couldn´t even do that in 5 years! If you want a game that has a-some graphics, a-some effects, a-some everything, you HAVE to have a team. Period. There´s no getting around it. If you were to work on it yourself, chances are, somebody who has a TEAM will pump the game out before you, and you´ll just have to sit there and ball your eyes out because you were beaten and had just wasted 3 years of your life. But by all means, do it if your so dedicated to this. All we are trying to do is protect you form loses. You´ve been given wisdom from alot of people. It´s up to you to decide what you´re going to do. If you want to save yourself from ALOT of heart ache, head aches, and who knows what else, I highly suggest you follow our advice to you. But that´s your choice, not mine. So do what you will...
AAAAAARRGHHHHHHHHHHHH YES I F***ING DO. Ok, for one thing, i will have HALF THE BLOODY WORK DONE FOR ME. Why? I´ll have a graphics engine. Then i will make the GAME ENGINE in 6 months, maybe. Possibly a year. thats a GAME ENGINE, not he entire BLOODY GAME!!!!! THE CONTENT is what takes so long, and i´m not working on that, i´m just working on the game engine. JESUS F***ING CHRIST. And yes, i AM starting to lose my patience.