Did you read the sticky in this forum?? Best idea is to: 1) Post some images of your work, right now people see nothing to get enthusiastic about spending their time up. 2) Argh wrote a tutorial, try his forum (its about texturing), and there are other tutorials as well (check the modelling forum). Okay, those two suggestions may not get you help - but it may help you texture yourselves <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Need ppl for a shippack
textureing is somthing i can do but i dont have milkshape. i havent been home in the past few days so i´ll get some screens when i can. i have about 8 ships done or well on there way.
Here is another place which may help out, its quiet because Osprey has been away for some time - but it still has alot posted there... <A href=´http://flm.dragonfeatherstudios.com/index.php?act=idx´ Target=_Blank>http://flm.dragonfeatherstudios.com/index.php?act=idx</a>
that site gave me some more ideas. but i just discoverd a tool that may help. if anyone can texture we still need you.
As Chips asked, have you read the sticky? Or even read what Chips originally said? No one will take much notice and offer to help unless they see first what they are dealing with. Post some pictures of your work so far, using somewhere like imageshack to host them and then click forum codes when you make your next post for the code to post images in thread (don´t make your pics too big or too small though - too big will just take ages to load and too small means people won´t be able to see them properly). If you are not willing to do that, why should people be willing to help you out? Freeworlds Mod Developer Author of Modular Station ´There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.´
notice what i said. im not home i cant post them now. also i have a server modarater intresed in them for a server mod. when i get home i will post some screens. ;p
Sorry about this, but can you either resend me the address starting with the www. part, or post what it is on my <A href=´http://gcmod.jconserv.net/viewforum.php?f=12&sid=094c2abe479129b8753351b2c6e52bc6´ Target=_Blank>website</a>? If you post it on my forum, you´ll have to start a new thread, but you don´t have to register to post. I gave you the location on where you could post it so yah, thanks... <A href=´http://www.freewebs.com/technologicalcolony/´ Target=_Blank>Everything is nothing, but nothing is not everything.</a> Edited by - alfa_astrix on 10/6/2005 12:07:08 PM
What I meant was, when I recived your email, the HTTL: (as you said) did not work when I copied and pasted it into my url. I was asking for you to tell me what it was again so I could download those files.
Now you can see why we say "show your work first" - hardly the response you were hoping for eh? I´d really try getting those images up before your topic disappears. It takes a few mins to upload images, and for some you don´t even need an account.
if your asking for my email its darkagent343@gmail.com . as for needing help i found some ppl.