Request for Ship Modders

  • Weeeeelll... Having looked things over at that site... well, that stuff´s all over the place, in terms of suitability for putting into a video game. Truth told, most of it´s not very professionally built. There´s a huge difference between building a high-poly wasteful and texture-inefficient model for some random raytrace in your spare time and something that´s ready for FL. Some of the Borg stuff might be salvageable. But the stuff that looks low-poly enough to be worth bothering with is also the least imaginative art- in large part, because it´s very obviously non-canon... even the color schemes are wrong. Whoever thought Borg stuff should be all green and glowing... is obviously confusing Borg with Necrons <img src=smilies/icon_smile_wink.gif width=15 height=15 border=0 align=middle> I could see someone doing a really nice Borg cube, but do you really want this huge collection of random things, most of which are totally non-canon? What´s the point? The Borg don´t think small, and making fighters for them seems kind´ve silly, if you ask me... At any rate, if I ever have spare time again, I´ll make a nice Borg cube if I´m bored enough. Lord knows, it´d be a real pain to really capture the essential creepy detail of the Cubes without going waaaay overboard on polycount, and it´d be an interesting challenge. But not right now... and if you really want Borg fighters... find better inspiration. These designs are very boring, at least to me. Just my opinion, of course- you guys obviously like them, and it´s not your fault I don´t like what you do. Hopefully somebody else will feel differently and help you out.