is there any way to deactivate the mission videos?
And - is there the possibility to switch from Fullscreen to WIndowed mode during play?
is there any way to deactivate the mission videos?
And - is there the possibility to switch from Fullscreen to WIndowed mode during play?
one way would be to edit all mission files to now play the cut scenes
but since some of the following mission triggers check if a cutscene has been played you might break the entire storyline with that
you can switch between fullscreen and window mode with alt+enter
Good morning and thanks for your answer!
Alt+Enter doesnt work on my system. Do I have to edit options or something like that for this to work?
And for the mission videos - which lines would I have to edit? The ones like "offer = scriptsstorys009a_offer_King_li_01_Bar_01.thn"?
Which files are the mission videos? Maybe they can be replaced by something shorter?
you have to start the game in window mode and then you can switch between window and fullscreen with alt+enter
yes the thn files are the cut scenes
that are no videos but scripts which are used to generate the cut scenes
Doesnt work on my system. What could be the problem?
The normal storyline mission "videos" can be skipped if you set the duration in the corresponding files to a low value. For example:
(...and the other "s032..."-files except "s032e_decision_dexter_br_05_bar_01.thn" which gives you the option of taking or decling the mission)
first line:
I've set it to
duration=1 ; 47.736
And it works. It jumps directly to the mission-offer.
Also, all "fidget"-files may not be altered in duration. They seem to place the NSCs where they should be.
while that might work i would bet that he causes sideeffects since there are mission triggers which would get activated too soon then.