As far as I know you can´t make a gun effect to stick to the ship but i might be wrong. Anyway why would you want to in the first place?
I wanted a gun to have this effect, so I could have an EMP generator weapon,that looked like the kind of EMP guns that the cops would use on high speed chases (as seen in 2Fast 2Furious). This is mosly for my mod, since their´s a little bit of time travel in the story, and one of the places you go is the very distant future were mankind is right on the edge of dieing out, and all their weapons are futuristicly primitive, if you know what I mean...
There was an effect I mistakenly added to my gun and every shot added this weird effect that stuck to the target til it was destoryed. But this would cause huge lags becuase it sticks to anything, docking rings, bases. If you want I´ll try to find the effect again.
You can make a break away part of a ship to work with just ships, that changes to look likee the pep stuck to it. A new visual effect if you will. And when a ship is repaired, it is back to normal. Hmmm?
You could make the vis_effect of the shot impacts last longer.
or a missile with a detonation range of 0,millions of hitpoints and and long lived missile motor fast enough to keep up with a moving ship - i actually saw this work when i was playing with shooting cows as missiles & i gave the ´moosles´ and motors very long lifetimes
Um, you know, once we were playing around with our shiva effect, and it stuck on the guys ship... So he was a flying lightbulb
In any case, if i go look through the INIs... *checks* EFT_EQUIP_ATTACHED. If you make your explosion effect, or whatever effect you choose for the explosions have EFT_EQUIP_ATTACHED as an effect type, the effect will stick to the side of the ship until its lifetime expires. EDIT: almost forgot, EFT_EQUIP_ATTACHED_LARGE and EFT_EQUIP_ATTACHED_INSANELY_LARGE also result in the same effect. insanely large... tells you something about freelancer developers... Edited by - Blackhole2001 on 10/15/2005 9:54:41 PM
Thanks for this infomration, but I´ve never seen that line anywhere...
My mistake... Go to Effects.INI, and if someone here could explain how to make a new effect that would be great, but for now, just find the effect your explosion is, and [Effect nickname = gf_br_shield01 <-- Name of effect effect_type = EFT_DAMAGE_SHIELD <-- the effect type, this is what you change snd_effect = sh_br01 <-- the name of the sound that occurs vis_effect = gf_br_shield01 <-- the visual effect, usually found in misc_ale.ini or explosion_ale.ini, or one of those other _ale.ini files Have fun with the needler!
Btw, in order to make a fun like the needler, you would simply make the explosion effect the same effect as the shot, and thus it would appear to "stick". Be warned though, once the lifetime expires, there is no second explosion. <A href=´´ Target=_Blank><img src=´ ´></a> <A href=´´ Target=_Blank>FL:CE Mod Team Leader</a>