Test it using my conditions. I strongly suspect that the results will be exactly the same. Haven´t found whatever variable controls all of this. All I´ve found, thus far, is that this isn´t controlled by a Constant... it has to be in the DLL somewhere <img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Accelerated Tradelane 1.0
What´s the "Float" value for 50000?
The hex-editor we´re all using has a feature called "encode number", which allows you to encode a Float (IEEE Single). Make sure to encode it to "here", so that you don´t overwrite things by mistake, hehe...
1) Which Hex Edito do you use? 2) Can you tell me with my hex Editor?
I have been running my TL at 8000 which I think is plenty fast. One only goes past the encounters as far as it came up short of them doing 2500. So you have to turn around. No big deal. I like it. Its the job that´s never started that takes the longest to finish.
allright, I just did something with a disambly tool, if anyone thinks a dissassembled Freelancer.exe would be usefu i can upload it, though its a 30.5Mb txt file, its got some useful info in it by the loks of it
hmm, done it for common.dll, becoms a 26Mb file lol, got this in it though: Addr:062B1B60 Ord:3058 (0BF2h) Name: ?get_tradelane_speed@CShip@@QAEMXZ that looks useful, im lookin into it, you can rread this file like a book!
Umm about the decelleration, it works fine for me. Encounters I go a little bit farther, but not enough to be noticable. i had it sat to 10000 like alfa´s. As long as you dont exit suddenly, I decellerate perfectly normally. I could post a vid somewhere if you would like, once i find a free computer video thingie. OT: Does anyone know a good one other then fraps? Casue fraps is annoying and laggy.
just callled sisasm, got it from one of my websites months ago, works in cmd prompt
Borg is a nice (and free) disassembler found <A href=´http://www.caesum.com/download.php´ Target=_Blank>here</a>. +++ out of cheese error - redo from start +++
OK, thanks. Now what is the hex edito that "everyone" uses?
i use Hex Workshop
1) Is it Free? 2) Where´d you download it at? 3) What´s so great about it?
1) yes 2) it works! i eint sure as i dont use it a lot 3) finding link...
Edited Out. Edited by - alfa_astrix on 10/8/2005 9:29:32 PM
@ alfa_astrix Can you send this file to TLR for download? Ever time I try to D/L from your forum it says the server is down.
You´ll have to give me a better description of your problem, becuase I don´t have it.
The page cannot be displayed The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings. I have already checked my settings and everything is good. So I guess it must be the Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties
I´ve had a three more people download the file, so it has to be you. Plus, I´ve tried it on two different computers and don´t havy problem. I use firefox, if that helps, but it shouldn´t matter.