Have you tried the idea of looking for the references? Take a peek at the cloak and the engine entries - you will see the effects that they use. Then search the files for those names instead. They didn´t just stick the effects in the effects.ini for the game engine to decide to use... each entry in the files (weapon_equip and engine_equip) actually have lines stating which effects they use. The whole game works on the same principles, everything is referenced to something <img src=smilies/icon_smile_blackeye.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle>
Two Effect Lines
OK, I found the cloak, but I can´t find the cruise. There´s cruise sounds, but not effects.
Cruise effects are called by the game engine, which calls a sub-effect from the ALE. Cruise effects are generated by the Trail, not by the Flame.
that helps a little, but not much. I can´t say what I´m trying to do as this thread would be closed. All I can say is that I´m trying to change the effect of crusing to be more "jump drive" like.
If you´re trying to have the Cloak effect called when Cruise is enabled... well, I´m not sure that´s going to work. ALEs have sub-effects that can be called by the game engine depending on the state that the game engine´s in. IOW, I doubt very much that the Cloak ALE can be called as a normal part of activating Cruise. Sorry, it´s just how things work.
that´s what I thaught, damn it...thanks anywise