Base\Planet infocard? Not that simple appearently...

  • I've been trying to make infocards for a base and a planet. I took a look at the infocards in the vanilla and saw that they're made out of 2 parts: stats and history. Each part is stored in a different XML entry in Infocards.dll. So I made an infocard to a base using Adoxa's FRC, and used it as I saw in examples from other bases: write in the ids_info entry only the stats and right after it theres the history part. I assumed it automatically takes both but it didn't. So I tried making both a single entry, and it showed up as expected, but it didn't show the usual thing about what the base sells, you know, the thing that shows after you visit it and check the info again.
    So, is that something heavily encrypted? or did I miss some parameter I was suppose to add?

    Thanks in advance!