Storyline and level-up.

  • Hello everyone.

    After looking for a solution for some time, I've to admit I'm not going to fix it myself, so I'd like to ask for some help.

    I'd like to replay Freelancer, but there is something that always annoyed me, and it was the problems between levels and storyline. More precisely, I disliked two things :

    - The requirements for level-up are too quickly reached. I'd like to have to spend time and sweat to reach the next level between missions. That I can get the feeling I'm accomplishing something, rather than seeing Juni pop as soon as I launch in space.

    - The fact that level progression is often blocked by missions, and that I can get as much money as I want, I can't level up.

    I've tried to change these two things, and if it seems I can use one of Adoxa's tool to change how much money I need to get to change level, I'd like to be able to change it in a file before playing so as to not make in-game adjustement ; and I couldn't find a solution for the missions blocking level-up.

    So well, I'm placing my hopes in this community. Can someone lend me a hand here ?

    Thanks in advance !

  • I guess you're referring to StoryLvl, but I don't know what else you mean.

    Leveling up is how missions continue, so there's not much that can be done, there. A request was made quite some time ago, which is the best I could offer.

  • Sorry, I may have been a bit confusing, I'll try to clear this up.

    What I meant is that, when you play SP, some levels are obtained by gaining money in the regular fashion (like when Juni drops you somewhere, says "I'll be in touch", and you have to get some money and grab a level before she contacts you again). But some others have a "mission" requirement, which means you can't level up until you do the next mission, regardless of how much money is acquired.

    What I would like is to :

    A) Remove this "mission" requirement. Make it so that I can level up through monetary gains without being blocked because I need to finish a mission to gain a level.
    And in the same time, make it so that missions requiring to get to a particular level require "get actual level +1" rather than "get such fixed level" (that will probably already be outpassed the moment the requirement is reached).

    B) Increase the money requirement of gaining levels, if possible outside the game so I don't have to tweak things in-game.

    I hope I explained myself better ^^

  • mission requirements can be edited on the missions itself but they can not entirely removed
    the money required to gain lvls can be changed with adoxas plugin

    That would do for the second problem, if I can edit things to make the mission requirement about "level up" as "actual level +1" rather than "fixed level".
    But the other problem is about level-up requirement being "mission", and this one I'm not sure I can edit from the mission file - though if it's possible, it would be great.

  • Okay, after looking for a while, I found a post here (open SP leveling with the storyline) that explained exactly what I was looking for much better than I could and clearly said it was impossible.
    Sorry, SWAT, it was what you said, but I thought you were talking about another point.

    Sooo, well, I guess I'll just have to fall back on the second-best method : using a mod that remove all level restriction for buying stuff, and use Adoxa's storylvl to get some breathing space between missions.

    *sigh* Why did they have to hardcode this stuff ? Never mind.

    Now I'm going to chase "no level restriction" mods. I'm pretty sure I can manage to find one, but feel free to post a link here if you know about a good one anyway, in case it's longer than expected :)

    Edit : and here Adoxa strikes again, found your FLHack, you just are the answer to everything here man :)
    Now I just need to make them work, and I'm gone to the stars ^^

  • Inserting the extra free times between missions basically does what you want. At this stage, I'm thinking of extending StoryLvl, allowing extra values in the ini:

    1. freetime_01_02 = 3500, 4000
    2. freetime_02_03 = 5200, 6000, 7000

    That means you'd need to obtain $3500 to get to Level 2, then another $4000 to get to Level 3, then the story mission to get to Level 4. $5200 gets you to 5, another $6000 to 6, another $7000 to 7, then the story to 8. Dunno when I'll actually write it, though (busy with FLMM v2, atm).

  • Ok, I've started my game, and having fun re-exploring the game - it's really still, despite its age, beautiful with the incredibly varied sceneries.
    But one thing that irks me and that I remember now that I'm again against it, is the sheer ridiculous AMOUNT of outlaws in the game. Not the numbers of factions - they are fine and varied - but the fact that there is practically ALWAYS pirates EVERYWHERE - at least once you leave "tutorial"-Liberty.

    Is there a way to mod a reduction in pirates' appearance , or am I condemned to see five red ships about twice a trade line, even in the middle of the most policed systems ?

  • Not really.
    I mean, the problem is the sheer AMOUNT of them. It's just... FAAAAR too many. It breaks the suspension of disbelief and becomes frankly annoying to have a godawful high number of pirates everwhere, at every turn, every time. I sometimes see pirates ships once at a the start of a trade lane, then the trade lane gets disrupted, then there are pirates at the end of the trade lane, then you enter the station at the end of the trade lane, and when you get out there is AGAIN pirates... All this in the core worlds of a main house...

    That's just... order of magnitude TOO MUCH.
    I'd like to cut the appearance by half. I want a world full of surprise, but it's always a balancing act, not just stuffing everything with constant, permanent, systematic pirate strikes;.

  • Hum, not really.
    I'm not interested in a mod making me friendly with everyone (much more fun to actually work for it in-game ^^), I'm interested in how it's possible to lessen the FREQUENCY of pirates ^^