Where to start?

  • Welcome cb6dba, Freelancer has grown up alot in the past two years and their are tons of add-ons, mods, and many other files for freelancer that you can use. I would reccomend just looking through the <A href=´http://lancersreactor.org/t/download/default.asp?game=Freelancer´ Target=_Blank> Main Download Page </a>and look at all the files that are hosted here at TLR. As for the questions of managing mods, <A href=´http://lancersreactor.org/t/download/download.asp?id=927´ Target=_Blank> Freelancer Mod Manager </a> will be your best friend. You can read up about it a little bit there and it is easy to use once you download it. As for some popular mods <A href=´http://lancersreactor.org/t/download/download.asp?id=649´ Target=_Blank> The Next Generation Mod </a>is very popular but it really just boils down to your individual tastes. Just go through and explore all the different mods and you´ll find something that suits youself. Once again, welcome to The Lancers Reactor. Matt

  • Thanks for the reply Matt, Before I start adding mods I have just one more question (as Columbo would say :-) A lot of mods require a clean install of Freelancer. In some other games (Rome total war) its possible to just copy the whole game directory to a safe place. mod the game and then if needed, copy the safe clean files back. Its also possible to have multiple copies, 1 clean and 1 for each MOD. When you want to play a different MOD you just copy that saved directory of freelancer to the main directory. Is this possible with Freelancer? Has anyone tried it and if so, did it cause any problems?

  • Hi mate, I have 2 versions of FL on my PC..a version for the server i play on and a version for mods.I usually find no problems when swapping between mods but sometimes some people do.My personal opinion is that 1 copy is enough.See ya in the soup <img src=´http://img.photobucket.com/alb…a_joe/phoenixfinal9pv.gif ´> and like a phoenix i´ll return from the ashes....with the help of the re-spawn key<img src=smilies/icon_smile_tongue.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>