Bar missions

  • I was looking through the tutorials and there are tutorials for story missions however there is not any for Bar Missions. I was wondering if the scripting is the same way just not as detailed or if the missions are more randomized and how Info cards get tied into that, specifically bounty mission or assassinations where a target is named.

    I want to add to these missions to make the distances you go to your target are greater, requiring jumps, and adding greater rewards for longer missions, as well as I am toy with the idea of removing way point markers to find your target. Sort of like in Privateer were in bounty missions you had to search the systems points of interest to find your target and it was just randomized in the system what base or jump gate the target is near.

  • I guess so, but I want to make it so there are no way points and the player has to hunt for the target. I can script a "Story line" mission that requires the player to fly to different way-points and then have the target spawn when the player is close to the way-point.
    What I can't seem to wrap my head around is how to randomize that for bar missions, and how to connect that randomized mission to info cards mission descriptions.

    Ideally this is what I would like to be able to do.

    Step 1
    Player takes the mission and is given a system that the wanted target "works in".
    Your target <Variable<john smith>> is a <variable <raider pirate smuggler or FL faction>> and is wanted by <Variable <LSF, Navy, Bounty Hunter>>. <variable <she he>> is been known to work in the <variable <California system>> the <Variable <LSF, Navy, Bounty Hunter> wants the target to be returned to <Variable< planet Manhattan>>, then have a script generated that matches that description generated or have an info card generated that matches that generated script.
    Step 2
    The script randomly places the target/s or trigger for the target/s to spawn within 10 k of a base or planet in the system that the player has been given when the player arrives with in 50 km of the trigger location
    Step 3
    The player then flies to the system specified in the info card, way-points are NOT given you just have to ride the trade lanes and look at all the different bases and planets until your target is spotted (Player approaches planet Los Angeles and the target is spawned by taking off and trying to make a run from the player)

    Step 4
    The player then stops the target and takes out the ship in a dog fight, the target ejects player tractors the pod and then has to return it to base specified in the INFO card, not necessarly the one that gave you the mission.

    Easy missions with low credits and easy targets would be in the same system as the mission is given but as before no way-points are given.
    As missions advance and get harder there are ambush ships that work for the "Boss" at other station locations throughout the system pre-spawned at mission acceptance or spawned when you get within 50 k of the space station. As well as multiply systems to search through "known to operate in new york California and Colorado" as well as moving targets where the target is spawned and travels down patrol paths.

    Like I said I am certain I can make "Story Missions" like this and just not give way point in the script and have the spawn triggers around players distance to a base the player just does not know what base is it. Question is can this be done with bar missions where the employer is randomized target location is randomized and return location is randomized.

  • What about the INFO card .dll aspect of this?

    It really doesn't have what I thought it would for information, mostly node information and I don't understand for lack of references,what node and what child connects to on the other side of the numbers.

    There is no NPC ships lists no name of npcs no comms models no nicknames very few conditions.

    Might have to go about it a different way, add a NPC to a bar that hands out my scripted missions? And write in a couple of bounty hunter style missions?

  • Pretty disappoint in that. I think I will just do the quest giver style missions have my targets use legal patrol paths so they stay to the shipping lanes and they just fly around untill engaged by the user, adds some style of randomization to it and hunting aspect.

    How do you connect you missions to a static npc like Juni so that the quests are story missions?

  • Say I complete my script, how do I give the mission to the player, I was thinking along the lines of a npc in the bar that is always there. Kind of how Juni gives you the first mission? Do I have to replace the standered mission arc or can add to it?

  • In mission 1

    nickname = chs_juni_bar
    system = Li01
    Cnd_CharSelect = juni, Bar, Li01_01_Base
    Act_SetNNObj = mlog_equip
    Act_AddRTC = missions\\m01a\\M001a_s005a_Li01_01_offer.ini, repeatable
    Act_AddAmbient = scripts\\Bases\\Li_01_Equipment_ambi_s005_music.thn, Equipment, Li01_01_Base
    Act_AddAmbient = scripts\\story\\Li_01_Equipment_ambi_s005_ship_01.thn, Equipment, Li01_01_Base
    Act_ActTrig = mrp_reject
    Act_ActTrig = mrp_accept
    Act_NNIds = 30015, HISTORY

    Is this not the mission accept link to this

    Location = Li01_01_base, Equipment
    offer = scripts\story\s005a_offer_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    decision = scripts\story\s005e_decision_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    accept = scripts\story\s005b_accept_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    reject = scripts\story\s005c_decline_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    autoplay = mission_text_id = 21805
    nooffer_text_id = 1840
    relocate_player = Cityscape

    spot = Zg/NPC/mFloor2/01/A/Stand
    spot = Zg/NPC/mFloor2/02/A/Stand

    npc = juni
    actor = juni
    fidget = scripts\extras\fidget_stand_female_NULL.thn

    This to the sceen where she gives you your ship player accepts its sources it out to m001a_s005a_li01_01_offer.ini

    Can I not write a script that uses a predefined npc look and charater name that then sources out to my script rather then a vanella mission?

  • How do you manage to decode .thn? Is that what you guys did for Crossfire? Or do you have all your new mission play after the stock cutsceens?

    I just finish downloading crossfire I will be playing on monday :D

  • I will take a look at them and see what I can see. Sounds like the Thn sources the script and activates the story mission script. So I will be looking at the equipment ship scene when trent recives the ship and see how that is sourced. Basicly to get a handle on it I am going to try and move juni from there into the bar, remove all the animations of that scene just have the info card accept deny. If that works then we can add custom mission to every bar. :)

  • The action of giving the player a mission that then triggers the activation of the story line missions is linked to the NPC Juni. This does happen in the bar, then to the equpiment dealer there

    Location = Li01_01_base, Equipment
    offer = scripts\story\s005a_offer_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    decision = scripts\story\s005e_decision_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    accept = scripts\story\s005b_accept_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    reject = scripts\story\s005c_decline_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn
    autoplay = true
    mission_text_id = 21805
    nooffer_text_id = 1840
    relocate_player = Cityscape

    This section here is after the little video/script of juni showing you your ship. When you take it

    it references accept = scripts\story\s005b_accept_juni_li_01_Equipment_01.thn this is all the animation and scriptted movies if the player accepts.

    My question in all this is where is missions\m01a referenced and activated?

    It looks like I might have this backwards m01a stars running the second you start a new game??, it references out to the freeport attack, and references out to the bar scene animation, and the equipment room scene and animation, when you launch triggers the Donial attack animation. As well as the dictates the flying mission actions and conditions.

    I though it was NPC---> mission accept/reject-----> mission script.

    It looks more like. Mission script ---->NPC (play bar scene .thn)----> mission script player clicks equpimentshop -----> NPC actions (play equipment hop scene .thn)---->acept/reject (play another.thn)---->mission script player launch ----> NPC Donal atttack .thn -----> mission script flying and shotting conditions for failure and pass.

    Am I on the right logic path?


  • Yeap

    Here a part of my mission script from Icaria Sector mod:


    nickname = m01a_offer_haarkon
    system = AR01
    Cnd_True = no_params
    Act_AddRTC = missions\m01a\M01a_haarkon_job_offer.ini This refers to ->
    Act_ActTrig = mrp_reject_haarkon
    Act_ActTrig = mrp_accept_haarkon

    this: \M01a_haarkon_job_offer.ini

    Location = AR01_01_base, Bar
    offer = scripts\story\msn01a_ar01_01_bar_haarkon_offer.lua -> And invokes the thn script (which is actually lua, compressed)
    accept = scripts\extras\fidget_stand_male_null.thn
    decline = scripts\extras\fidget_stand_male_null.thn
    decision = scripts\extras\fidget_stand_male_null.thn
    autoplay = true
    mission_text_id = 459004

    spot = Zg/NPC/mFloor2/01/A/Stand
    spot = Zg/NPC/mFloor3/01/A/Stand
    spot = Zg/NPC/mFloor3/02/A/Stand

    npc = haarkon
    actor = haarkon
    fidget = scripts\story\s009fa_fidget_King_li_01_Bar_01.thn

    Then goes back to mission script
    THNs can also be called by mission script directly, but thats for cutscenes (at least I don't know any other usage)

  • From there you just go into coding your events and and conditions? or are the mission events objectives, pass and fail in scripts\story\msn01a_ar01_01_bar_haarkon_offer.lua and this all the combat?

  • Those thn/lua scripts are for cutscenes only. They call models, effects, sounds. Contain camera movement and character animation. All the mission stufff is in the ini

    Thats the lua code I use:
    It's actually the vanilla mission 2 offer script which I shortened and slightly modified